Ivy's life

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My teacher,My father. {Ivy:Main character} {Candice: Ivy's mom} {Louis: Ivy's father} I'm a 15 year old coloured girl,I grew up in the Eastern Cape with my mother.My father was never present in my life and whenever I ask my mother about him she would yell at me,saying that she's doing everything in her power to give me the greatest life and with or without my father's presence, we can live.I always wondered why she never wanted to speak about him but I never got the answer. [It's early in the morning, getting ready for school] Candice:Ivy you going to be late,just come out already. Ivy: Mom, I'm coming,here I am, let's go. Candice:Next time i'm leaving you,you going to see how you'll get to school. We drove off to school and when we got there I saw my friends and went out to the them.Mom left. After school,she came to fetch me and on the way home I asked her about dad. Ivy:Mom,can I ask you something? Candice:Yes baby? Ivy:Uh,how was dad?like what kind of a person was he?Am I like him? Candice:Ivy I thought I told you not to ever ask me about that person,what now?mmh? Ivy:Mom,I just wanna know more about him,and besides the only thing you always tell me is that he left a long time ago for work and that's it. Candice:Yes that's it Ivy,what else do you want from me! Ivy:I want my dad,mom!(Crying) We got home and I went straight to my bedroom and cried.Mom had had enough of me asking her about dad.Following day, I went to school by myself and Miss Hackman caught me crying in the class.She asked and I told her what happened. Miss Hackman: Your father was a really great person Ivy. Ivy:What do you mean "was"? Miss Hackman:Ohh no, I don't mean he died or something dear,what I mean is, he had long gone for the army many years ago with my husband,but they never came back Ivy,we got no reports of safety or anything,so ever since then,no one knows what happened. Ivy: What?so that's why mom doesn't wanna talk about dad? Miss Hackman:Yes dear,and besides your mom never wanted him to go but he insisted because he wanted to save people and bring peace to this place,now stop crying and go to your class,okay. Ivy: Thanks Miss Hackman. When I got home I asked mom about what Miss Hackman told me about,and she became very furious and shut me up. Candice:Ivy if you going to listen people out there,you better go live with them cause I won't stand hearing about the same person who chose the world over his own family! Ivy:But mom,he was only try'na help. Candice:Ivy just shut the hell up,you know nothing okay? Ivy:But mom Candice:Ivy!(crying). Mom was completely tired of hearing about this and tired of Limeville and it's people,she wanted to start a new life in a place where nobody knows us,a peaceful place unlike Limeville,so we had to move to Joburg.Mom's friend,Aunt Dannie lived in Joburg so mom said we gonna live with her. [Mom and Aunt Dannie speaking over the phone] Aunt Dannie: Candice,are you sure about this? Candice: Yes Dannie,and besides there's nothing I can do r.n, I'm tired of Limeville and hearing about Louis. Aunt Dannie:But Candice you really gotta think twice about moving out, I mean you can't be moving to another place whenever there's a problem. Candice:No Dannie,I've thought about it and it's final, I'm really drained now. Aunt Dannie:Okay then, friend you can come. So we moved to Joburg with Aunt Dannie and I went to this new school,made new friends and my mother was finally free from Limeville's dramas and she thought moving out of Limeville was the best option but little did she know she's finally letting me know my dad. At school,I was actually one of the top students,well the top achiever of the class. Mr Graighall,out Math teacher liked me a lot cause of how fast I was at learning and he would tell me to teach the other students when he's absent.Well there was just something very weird about our bond, and we really looked alike,he had the same eyes as mine,teeth alike and people used to say my mind is as fast as his,but why? [In the classroom] Mr Graighall:Morning class. Class: Morning sir. Mr Graighall:Today we're doing Statistics,well this gotta be the easiest topic we have here in Maths so let's get to it. Being with Mr Graighall made me feel better, complete actually.One day Mr Graighall asked me some weird questions. Mr Graighall:Ivy, come here,you good? Ivy: I'm fine sir, how are you? Mr Graighall: I'm alright.Um,mind if I ask? Ivy:No,you may ask sir. Mr Graighall: Who's your mother?where you from actually? Ivy: She's Candice sir,we from the Eastern Cape, why? Mr Graighall: What? Candice Zynep Haggins?(Shocked) Ivy:Yes sir,but how do you know her?(Shocked) Mr Graighall:Ohh no,um no dear,it was just a coincidence that I just knew her,nothing much. Ivy:No sir, there's no way you even know her second name yet it's just a coincidence? Mr Graighall:Um,ah,I gotta go,I got a class Ivy,thanks for your time okay. Ivy:Sir? Mr Graighall:Go to class Ivy. Mr Graighall started realising that Ivy is his daughter but didn't know how to tell her because he had long been absent in her life so she would have so many questions to ask. [ Mr Graighall speaking with Mr Hackman] Mr Graighall: Dennis,I don't know what to do now, I'm completely lost, finally I got to see my daughter but I can't tell her I'm her dad. Mr Hackman: Louis, listen,this ain't hard,you just gotta explain everything that happened there at the army and how you here now. Mr Graighall:No Dennis,do you think she's gonna believe me? Mr Hackman:Of course, she's just a child Louis. Graighall:Ohh s**t! Mr Hackman:What now? Mr Graighall: Candice, she's never gonna believe me and besides she never wanted me to go Dennis,oh no I'm never going to see my child if she finds out I'm here. Mr Hackman:Man relax,go and meet your family, it's been a long time now. Mr Graighall:No,I don't think this is the right time though. Mr Hackman: Louis,if you don't do this now then you'll never you know that. Mr Graighall:You rocken? it's now or never I guess. Louis went to look for Candice but he had no idea where to go,on the way he met Ivy opposite the park with her friends.He was scared to tell Ivy that he is her long lost father but had to know where to find Candice. Ivy:Mr Graighall,what are you doing here? Mr Graighall:oh Ivy,ha,hi,uhm where can I find your mother? Ivy:My mother?why are you looking for my mother sir?did i do anything wrong? Mr Graighall:No dear no,you did nothing wrong, there's just something I need to discuss with her. Ivy:What can you possibly discuss with her?you don't know her. Mr Graighall:About,about the,oh your performance at school, your beautiful performance yes. Ivy:oh i see, she's with aunt in her house. Mr Graighall: Where is her house? Ivy:In Orlando,13th Street, sir. Mr Graighall:Okay thank you dear. Louis drove to Orlando in search off we Candice and he finally found her in aunt Dannie's house.He knocked. [A knock on the door] Candice: I'm coming.[opening] She saw Louis and was like. Candice:No,no,no ways. Mr Graighall:Hi Candice. Candice:No it can't be you. Mr Graighall:Candice it's me,your Louis. Candice: Louis? No it can't be,it just can't![banging the door]. Mr Graighall:Candice!Candice no, please open[Shouting] Louis left.Candice couldn't believe she saw Louis after so many years. Aunt Dannie:Who was that? Candice:No,no no no no! Aunt Dannie:Candice what's wrong? Candice:Dannie tell me it's not real. Aunt Dannie: What's not real? Candice: Louis,Dannie Louis was here. Aunt Dennie:What?Louis? Candice:Yes Dannie,he was here. Louis drove back to Midrand. Louis: It's over,I'm done with. Dennis: What do you mean it's over? What happened? Louis:She just shut the door at me. Dennis: What? Louis:I told you this wasn't the right time,now look. Dennis:Then just give her time, she'll come around. Louis:No Dennis, she'll never forgive me and I can't blame her, it's my fault. A few days later. [In class] Ivy:Sir Mr Graighall:Yes Ivy? Ivy:The X is positive sir,it's x-4,not -x-4. Mr Graighall:Oh thank you Ivy,thank you(smiling). After a few minutes the bell rang. Mr Graighall:Ivy wait.(running to her) Do you have a moment? maybe a few minutes. Ivy:Of course sir. Mr Graighall:Uhm can you tell me about your dad. Ivy:Ah my dad?well I don't know much about him,all I know is he left me at a very young age for the Army,so reckless for a father right?but I don't need him anyways.(wiping her watery eyes) Mr Graighall:Yes so reckless (saying softly)bu,but... Ivy:,Gotta rush to my transport,bye My Graighall. Mr Graighall:Ivy,Ivy, I'm your father(Shouting) Ivy turned back and looked at him in shock. Ivy: What?Mr Graighall what did you just say? Mr Graighall:Yes Ivy, I'm sorry to break it to you like this but it's true,you had to know it. Ivy:No,you don't know me,how are you my dad?(crying). Mr Graighall:I know it's shocking but it's true. Ivy:No you not,you not my father.(running away) Mr Graighall:Ivy!Wait!at least let me explain,please. But had long gone and she got home. Ivy:Mom,mom!mom where are you! Candice:Jeez Ivy,don't you dare give me that tone! Ivy:Or what mom?or what? Aunt Dannie:You can't talk to your mom like that Ivy. Candice:Is that how you speak to me now Ivy? Ivy:When were you ever gonna tell me mom?(crying) Candice:Tell you what Ivy? Ivy:Mr Graighall? what is he to me?how do you know him mom? Candice:What? Ivy:You heard me mom!you never wanted to tell me about my father and now I had to find out by myself who he is.Mom is Mr Graighall my father? Candice:Ivy listen,I was... Ivy:Mom no!just answer me,is he my father? Candice:Yes Ivy,yes he's your father. Ivy:No ways mom,no when were you ever gonna tell me? Candice:I was gonna tell you Ivy,I swear. Ivy ran to her bedroom crying. Candice:Ivy,(shouting) ,dear listen to me,Ivy please (crying) Ivy:Leave me alone mom. Aunt Dannie:Ivy dear Ivy:I wanna be alone Aunt Dannie. After a few days Candice meets Louis at the mall. Candice:What the hell Louis?why did you do that? Louis: I'm sorry Candice but she had to know. Candice:Know what Louis?know a father that chose the world over her?mmh? would you wanna know that? Louis:I know I was reckless but now I wanna fix things okay?I want my daughter to finally get to know me. Candice:Fix what exactly?Louis tell me,can you fix a broken glass? Louis:No bu... Candice:Then get the hell out of our lives,we don't need you! Mr Graighall tried to talk to Ivy at school 'and it ended well. Mr Graighall:Ivy please just give me a chance to explain atleast. Ivy:Explain what exactly? that you abondened me for the Army?,mmh? Mr Graighall:Dear it's not like that. Ivy:Then what's it like? Mr Graighall:Dear I had to,it was very tough back then, you won't understand. Ivy:Make me understand then. Mr Graighall: There were many fights and riots between the villages and the provinces,so we had to go to the army to protect our people, I'm sorry I had to leave you like that. Ivy:Still you chose the world over me,your own child. Mr Graighall:Ivy I'm sorry okay,I know I was not there to see you grow but now I'm here and I'm gonna make things okay now, I'll be present in your life now my child ,please.(with watery eyes). Mr Graighall: Everything is going to be fine my dear okay(hugging her). Ivy: Promise you'll never leave. He looks at her and smiles. Mr Graighall:I promise my child, I'll always be right by your side. Louis managed to get Ivy to forgive him but but Candice couldn't. [In Aunt Dannie's house,Ivy enters] Candice:Ivy where were you? Ivy:With dad. Candice:What?Ivy you can't be going around with strangers (shouting). Ivy: He's not a stranger mom, he's my father,and it would be really nice if you'd forgive him,he's also a human. Candice:Ivy you don't know what you talking about. Ivy:No mom,if you just give him a chance and listen to him. Aunt Dannie:Ivy is right,just give him a chance then you'll take it from there. Ivy:Please mom. Candice:Fine,fine. Tomorrow morning Louise knocks at Dannie's door. Aunt Dennie:Coming(opening) Ohh hi Louis. Mr Graighall:Hi Dannie. Aunt Dannie:Candice you have a visitor. Candice: Coming,Louis? Mr Graighall:Candice, please listen to me. Candice:Sit down. Mr Graighall:ohh?thank you. Candice: I'm listening. Mr Graighall:Candice I don't know what to say cause things happened so fast and I couldn't think so I ended up taking wrong decisions.It was a very stupid thing to do. Candice:Of course it was dammit! Mr Graighall: I'm sorry Candice,please allow me to do better this time around,I promise I won't disappoint you guys,please. Candice:How do you think we coped without you Louis,what about Ivy?she needed a father Louis,where were you when I had to raise a baby alone? Mr Graighall: I'm sorry you had to go through that but now I'm here, I'll make up for all those years I swear,if only you could just give me a chance,I love you Candice,please. Candice:Only one last chance Louis,only for the sake of our daughter. Mr Graighall:Are you sure that's the only reason why you're giving me this chance?(smiling) Candice:What do you mean,of course that's the only reason.(smiling) Mr Graighall:You still love me, don't you?(wiping his tears) Candice:No I don't. Mr Graighall:Of course you do(says in excitement) Candice:Shut up.(smiles) They hug and Ivy goes too for a group hug while Aunt Debbie takes a photo. A few days later,Louis plans something for Candice's birthday and the day comes.Candice comes to the place blindfolded and she opens her eyes, Louis is kneeling down with a piece of gold in his hand. Mr Graighall: I've known you for many years and I loved you since day one,the love will never fade cause you truly are the only perfection in my heart and I know there's many fish in the sea but I guess you my lemo,please show me how you stole my heart,I really wanna feel it again my love,so,Miss Candice Zynep Haggins,will you make me the happiest man on the universe. Candice:Wow,umh yes,yes,yes.(crying in excitement) The crowd claps hands while Louis puts the ring on,they carry on celebrating her birthday.Ivy is over the moon,her parents are finally together and her father is back. Mr Hackman:Nice one buddy,nice one. Mr Graighall: Thank you man, wouldn't have done this without you, Otherwise you should go back home,your wife is waiting for you. Mr Hackman goes back to Limeville for his wife and on the other side Ivy's parents decide to marry on Ivy's birthday [Wedding day Pastor:I now pronounce husband and wife. [Crowd aplouses] Music on the background:(I want you for 24 hours,24 hours... The end. by:Esona Mazwana
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