Time Alone

1067 Words

Arden's POV As I sit behind the desk in the study room. Staring at the blank piece of paper in front of me as I click the pen. My laptop is beside me as I will continue to go about what is needed to be taken care of. But my heart is heavy as I sit here. Lana said something that I disliked and it made me feel like she thought the worst of me. As if she doesn't trust my words. I only want to do things better this time. Maybe I was wrong in doing what I needed. Maybe she just needed me. My heart is also heavy because I am grieving. I never thought that this would ever happen again as I made the decision not to have kids after Charl was born. But now it has happened again and I do not know why I deserve to go through this. I sucked in a deep breath. I mustered up the courage to write a le

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