Chapter 8: Laughing with Beverly King.

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♡She don't see the light that's shining Deeper than the eyes can find it Maybe we have made her blind- Scars to your Beautiful[Alessia Cara]♡ °°°°°°°°°°°°° STAR. I was about to start talking when Penny walked in and the attention of everyone drifted to her. The teacher seemed so furious as he snapped at her. "Penelope Campbell! Why are you late?" He asked with an ugly scowl on his face. Penny was rather frozen as she fixed her gaze on him not knowing what to say. "Urrrr....she must have gone to look for me when I got lost" I said to cover up the whole thing and not cause extra drama this morning. "And why if I may ask will Penelope do that?" He questioned further. Uh... what's wrong with this man? She couldn't have done a good deed for nothing? "That is because we are cousins. Penny was showing me around when I got lost and wandered away. She must have gone in search of me, that's why she is late." I lied yet again and he seemed to finally accept it. "Is that the whole truth Penny?" He turned to confirm from her but she was still frozen at the spot, acting like she had issues speaking. Oh Gosh!! What's wrong with this girl? Does she have a problem with public speaking or something? I slightly pinch her back to her senses as she nodded vigorously, "yes, yes! It's true sir." she agreed with me. "Go ahead and take your seats then." the teacher ordered. "Urrr....she hasn't introduced herself yet!" Someone from the rest of the students reminded the teacher and I felt like scratching the person's face out. "Ohhh that's right! Please wait and do that." he urged and I did introduce myself to the whole class as confidently as I could. Things like that don't unnerve me, but then I get cold feet sometimes too. I took my seat beside Penny and kept my book on the desk, I couldn't concentrate as I tried as much as I could to get Penny's attention and make her talk to me. In no time, the class was over and I bet this was the first time in history I didn't get a thing the teacher was talking about I huffed and put my books back then turned to Penny. "Penny, I understand how you feel. Trust me, you're gonna be just fine." I tried my best and she scoffed at me. "Hey....Penny!" I called but she rather gave me cold shoulders. The bell went for lunch time and most of the students hurriedly left the class. Penny included. I held my food in my hand and followed her, but kind of lost track as the whole place became flooded with students......urrr.....I wasn't gonna give up like this. "Hey, you dropped your lip balm...." Someone tapped me. I turned to see a beautiful shade of blue eyes staring at me. She was white, but tanned and her long blonde hair was perfectly styled into a pretty polished pony tail and Chinese fringe in the front. "Sorry, I didn't get that." I lied again just to hear her voice. "I said I you dropped your lip you go" she repeated as she handed it over to me. "Ohhh, thank you." I said as I smiled at her. "Yeahh, be careful next time." "Sure...." "I really love ChapStick lip balm, so moist, soggy but comfortable." She continued, obviously trying to keep the conversation going. "Well, yeahh... I usually think it's crap and I plan on just changing it soon." "Why would you think that?" She asked curiously. "Ummm... I guess I just prefer going with the usual simple lip gloss." I replied with a shrug. "I use lip balm as back up plan for lip gloss." She said. "You're real pretty, I don't think there's a need for lip gloss." I teased "Woahh, thanks. Wasn't expecting that... you're really gorgeous too I'd admit." "I get that a whole lot. Thank you." "Sorry for not properly introducing myself, I am Beverly King." She stretched out her hands to obviously get a handshake. "I go by Star Fox..." I returned as I took the hand graciously. "I witnessed your argument with Lunetta this morning." she said and I gave her a confused look. I can't remember knowing any Lunetta "I'm sorry, who is Lunetta?" I asked, sincerely confused. "Okay, let me explain...Lunetta is also know as Luna which you probably heard the most this morning, she is a very proud girl that needed someone to knock her down at least once or twice. And you did just that this morning, nobody ever has the balls to do that even though a lot of us wish we could." She replied and I laughed hard about it. Ohhh... so this was about that cricket that I talked to this morning? I didn't even see the need to have her name memorized. I've seen too many bugs like her, they think they're all that but they are not, she shouldn't be a problem to me at all. "Enough with the flattering already, come and join me...Seat with me." She offered. "No, maybe some other time..." I kindly turned her down. "Alright, it's cool...we'll see each other again right?" She asked. "Sureeee!!" I nodded and she skipped away to.the middle of the cafeteria that seemed to hold the most beautiful specimens of people, male and female. I turned around to go meet Penny and she was staring at me like she is seeing a ghost. It felt like she could see through my flesh, veins and even soul. "Penny, what's wrong?" I asked with full concern "You were talking and laughing with Beverly King??" She questioned in shock as her voice sounded like it was cracking. "Uh, yes?..." I nodded skeptically. "Listen Star, Beverly and her twin brother Alpha are the power duo's of the school. Their mom is the owner of the school!!" She exclaimed. "Uhm? So? That doesn't seem like a big deal to me the way you're making it out to be. Beverly isn't so bad, she seems very nice." I said. "Yeahhh, Beverly is nice and all but you shouldn't associate with her!" She snapped. "Why not?" I asked, tired of the so many do's and don't's that Penny had been throwing at me since we got to the school this morning. "You'll get to meet Alpha, and he is not someone to be friends with." She responded adamantly. "But....why do you say that?" I persisted. "Alpha is a very big jerk! His friends... Logan and Oliver?? You do not want to meet them!! They are the bigger Bullies, very very inhumane and cruel. No sane human should associate with them!"
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