5 - For the things that will never be

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Lilly I scream so loudly when I feel Vasara clawing to get out, clawing but getting nowhere. I’ve never had any problem shifting in the past. But being locked in this cage-like prison cell, chained in silver, my Wolf is stuck. Yet, she’s so angry with me that she’d tear me apart from the inside out. The pain in my chest is too much, and the bit.ch doesn’t care! Okay, I told her I didn’t care what happened to Bastian, but I didn’t think she’d turn on me. My Wolf is much more powerful than the average Alpha Wolf. She’s also much larger than most Wolves, stronger, faster, and more liable to rip someone apart if they’re not careful. I have control over Vasara most of the time, but there are times when I can’t control her, and bad things happen. I can’t let her take control right now. Shifting while locked in silver isn’t always possible, not even for a Supreme, but if she wants it, Vasara will force it until my body has no choice; consequences be damned. Shifting while in heat in a strange place is not a good idea, even if we could transform. The slu.t would only end up running straight to Bastian, forcing his Wolf out, and having se.x with him for hours on end. If she did that, we’d end up pregnant with the pups of a man I can’t stand. I fall onto my back, screaming in agony as I claw at my body yet again. I can’t breathe; my shirt feels restricted, even though it’s torn. ‘Vasarsa,’ I sob to my Wolf. ‘Please stop, I can’t take any more. I just want to go home to Harry. I’m sorry, please, I’ll do anything!’ ‘It’s not me, Lilly. I’m angry with you, but I’d never physically hurt you, you know that. It’s the heat. It’s unbearable because you’re a Supreme Alpha. I know you don’t want to hear it, but you need Bastian. Only then will this pain stop.’ “Oh, Goddess!” I scream to the heavens as blood pours from my body and to the ground. I’m going to die here, and there’s nothing I can do about it. ‘Yes, there is. Call for the Beta and have him take you to Bastian.’ I ignore Vasara and continue screaming and clawing. I feel as though I’ve torn something in my chest because I’m suddenly choking on blood, and I’m not healing quickly enough. What the hell is happening to me? “Oh, my Goddess, what have you done?” I don’t know who’s talking because I can’t even see them through my Wolf vision. I also can’t stop clawing at myself. I feel like I’m dying, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. ‘Yes, you can, and you know what.’ ‘Shut up!’ “Micha, what do we do?” “I’ve called for help. They’ll be here soon, baby. But we need to hold her down so she doesn’t hurt herself any more than she already has.” I scream when they grab my arms and try prying them away from my chest. If I don’t claw, the pain won’t stop! “Micha, her eyes are violet. Could what everyone is saying be true? She’s a hybrid Supreme?” “Yes, Mel, it’s true, and she’s also the future Alpha of Scarlet Walkers Pack.” “Oh, my Goddess, we’re all going to die for this.” Suddenly, more hands are on my body, holding down my legs and arms. But I don’t stop thrashing against them. I’m sweating profusely, and my ears are ringing. The pain in my chest increases, and so do my screams. “We have to get her to the infirmary before she kills herself.” “We also need to get Bastian down there. He needs to hold her, or we’ll lose her. The bond must be mended, or we’ll all lose our damn lives.” I feel as though I’m losing consciousness, and I’m also floating through the air. I thought I was getting a reprieve from the pain, and even though I can feel prodding and poking in my chest, the pain comes back tenfold. I want to be strong, but I don’t think I can be right now. All the training I’ve done with my brothers and other pack members. All the broken bones I’ve dolled out and received to learn how to fight. All the hours I spent learning how to put a man twice my size on his ass, and I suddenly feel so fragile. The agony racking my body is due to my status. Everyone feels the bond-breaking at different levels. But I never realized just how awful it would be for someone as powerful as I am. I know the blood loss isn’t helping me any, and all the clawing I’m doing will only damage me more. But I can’t seem to tell myself to stop. My arms and legs are suddenly strapped down, and I pull against the restraints, screaming. I need to do something; I have to stop this agony before it’s too late! “Where the hell is Bastian?” The girl, Mel, I think Micha called her, asks someone. “He’s not coming,” “What the hell, Micha? He’s just going to leave her like this?” As something sharp pricks my arm, I gasp for breath, and a warm substance rushes through my veins. Everything within me is suddenly calm; my Wolf recedes, and my eyes close. But I don’t lose consciousness; I can still hear the people in the room. They’re all trying to help me heal the wound on my chest. I don’t know what good it will do; it’ll heal on its own eventually. “He’s as stubborn as she is, Mel. I don’t know what the hell to do for the best. A couple more days and the heat will be over.” “It could be too late for Lilly by then, Micha.” I hear Mel sniffing back tears, but I don’t understand why. She doesn’t know me, so why shed a tear for me? Of course, I’m stupid; she’s not crying for me but for her Alpha. He’s in pain, and it’s all my fault. Actually, no, it wasn’t my fault; it was his own. Bastian rejected me without even knowing anything about me. He brought this on himself, but I’m the one causing myself this pain. “Baby, what can I do about that? Bastian won’t come down here, and no one can force him. He’s our Alpha, Mel, and we have to respect his wishes.” “Even if it means the death of his mate?” “Even if it means that,” “She’s so beautiful,” I feel Mel stroke my hair back from my forehead. “I know she’s the future Alpha of Scarlet Nightwalkers, but she’d make a wonderful Luna for our pack.” That would never happen, even if Bastian did take back his rejection, and I accepted him as my mate. I will never leave my home or give up my birthright. I have worked too hard for twenty-five years to prove that I am the best person to take over when Mom and Dad step down. I don’t want to be Luna of Gray Shadows. Though if Bastian and I were to mate, he’d be my Alpha mate. Men do not become Luna’s. Bastian would be gifted with powers he didn’t know existed, but only if my father accepted our union. Dad would never refuse my mate; the choice would always be mine to make. Bastian would have a home within my pack if he chose to be with me. But that isn’t going to happen because Bastian doesn’t want me, and he never will. If I make it through this hell, I’m going to tear his head from his shoulders! I wonder if my parents are missing me? I wonder if my brothers know what happened yet? I wonder if my baby is praying that I will be home soon? I miss them all so much right now. I try reaching out to them one at a time, but nothing happens. ‘Luther,’ I call again. ‘Why can’t you hear me? I don’t understand what’s going on.’ ‘Lilly?’ ‘Luther? Is that you?’ Hope blooms in my chest. If there was anyone I could get through to, it was Luther. I’m guessing I can now because I’m no longer in silver. ‘It’s me. Where the hell are you? We’ve been searching for you for days!’ ‘Please,’ I sob, and I hear my brother gasp inside my head. I never cry, simply because I never have anything to cry about. But right now, I’m too weak and too emotional to care. I need my brothers; they’re the only ones who can give me the strength to fight this. ‘Luther, I need you.’ ‘Where are you? What’s wrong?’ ‘I was captured … They ... thought I was ... a rogue.’ I’m losing the fight with consciousness. I can’t give up until I tell my brother what he needs to know so that he can rescue me. If there’s anyone who will save me, it’s Luther and Leander. ‘Found my mate... Rejected me,’ I hear Luther suck in a deep breath. ‘Oh, Lillian,’ ‘Help me, Luther... I... I’m dying.’ ‘Tell me where you are, Lilly!’ ‘Gray Shadows...’ Is all I get out before I lose myself to darkness.
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