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Tingolwenkosazana In a small village of ELuthulini at KZN, there lived a 15 year old Tingo who lives with her parents who are King and Queen of the village.The princess wishes to be a model one day, that's her biggest wish but her father doesn't agree with that. [In the royal house,Tingo is speaking to her mother] MaRhadebe:Tingo pass me my jersey,I have join the other women. Tingo:Ma,have you spoken to dad about my request?he must have thought about it r.n. MaRhadebe:Yes, I have but you'll hear from him now okay? I'm gone. Tingo:bye then. [Next day Tingo goes to school with her friend Zintle.] Zintle: Friend, have you spoken to your parents about this modelling thing? Tingo:I spoke to mom and she doesn't seem to have a problem with it but I haven't heard anything from dad, and I'm afraid he might not agree. Zintle:Why wouldn't he agree, I mean it's your biggest wish and besides you're princess buddy. Tingo:Bro,you don't understand,if dad has decided then that's it. Zintle:Ohh, sorry friend. [In the royal house,the King and the Queen are talking] MaRhadebe:Baba,kunodaba ebeng'fisa siluxoxe la. Bab'uMthimkhulu:Yhini MaRhadebe khuluma? MaRhadebe:UTingo baba unesfiso sokwenza lokhu kuthwa yi modelling,manje ebefuna ukuzwa ukuthi wena uthin ngalokho. Bab'uMthimkhulu:Yhin manje leyo?izomenzelan leyonto? MaRhadebe:Yi lento eyenziwa yilentombazana ekuth'wa wu Zozibini Thunzi baba,naye u Tingo ufisa uk'fana naye,avele kuma TV. Bab'uMthimkhulu:Haaa!ngeke ukbone lokho kwam,ingane yasebukhosini ihambe iyojaja phamb'kwesizwe ska Baba sibuka?ngeke ngsaphila MaRhadebe ngeke phela. MaRhadebe:Hawu baba? Bab'uMthimkhulu:Ngyeke MaRhadebe. [Tingo is coming back from school] Tingo:Sawbona ma,ha I'm so hungry shame ngeke. MaRhadebe:Yebo ngane ka mah,hawu yhin ukhathele yhin?[loughing] Tingo:Yebo mah,ngbenosuk'olude nje namhlanje. MaRhadebe:Hawu hawu,khululeka ngan yam,hlala phantsi ng'zokwenzela ukudla. Tingo:Mah, ukhulumile no baba ngalola daba? MaRhadebe:Ehe,kepha andthembisi lutho ngan yam,ubab'wakho akafuni kuzwa lutho ngalento. Tingo:Hawu mah ngobani manje? MaRhadebe:Uyinkosazana Tingo,akmelanga ukwenze lokho wena,ngyaxolisa ngan yam. Tingo went running to her room crying, with a broken heart,but she didn't give up,she wiped her eyes and told her self that no matter what,she is going to be a model,a successful one at that.As she was still speaking to her self she received a message from the modelling agency,they wanted her modelling videos and her pictures,she quickly sent some pictures and one of her videos to them.After a week of waiting,she received a message from the modelling agency again,this time they were actually accepting her at the school as they saw so much potential and talent in her. [Tingo speaking to her friend Zintle] Tingo:Ohh my,Ohh my,Ohh my,Ohh my,friend awaz'lutho haaa. Zintle: Tingo yhini?ubab'wakho uvumile yhin? Tingo:Cha,kepha I got good news. Zintle: Okay then,out with them, I'm waiting. Tingo:Zee, your friend got accepted into the modelling school haaaa.(screaming her happiness out) Zintle: Friend what?haaa,hybo nini manje T,Ohh my word,mngani I'm so happy for you. Tingo:Izolo friend, angkholwa,I'm so happy and thank you by the way. Zintle:Wow friend,hawu manje uzoya kanjan lapho? Tingo:Ouch,ngikcabanganga ke lokho,hawu friend ng'zokwenzani vele? Zintle:Hai angsazike mngan.hawu T musuk'khala phela soythol'indlela friend sukhala. Tingo kept begging her father to agree but he kept saying the same thing, so there was no way she could go to this school without her father's permission but she finally found a way. Tingo:Ma,ngyakcela i know awjwayele ukwenza lokhu kepha this is for me,my dream ma. MaRhadebe:Usowenzeni manje Tingo?Ufunani? Tingo:Angenzanga lutho ma,kepha ngzokwenza nawe lokhu,ngyakcela.So buka ma,(telling her her escape plan) MaRhadebe:Hawu,hawu ngan yam ngeke phela,sokwenza kanjan lokho? Tingo:Uzobona ma,wena nje ekmele ukwenze ,uzothula kbengathi nawe awazi ukuthi ng'kephi. MaRhadebe finally agreed to the plan,they carried on with their plan but there was just a lot on their way.Bab'uMthimkhulu was planning on getting Tingo married to a wealthy prince on their neighbouring village,a 24 years old prince. [Bab'uMthimkhulu speaking to Bab'uNgwane, who's also a king,the Prince's father] Bab'uMthimkhulu:kuphilekile yhini mfo wa kithi? Bab'uNgwane:Haa,kphilekile mfo wa kithi,ngiwumqemane kunjani k'wena? Bab'uMthimkhulu:Hai askhali ngalutho,we MaRhadebe,awus'lethel'u juice ngala. MaRhadebe:Yebo baba. Bab'uMthimkhulu:Manje wenzani undodana,ngisho phela umsebenzi? Bab'uNgwane:Hawu wusomabusiness lowa,akahlalanga phantsi. Bab'uMthimkhulu:Hai kulungile ke umakunjalo mfo wa kithi,kmele zishade lezingane. Bab'uNgwane:Ehe,nenkosazana ibukeka njengomuntu olunge kakhulu nje,ngyamthanda ukoti. Bab'uMthimkhulu:Ehe,yingane elunge kabi leya,uyphethe kahle futhi uyaphasa nase skoleni. [The talk carries on] [Tingo speaking to her mother in the house] Tingo:Ma,aksiyena uBab'uNgwane lowayana? MaRhadebe:Wuyena ngan yam. Tingo:Manje ufunani la?yhin aykhuluma no baba? MaRhadebe:Ngyaxolisa ngan yam,kepha ngeke usakwazi ukuya eGoli,ubab'wakho uyak'shadisa . Tingo:Ini?ma uthin kmina?(Shocked) MaRhadebe:Ngyazi kunzima ngan yam kepha akukho esngakwenza. Tingo ran to her room crying,not believing that this is really happening.After Bab'uNgwane has gone,she went to speak to her father. Tingo:Ngempela baba?mmh? ngempela uzongshadisa ngimncane kangaka baba,baba uyangzonda yhini?ngakwenzani Baba ngakwenzan?(crying) Bab'uMthimkhulu: Musuk'khuluma kanjalo nam wena ngimdala mangimngaka,uyashada uthanda ungathandi. Tingo:Baba ngyafunda mina,ngsafuna ukuqed'iskole,baba mina ngsafuna ukwenza I modelling ngeke phela. Bab'uMthimkhulu:Yabonake,kmele ususe lomsangano usekhanda k'wena,akho modelling ozoyenza la,uyashada Tingolwenkosazana finish and klaar! Next day she went to school and she barely focused in class.Zintle tried to speak to her. Zintle:T, what's wrong? Tingo:Zee,ngeke ukholwe. Zintle:Yhini?kyenzakaleni? Tingo:Ubaba ufuna ukung'shadisa nomuntu oba 24 mngani,how old am i?15. Zintle:Ini?kanjan manje Tingo?Uyngane kuphela nje yhin manje? Tingo:Hai mina angsazike ke manje, modelling? Zintle:Hai mngani kmele uphuma laphaya. [Tingo speaking to her mother] Tingo:Ma, ngeke ngshade mina,ngsacela sqhubeke nalokhu ebekqalile. MaRhadebe:Tingo ngeke phela, ubab'wakho uz... Tingo:Ma,angnendana no baba mina,naye akanendaba nami,ngyahamba mina. MaRhadebe:Okay kulungile ke Tingo. They carried on with their plan,MaRhadebe organised a car for Tingo and it took her at midnight,they arrived at Johannesburg in the morning,finally Tingo was there. When she reached Johannesburg,she saw the modelling school and went straight there,but she knew nobody there so she just stood there watching the other kids,she smiled with an imagination of herself in those heels, modelling just just like the other kids. One of the modelling couches saw her. [The couches are talking] Pam:You see that girl over there? Layla:(searching)Ohh, that pretty little lady over there?Aha? Pam:She looks interested on this and I don't know,but I see so much potential in her, there's just something about her. Layla: Okay? Pam went straight to her and spoke to her. Pam:Hey darling, how are you? Tingo:Ohh hi mam, I'm fine thanks and you? Pam: I'm good, would you like to join them? Tingo:Of course,yes yes yes,but Pam:But what?come let's go. Tingo:I can't,I still have to learn mam. Pam:Of course darling,now come. She followed her to the other kids and Tingo was doing just fine as if she's been doing this for a while now.After the rehearsals,Pam decided to take Tingo with her for more rehearsals for the upcoming competition without knowing that she had nowhere to go.When they reached Pam's house,they did more rehearsals and Pam was so happy to see someone who's so dedicated to modelling and somehow Tingo reminded her of her teenage years when she was still new to all this. Days passed and Pam realised that Tingo had nowhere else to go and she never gave her full details about herself. Pam: Tingo,come here. Tingo:(coming out from her room) I'm coming sis Pam. Pam:Umh, Tingo there's something we have to talk about. Tingo:Ohh really?well ibukeka ngathi i serious ke lento. Pam:We heading to our competition right now,but I know nothing about you,you never told me about yourself, where are you from anyways? Tingo:(looking down)Ohh,yheah right,okay what do you wanna know sis Pam? Pam:Your full name,your home, everything Tingo, everything! Tingo:Tingolwenkosazana Mthimkhulu,15 years old, I'm a model sis Pam,what now? Pam:Weh Tingo wena?we not playing here, people are gonna need this information put there okay,now start talking! Tingo ran away crying,thinking about how she's going to reveal her identity.Pam was left alone wondering why she just ran away after this. Next day Tingo went to the park to clear her head.A guy was heading towards her and saw this unique beauty in her and he stopped and just looked at her.After a few seconds he went and sat with her. Seekay:Such beauty hanging alone in the park,what would be the reason for that? Tingo:Just clearing my head, nothing much. Seekay:Ohh really?well seekay talking, who's the lady? Tingo:(Looks at him and smiles)Stranger,stranger you met in the park. Seekay:Ohh,nice to meet you stranger.(smiling) Tingo: I'm sorry if I'm being rude,but stranger would like be excused right now. Tingo stood up and went back to Pam's house. After a few days,they became friends,very close but Tingo never said anything about her being a princess or her background. [ELuthulini,back at the village,the king is talking to his wife] Bab'uMthimkhulu:Weh MaRhadebe,woza la. MaRhadebe:Baba yini manje? Bab'uMthimkhulu:MaRhadebe sekphel'iviki ingekho manje lengane,kanti idukephi le ngane? uBab'uNgwane useylungisile indodana yakhe,u Tingo usmoshel'iskhathi manje. MaRhadebe:Hawu Baba,yazi awnamahloni,ingan'idukile wena ucabangana nomshado no Bab'uNgwane,lokho nje ucabangana nentwey'ngasile la ekhanda,iphutha lakho nje uk'hamba kukaTingo la.(Crying) Bab'uMthimkhulu:MaRhadebe ukhuluma nam kanjalo?Le ngane izobuya,kmele ibuye,lo mshado kmele uqhubeke! MaRhadebe carried on with the act and Bab'uMthimkhulu was very upset that the wedding had to be called of since Tingo was no where to be found,he thought about the money he was going to get if the wedding took place.He sent people to look for her all over the village but they couldn't find her,even Zintle didn't know where she was. [At Johannesburg,at Pam's house] Pam:Tingo baby listen okay?I don't want us to fight again okay?all I wanna know is just everything about you. Tingo:I told already though,what more do you want now? Pam:I know but it just ain't enough okay. Tingo:Okay fine,what do you wanna know?that i'm from KZN,deep in the village of ELuthulini ,that i'm from a royal family and I ran away from that place to make my dream come true since my dad never gave me a chance else now?that my own Dad wants to get me married for wealth,what else?(crying) Pam: Ohh (realising how the situation is) I'm sorry to hear that,I didn't know ,I'm so sorry okay?now wipe your eyes and get ready for the rehearsals,we'll handle the rest later. They went to the studio for the rehearsals. [At the rehearsals] Tingo was doing so well that she even excelled better than everyone there and Sis Pam saw that she really wants this. [back in the village] Bab'u Mthimkhulu:Weh MaRhadebe? MaRhadebe:Baba? Bab'u Mthimkhulu:Sek'phelile amaviki manje,ayika buyi lengane,kanti k'yenzakalani? MaRhadebe:Hayi nam angazi baba,angazi ngempela ke manje. [In Johannesburg,Tingo is preparing for the big competition] Sis Pam:Why does it look like you're scared? Tingo:I am sis Pam,i mean there'll be so many people in there and I'm not even sure that i can nail this again in there. Sis Pam:No Tingo,there's no way you giving up now,It's only two days till the big day. Tingo:I know,but i just can't sis Pam,i really am scared,please excuse me. Tingo goes out to the park to clear her head,then again she meets Seekay. Seekay:Ohh hi stranger. Tingo:(Giggles)Hey,seekay right? Seekay:You still remember?wow,well yes but I'd really love to know your real name "stranger". Tingo:Fine,I'm Tingo,Tingolwenkosazana Mthimkhulu. Seekay:Tingo?wow,your name is very rear hey,It's cite thou.(smiling) Tingo:I know right?thank you by the way. Seekay:Your surname,i feel like there's something about it.Wait,"Mthimkhulu "ain't that a royal surname? Tingo:Well i don't know what you talking about. Seekay:Tingo it's a whole month,but you never told me anything about you,everytime we talk about this,you run away,why?(Shouting) Tingo:Fine Seekay,I'm from a royal family,in a village in Durban,i ran away from home cause my own dad wants to get me married to an old guy,and he doesn't want me to carry on with modelling!is that enough now?(crying) Seekay:Ohh,sorry bout that,i didn't know,I'm sorry i pushed you to talk about it. Tingo:it's okay,and besides I'm not doing this anymore,i just can't. Seekay:No what?Tingo you can't do that,ever seen how great you are in this?people are vouching for you,you can't just stop. Tingo:Seekay you don't understand,I'm scared,what i fall in there?what's gonna happen to me? Seekay:That won't happen okay?& besides,why are you here?why did you run away from home?mmh? Tingo:To fulfill and live my dream. Seekay:Exactly,now do that,you not here to be a looser,you here to win!now you gonna go out there and show yourself to the world,show the world who Tingo is. Tingo:Okay,I'll do it.and ty by the way. Seekay managed to change Tingo's mind and finally she decided to carry on with competing.She went home to tell sis Pam and Pam was so happy that she finally changed her mind. [After two days] The big day has finally came,Tingo is shaking and feels so scared,but Pam and Seekay try to calm her down. Sis Pam:Tingo we doing this right?you gonna enter the stage and show them what you got. Tingo:I'll try sis Pam,I'll try. Sis Pam:No don't try,do it. Sis Pam organised a transport for MaMthimkhulu to come and watch her daughter,so her mother was there while she was perfoming. People performed really well and finally Tingo got to the stage,everyone was screaming and amazed by this person. Tingo's performance shook everyone and people loved her a lot. Layla:Now it's time for hearing our winners.So on the third place we have Lusenathi Dlomo Second place we have,Ethandwa Zimela and our number one is,lemme hear the drums rolling! (People shouting Tingo) Layla:We have,Tingolwenkosazana Mthimkhulu!Our 1st princess and the face of the city. People:Speech,Speech,Speech! Tingo:I'm,i don't know what to say(tears of joy),but firstly i would like to thank my mom for being there for me and supporting me,MaMthimkhulu,wherever you are,thank you so much,secondly,Sis Pam,thank you for taking me in,and teaching me all this,I'm standing right here,It's all you and Seekay,thank you buddy for the support,even when i wanted to give up,you reminded why i came here,so thank you and to everyone in here,at home,anywhere,thank you guys for the love and support,i appreciate you guys a lot.And one thing i can say is,"No matter how closed the sack is,just cut the sack and make roll."Thank you. Her mother couldn't hold her self she just cried and went to hug her daughter at the stage,Tingo was so happy to see her mother and the fact that she was here for the performance. MaMthimkhulu :Ng'yaziqhenya ngawe ngan yam. Tingo:Ng'yabonga ma. ( Crowd screaming) Her father was watching the news and saw her daughter being a star out there and realized that he was wrong for stopping her all along and finally took the blame,he stopped this marriage thing. He apologized to his wife and his daughter for the way he treated them and promised to be better father and husband now. Tingo became the face of the city, and started having money and Seekay was there to support her in every step and of cause they finally became item,match made in heaven. Moral of the story:{No matter how closed the sack is,just cut the sack and make roll,you know the works.}

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