Chapter 16- A Silver Hair Girl

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Princess Anne was back at the town mayor's office. A man somewhere in his fifties, with a scar on his right eye, was seated across a table facing Anne. “Mayor Morley, please tell me about the attack that happened yesterday?" Princess Anne spoke unto the man. “Princess Anne, I do not know why you are suddenly asking for such a thing. It is worrying me." The mayor stands up from his seat and walks toward the window. He then took a deep sigh; he then continued. ”Princess Anne, I jest you should not dig any deeper. Stick into what you are here initially for; let your father handle it.” Anne stands up from her seats and stomps her foot on the wooden floor. She then replied, “there is no need for father to be involved!" The mayor looked over his shoulder and gave a stern gaze to Anne. “Princess, this is a matter that the kingdom needs to handle. A princess like you with a bunch of newbie adventurers should not poke any further into something dangerous." “The one who attacked us is not some small-time group of bandits. Even large-scale bandits are no match for us. However, we are not dealing with a group of bandits. We are fighting a general of the most powerful emperor." Anne crossed her arms and replied, “I know that, Mayor Morley. But this is something that I can deal with, so I once again ask. Please give me the details of what happened yesterday.” “Persistent you still haven't changed, princess. That bratty attitude of yours is still the same until today.” Anne smiled, “I take that as a compliment, mayor Morley." Morley rolls his eyes after hearing the princess. But he immediately giggles, “hehe, I see you are still the self-entitled princess. That smile of yours still haunts me today. Such a fake personality for a princess. " “Mayor Morley, I am not that of a fake princess. I am merely securing my position as the future ruler with no opposition." “I can't blame you for trying to secure that position, Princess. However, you are trying hard that this might lead you to danger. But I will be very well trying to support you in this quest. However, I will not tolerate your suicidal plans, Anne.” The princess sits back down, “Im happy to hear that you are worried about me. However, no need to worry since I am confident in my skills and someone in the party I formed is somewhat special.” Morley raised his right brow and turned toward the princess and asked, “Oh, then who is this someone special.” “If I tell you, Morley. Would you give me all I want? Without stopping me, isn't that a fair deal?" “This person is intriguing, but I will not permit you to gain access to any of our intelligence if this person is not that relevant at all, Princess Anne." “Trust me, Mayor Morley, that person will gain your interest; you will not regret gaining such information. This person might even boost your reputation.” Morley walks back to the table, where he sits back to the chair. “I guess giving you a chance would not hurt at all. But with such confidence, I think I can't say no. Now, tell me who this is, someone." Princess Anne grinned confidently to Morley, “the boy in our party." ”You mean that good-looking fellow, who I heard is attracted to the same sex.” Anne lost her confident grin, and a confused expression replaces it, “what do you mean by that, Mayor?" “You haven't heard, princess. Some folks saw the lad who is a member of your party—being intimate w-with another man. They were even doing it in public. I never thought you are friends with such strange exhibitionist people?" Anne was now more confused and embarrassed. She was hearing the thing about an event that happened to her party member. However, Morley continued asking, “Umm, princess, may I know why I would want that man? Who has built up a reputation of being attracted to another man?" However, the princess was not listening to Morley when he spoke about it, as she was confused and busy fantasizing about such a thing. Morley grabbed the princess on her shoulder and yelled, “snap out of it, princess!” The princess manages to snap out. But she was not in the right state. Anne looked at Morley and spoke, “Im sorry for that, mayor. I'm pretty surprised by this news. But what are we talking about again?" Morley lets out a sigh before speaking, “we are talking about the boy in your party." “Oh, sorry if I was a bit off. However, I will continue with where we left off.” “No apologies needed, princess Anne. Please continue." “Well, about the boy at our party. He is the hero who wields the most powerful sword said crafted by the best smiths. The sword in the tales, he said he owns it." Morley suddenly leans his back on the chair and rubs his chin. “It's not a bad deal to know that boy, I guess. He would boost my reputation if he truly is the owner of the sword. However, I will have to see the sword in my own eyes." “About that, Mayor Morley, I think it is impossible to see the sword since he had left it in his village." “Well, that's a disappointment. But due to this, I will give you what you want, princess. Instead, I will give it to you after you prove that he truly is the hero by showing me the sword that the hero can only wield. Could you show me? that he is the only one who can indeed wield it. Then I will give you everything you want. I can even assist you in your quest. Since helping a hero would undoubtedly make me famous and trustworthy.” “Fine, Mayor Morley, then give me three days…No! Give me four days to prepare everything and prove he is indeed the hero." “I will be waiting for such day, princess. I guess let us end our conversation here. I will ask my bodyguard to escort you to your INN." “Thank you for your worry, Mayor. But there is no need for such kindness. I am not someone that needs babysitting anymore." Anne stands up from her chair and walks towards the door. But before leaving the room, Anne said these words unto Morley, “I will see you after four days again, Mayor." Anne walks back to her INN, where Medina was the only one waiting. At the same time, Henry was back at the herbalist place again. He was pretty bored in the INN with nothing much to do. So he decides to go back to the herbalist who he had help. Henry was gazing at the two people in the building. Separating the herbs they had gathered while taking notes of their properties. The two people were so focused that Henry was unable to speak with them. However, Caleb saw the boredom of Henry. So he drops what he was doing and walks toward him. “Hey Henry, you seem a bit tired is there some problem.” “Nothing. I'm just a bit bored, especially with our party leader, who seems to make us work a lot." “Your leader must be a fun person if he manages to make you tired.”. “Well, she's not a he, also she's pretty beautiful. Probably the reason why I haven't left the party yet. But now I think about it; she's hardworking. Wouldn't you say so, Otis?" “I don't care about her. I'm just here to follow where you take me even though you are the one who forced me to go on adventures with you. All I wanted was a peaceful life as a snake." ‘I only joined you so I can find your weakness. Kill you and destroy this already corrupted world filled with greed.' These were the words that Otis wanted to say. “But isn't going on adventures fun, Otis, and meeting new people, seeing new places, and making new friends." “Yeah, meeting some traitors would be fun, ain't it?" “You should stop thinking about too much negativity about the world Otis. Some people might be what you are talking about, Otis. However, some are nice and would assist you on your journey. The world isn't always that dark, Otis." Otis rolled his red eyes and replied, “such naively thinking of such thing. Will only put you and everyone you know and love, Henry, in suffering.” Henry lets out a sigh of disappointment after hearing Otis. Before speaking, “I don't know why you are like that, Otis. However, I will prove to you my point.” Henry grabs Otis, “unhand me, Henry!" Otis demanded as Henry slowly puts him down a table. Henry then points at Otis with his index finger. He then said these words unto Otis, “I promise you! I will change your perspective of this world, Otis, and it will not be long before that!” “Then I'll be waiting to see you fail." Caleb was quite confused at how the two interacted. But he spoke, “I am pretty surprised that you two still are friends even with different mindsets. I guess best friends indeed are amazing." “Caleb, well, friends stick together. They face challenges together, suffer together, and achieve goals together." Caleb clapped his hands, hearing Henry, as his face had an astonished gaze. However, as they were talking, the door of the building opened. Henry, Caleb, and Otis looked at the person who entered as they were near. A girl with long silver hair, reaching her waist, was the one who entered. She had green eyes and carried a bow on her shoulder, with its string put between the girl's bountiful chest. The girl asked the two boys she met in the way. “Is the researcher here?" Caleb was the one who replied, “Do you have any business with my master?” The girl moves closer to Caleb and answers, “I have, and it's is urgent. So stop goofing around." Caleb was a bit terrified of the girl's action. That lead him to move a few steps back before running towards the older man. But as Caleb leaves, the girl gazes at Henry and Otis. However, Otis remembered the girl clearly. It the same woman who he had beheaded before with one swing of his hand; it was a nostalgic feeling for Otis to see the girl, whose head he separated back once again connected. “What are you two looking at, perverts!?" The girl exclaimed. However, It was only Henry who gazes at the girl with perverted intentions since his eyes are lock on the curvy body of the girl. And her shorts revealed a ton of her fair smooth skin. But Otis, who was called a p*****t, did not like the name of being called a p*****t by a girl who had no match against him before. However, he was stuck with such a small body and weak magic that he had to cast aside his pride and take the insults to avoid any miscalculations of his already all-over-the-place plans. Thanks to the limitations that his current body has. However, if he were in his original state, Otis would not think twice about beheading the girl again after being disrespected. But due to how puny and weak he is currently. He had to endure everything the girl had thrown at him. And wait painfully for the right time to enact his revenge. Caleb cane back with sir Harmon. “Umm, this is the girl looking for you, sir. She said that he has something urgent to speak with you, master." Harmon stepped forth and asked the girl, ”What do you want?" “Im here to ask about the promised thing." The girl replied to Harmon. Harmon crossed his arms and thought for a bit. Then he clasped his hands as he replied, “Oh! You here for that thing, young miss, correct." “Yes, so why don't we stop chit-chatting. Since I'm a bit uncomfortable with your perverted employee right here, with his perverted snake." The girl spoke as he points at Otis and Henry.
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