Cynthia's Secrecy

1219 Words

Lana's POV Cynthia and I walked to the store to get some things for dinner tonight. I wanted to at least cook something for Arden. I just hope that I will not get sick. I always looked at how my dad cooked and he would let me help him sometimes. I miss him every day. After getting what we needed at the store, we walked past the coffee shop, the one where I first met Arden. I wish that I had known better that day. I was avoiding men and I think that I should've done just that. I am still getting used to the fact that I'm pregnant and sometimes I do wish things were different, that I wasn't stupid. But everything was just to please my dad. "What is for dinner?" Cynthia asked as we walked on the sidewalk. "I have to eat fruit. Well, that is the only thing that I can eat so far." I said

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