Chapter 9: Cause a Ruckus.

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♡Took one fuckin' look at you Now I want to know how you taste- Break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored[Ariana Grande]♡ °°°°°°°°°°°° ALPHA. It took Beverly forever to join us before she finally showed up at the popular table. She sat down next to me and dropped her apple pie and banana smoothie on the table. Logan and I were eating fries. Oliver decided to go with pure milk and wafers while Lunetta was with pancakes and waffles. I don't really care about what the rest of her friends were eating. "Oliver, I really think that you have a weird combination," Beverly said, causing Oliver to smile. "You can only tell me that when yours is normal." He retorted and she laughed. "Nah, I think the only weird stuff is the crab meat inside the fries, your brother has a very interesting taste." Logan pointed out in a sarcastic way. "Trust me, he fried pineapples and mixed them with honey... I mean, who does that?" She rolled her eyes as she began to bite into her pie. "Who were you talking to that made you so late?" I asked her, totally ignoring her conversation with my friends. "It's Star, the new girl..." Beverly responded nonchalantly as she munched her pie continuously and I somehow was fully interested in the conversation. "Why exactly are you even doing that though?" I questioned further. "Why can't I? I feel like she's sort of nice and I like her confident and I-don't-give-a-f**k attitude. It's not every day that we get to see people like that, so I thought we could be good friends, she's soooo my type." She replied, fawning, I shot one of my brows up while Logan gave me a curious look. Oliver was relatively uninterested. He simply plugged in his earphones and zoned out of the rest of the universe. Typical. Lunetta adjusted a little bit and faked an unnecessary cough just to obviously draw some attention to herself, and when she was sure that she had gotten our eyes on her, she spoke "Well, I think that this so-called Star of a girl is a very proud girl and one that needs to be thought not to mess with certain people, damn, can you believe that she had the audacity to slap me?" "Yea, right. Let's act like you didn't bully her cousin and slap her first before she retaliated. Oh! Wait, I forgot that you're the royal majesty, you're the only one who can slap, no one else can." My sister responded to Lunetta in a very sarcastic manner. In all our years of being together as a group in school, it was always obvious that Lunetta and Beverly didn't really like each other and only tolerated one another simply because they had no choice. But then, they had never gotten into any back-and-forth bickering with each other as well, they seemed to just avoid each other's existence in total. However, seeing the way things were going right now, it seemed like the new girl called Star was about to cause a ruckus. "By Penny, you mean the fatty who tries so hard to fit in?" Lunetta scoffed and chuckled. "She's just a piece of trash I'm trying to get rid of, she doesn't belong in this school, remember? She's like a stain we are all trying to wash off. You need to stop acting like we all don't hate her either." For some reason, the more Lunetta spoke about this Penny girl, the more guilty I felt, but I shrugged it off. "How can you say such a thing? That's outrageous, she's human just like you, the stupid bet is over! You taught her a lesson and you had fun while it lasted. Isn't it high time you left her alone already?" Beverly yelled. "Ohhhh... dear Beverly, you never stood up for her, not even once! So what the heck are you trying to prove now? The good girl? Superhero? Do you know what we call people like that? Hypocrites! Choose a freaking stand and stay there!" Lunetta threw right back at her. Logan grunted like he was bored of their fight already... they never seemed to agree, but it never got to that. Beverly, on the other hand, realized Lunetta was right but would rather die than let her have the upper hand continued. "I might be a hypocrite and I'm honestly ashamed of that, but it's better than being a stupid b***h who thinks she's all that just because she's Alpha's girlfriend! I think you should stop acting like some entitled b***h already!!" She roared. "How dare you call me a b***h? You worthless, cheap stupid dog, if not for your brother too, do you know where you'd be? At the bottom of the barrel, you i***t! You would be absolutely nothing in this school either." Luna retaliated and that was just when I snapped. What the f**k did I just hear? I began to boil in anger as I suddenly stood up with shaky fists, gathering the attention of the whole cafeteria. I turned to Luna. "Repeat what you just spat out of your godforsaken mouth!" I ordered, and I wasn't smiling at all. I joke with anything and anyone, but most definitely not my twin sister! Nobody ever dares to say s**t to or about my sister! As if realising that she had gone too far, Lunetta was livid immediately, "Alpha... baby, I am deeply sorry for the names I just called her... I..." She started to apologize. "Alpha, don't get mad at me. I promise not to do that again, she... she.. pushed me to the far end, babe please..." She continued to beg as she then stood up to touch me. I shrugged her hands away instantly, still fueled by anger. Why did she think I was tolerating her whiny ass as my girlfriend- fiancee or whatever? Did she think I was with her because I liked her? If not for my sister's sake, she wouldn't even sit with me and she dares to insult that same sister of mine? "Get out!" I yelled at her. "Oh come on! It should not be up to this level, babe. I said I am sorry. People are watching us right now. It's embarrassing. You know she started it!" She tried again. "I don't want to see you right now. Just get the f**k out!" I ordered her again. She ran out of the cafeteria with her puppet friends following right behind her. After I was sure that she was out of sight, I turned to my twin sister, "Beverly, you should also always mind the way you talk to Lunetta. And all this because of what? Some Star girl? Come on!" I snapped. "Alpha, it's high time you stopped treating me like a baby. I can stand up for myself, I can handle Luna on my own. You're just my elder brother by two freaking minutes, you're not the boss of me at all, so stop it!" She snapped right back as she took her seat, picking at her nails, a habit of hers. I was still pissed so I just laughed and took a sip of my water. I needed fresh air, so I stomped out of the cafeteria, but not before my eyes met the new girl's. And I could swear that my heart skipped a beat.
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