Chapter Eleven: This is for Nvae

3700 Words

CHAPTER ELEVEN:  THIS IS FOR NVAE {hani blithe's point of view}  Everything stilled, maybe for a minute or two.      The air in my lungs grew constricted, rendering me nothing but immobile; the emotions inserted inside me were a blur that I didn't know what should tower the other. My eyes were set on one person alone. The blood dribbling from the back of her head was usually a start of the warning bells yet I can't move nor think.       I focus my eyes on Nvae's unconscious body. Nothing seems to function inside of me. All the feeling of lost corrupted me from the inside, shutting down my system in a flush. Then at that same moment, my eyes noticed her chest moved.        She's alive, thank f**k!       My feet moved fast, not once did I give a damn that there werewolves on every sid

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