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Maximus  I feel the warm light on my face, it is morning already. I feel like I was only asleep for twenty minutes. Kayden was already mindlinking me.  ‘We have a situation, we just got word from the Pinewood Pack.There was an attack, an ambush…’ ‘That’s Annie’s old pack. Are her parents okay?’  ‘Conrad went mad and killed most everyone. Nobody has seen her mother. Her father’s body was found in the ruins’ ‘Conrad did this to his own pack? Meet me in my office in fifteen minutes. We need to go over this’  ‘Yes Alpha’  I look over to see Annie still sound asleep. She’s been asleep for almost twenty hours. I am so worried about her. I give her a soft kiss on her lips before getting out of bed, going for a quick shower.  I let the hot steamy water wash over me, relieving me of some stress, if only for a moment. I stepped out and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my waist. I walked back into the bedroom, Annie still sleeping soundly. I quickly got dressed, giving her a kiss on her forehead and pulling the blanket further onto her body before making my way to my office.  Kayden and Nathan were waiting for me already. I walked over to my desk, there was an open file sitting on it. I glance down, it’s all the information on the Pinewood pack.  “According to the few survivors, Conrad went mad, killing his wife first, then almost the entire pack. Annie’s father was among the deceased. Her mother is unaccounted for, as is Conrad”  “Shame. Make it known Conrad is a rogue. Try and find her mother, she may be with him. I have a feeling she is, but for  Annie's sake I hope I'm wrong”  “Some reports suggest that Conrad is moving South… but then we got a report he was seen North… it doesn’t make any sense.” Nathan spoke up “Well, we need to find him, fast. I don’t want to see any other packs hurt”  “Yes Alpha” Kayden and Nathan both said in unison. “Dismissed”  I leaned back in my chair, looking at the ceiling. I focused my senses down the hallway, into our room. I listened to Annie’s breathing, it helped to calm me. ‘We need to find some way to help her’ Storm said. He sounded so sad. ‘I know… I just don’t know what to do…’ I sighed, closing my eyes. ‘You could try… contacting the Mother Moon Goddess…’ He suggested, in a whisper. ‘You know that’s impossible. Nobody has ever been able to contact her before..’  ‘Are you sure about that? Annie seems different lately. I can feel something inside her is different. Maybe she possesses the power…’ ‘She not strong enough.. We need to protect her, trying something like that could very well kill her.’ I can feel my anger swelling up inside me. How dare he suggest something so dangerous.  ‘I’m just trying to help’ He said as he receded into the back of my mind. I know he was not trying to put her in any danger. He cares for her as much as I do.  ‘Conrad was sighted two packs over in Lightwood territory. If we leave now we may find him’ Nathan mindlinks me. ‘Gather the warriors, we leave in five minutes’  I leave my office, going to check on Annie, she is still asleep. I write her a quick note, in case she wakes when I am gone.  I quickly leave, stealing one last glance at her sleeping face. She will be okay.  I meet the men outside and we shift, running towards the Lightwood territories. We run for a few hours reaching the border, before the smell hits us. We enter the territory seeing the turmoil before us. Burnt bodies. ‘What the hell happened here?’ Kayden asks through the mind link. The entire pack has been slaughtered, men, women and children all dead. Throats ripped out, bite makes all over.  There are no survivors. The sight is enough to make a few of my men puke, seeing the children hung up for the vultures to pick at them.  ‘I want all of these people buried, with honor...this is no way to die’  ‘Yes Alpha’  I turn back, going back home. There is nothing left here.      Annie  I see Serena from across the lake. She comes to me, I make no attempt to go to her. I am tired. She sits down beside me. ‘Why can’t I mind link with Max, but I can with you?’ I ask, not looking at her. ‘I am a part of you. He is connected to you yes, but he is not inside you. You will be able to do it soon enough. Do not worry Child’ She lays her head on her paws.  ‘Why do I keep coming here?’ I gesture to the lake ‘Because I want to see you. Do you not wish to see me?’ She sounds hurt. ‘Of course I do. I just wish I could see you in person.. In real life… not just in dreams’  ‘This is no dream Child.’  She tilts her head up nudging me.  I jolt up in bed, wide awake.  I look around and see I am in bed by myself. I look out the window, seeing the moon is full in the sky. I wonder where Max is. Maybe in his office. I slowly get out of bed, making my way over to the closet, I grab a robe slipping it on. I walk down the hall to his office. I don’t bother knocking, I crack the door open and slip inside. It is dark.  “Max?” I whisper. He is not here. I leave the room, closing the door behind me once more. I feel energized, I need to get out, go for a walk. I exit the back door, into the gardens. There is a bench half way through the gardens, I can go sit there for a bit. I start walking, admiring how the moonlight illuminates the flowers. I make it to the bench after about ten minutes of walking. I sit down, feeling the familiar wooden frame. I look up at the night sky, wondering where Max is once more. I want to mindlink him but I am terrified to try. I start to feel tired, the night air cool on my skin. I lay down on the bench, on my side. I tuck my legs under me. I close my eyes, taking a moment to relax and enjoy the peace.  A few minutes go by and I feel myself drifting off. A warmth comes into contact with my cheek, I feel the tingles and know Max is here with me.  “Max…” I whisper, smiling to myself “I’m here Little One. I’m glad to see you up and about. I was worried” I can feel the concern laced in his voice. I'm sure if I opened my eyes  I could see it reflected in his own. I placed my hand on top of his and sighed in content.  I felt his arms wrapping around me, picking me up, he cradled me in his strong arms.  “Let’s go to bed shall we?” He kissed my cheek. I nuzzled into him as he carried me to our bedroom. He placed me down on the bed and stripped down to his boxers before crawling into bed with me.
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