Chapter Twelve: Result of my actions

3420 Words

CHAPTER TWELVE: RESULT OF MY ACTIONS {hani blithe's point of view} The sun peaked, showing the day before us.       I sip the last coffee that settled on my cup as I stare at the rising sun. The rays that surround it were slowly greeting my body as the wind carefully danced with my hair. The gentle breeze from the trees was giving me a sense of relief, one that hasn't settled in my skin for a long time.       My eyes land where the ground rested. I'm in a rooftop, possibly the only chance that I have been this cliché. Never have I wasted my time on just letting the time pass, only on this occasion.      It would be hard to lay my hatred below the line with the sea of wolves swarming around me. I even see it as a miracle that I still haven't got to kill wolves inside this perimeter—we

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