Chapter 2: Love Comes Calling“Man, the stores are a nightmare! Why do I wait so long every year? You got any wine?” Andy swept into Beau’s apartment with a rustling of bags. The smell of the cold streets still clung to his wool coat. “Sure I do,” Beau said. “You want to just stay in? I have takeaway in the fridge. We don’t have to go out if you’re too tired.” “That actually sounds great. You don’t mind, do you? I’m so sorry to change our plans.” “I am not too keen on getting out there in all the craziness if it’s that bad. That’s why I do my Christmas shopping online.” “Online? Ew.” Andy pulled off his winter boots and dropped them by the door with matching thuds. “There’s just something about shopping online. You can’t pick up the stuff. Feel its heft. Sniff it. Absorb its essence.”