New York

1179 Words

Lana's POV We all left Seattle. I was back at my apartment, the last memories with dad was running through my mind as I looked at it. Arden was taking my bags out of the car. Miranda took Charl to Arden's apartment when we arrived in New York. The sun was scorching and this felt like old times when I was here. "Lana? Is that you?" I turned around and Cynthia walked over to me, making sure that I was real. My smile widened when I saw her. She still looked the same, all happy and chirpy. "Yes," I replied. She hurried over to me and she embraced me. "Oh my word, Lana. I missed you so much," she said, and then she pulled away, studying my face. "Gosh, you are real," she let out a breath of relief as she let me out of her hold. "I thought that I would never see you again and what the hel

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