
1060 Words
Annie “Where were you?” I ask, yawning and snuggling into the crook of his shoulder. “There was an issue I needed to take care of. I will tell you all about it in the morning, for now just sleep Little One” He kissed the top of my head. I drifted off quickly listening to his heart beating.  Max woke me up early in the morning. I groaned and tried to snuggle into the blankets but he pulled them away from me.  “I really need to talk to you Annie. It’s important. Can you meet me in my office in ten minutes?” His eyes reflected worry and concern. I simply nodded. Was he mad at me? Maybe he is tired of waiting for me.. To be ready. I know that we have been taking things slow and maybe he wants to speed it up now. I’m just not sure if I’m ready for that yet. To be Mated, I suddenly felt sick.  “It’s nothing like what you're thinking Annie. Don’t think like that. I am happy to just be near you. When you are ready we will deal with it but for now please don’t worry about it okay?” He takes my face in his hands and gives me a gentle kiss on the lips. I feel the tingles all over my body, I want more. The thought scares me.  “Ten minutes” He pulls away and walks out of the bedroom leaving me alone with my thoughts. What could he want to speak to me about?  I get dressed, a pair of yoga pants and a tank top, I brush out my long hair braiding it. I exit the room, walking towards his office.  I take a breath before opening the door. Max is sitting behind his desk, looking vexed. I sit in the big leather chair in front of his desk. Max doesn’t look up from his desk. He has a file open but I can’t see what it is. A few minutes of silence go by, I am starting to get worried. This was not like him. “Max? What's wrong?” I ask, my voice shaking. “I don’t know how to tell you this Annie…” He starts He sighs before speaking again. “There was an incident at your old pack… Your father… he died.. I’m so sorry” He finally looks up at me. He is being serious. My father is dead? I don't say anything, I just stare at him. I didn’t have the best relationship with my parents over the years. I have a few memories of my father when I was very young. When he would carry me on his shoulders, but that’s it. After I couldn’t shift, he turned his back on me. I didn’t see him for years.  “Annie?” Max is beside me, his hands on my shoulders. He is very gently shaking me, trying to get my attention. I didn’t even notice him get up and come towards me.  “What?” I croaked out “I asked if I can do anything?” He whispered “What about my mother?” I blurted out, I don’t know why. She hated me.  “She’s...missing” I simply nodded, standing up from the chair. I slowly walked to the door. I could feel Max's eyes boring into my back. “Annie?” He called after me.. I just need to be alone for a while. I don’t answer him, I push open the door and start to run down the hallway. I run to the back door, through the gardens, into the forest.  I hear the howl of a wolf behind me. I assumed it was Max. I don’t look back, I just run. My chest is pounding in my ears, by the time I stop running I feel like there is a tennis ball lodged in my throat. I feel the sweat pouring down my face, it’s mixed with something else. I wipe at it. Tears. I’m crying. It’s so strange, I haven’t cried over my parents in so long.  I slow down to a walking pace, trying to get my heart rate down, it hurts to have it so high. I look around me and realize I have come to the swimming hole. I was trying to find it yesterday but couldn’t. Now without even thinking I was here. I reach down and touch the water, it’s warm. I strip down to my bra and panties and dive in. Feeling the warm water consume me was refreshing and calming. When I surface I see someone standing over the water's edge. Max was standing there looking down at me with the most intense sad gaze I’d ever seen.  I swim towards him, treading water. He steps to the edge, sitting down, his bare feet dipping into the water. We don’t speak for a while, we just stare at each other. “I’m sorry I ran” I finally say “Don’t be sorry. I understand. I’m sorry I followed you, I just couldn’t let you leave”  I’m tired of treading water, I push myself forward and grab onto his feet, positioning myself between his legs, my back facing him. He easily holds me above water.  “I am truly sorry Annie” He whispers.  “It’s not your fault Max. I don’t even know why I reacted the way I did. They were not real parents to me… they did not love me.. Otherwise they wouldn’t have done what they did” I feel a stray tear slide down my cheek.  Max moves his feet from under me, I feel a splash in the water, he surfaces in front of me. He pulls me into his arms, holding me securely above the water. I bury my head in his shoulder and let the tears fall.  “I love you Annie” He whispers as he smoothed my hair. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him as close to me as I can with all my human strength.  “I love you too Maximus… please don’t let me go” I sound so pathetic. Begging him not to leave me.  “I will never leave you nor will I let you go Annie. You are mine. Don’t forget that. You are mine and I am yours” He says sternly.  He carried us out of the water after some time, laying us down on the grass, letting the warm sun dry us off. We lay there looking into each others eyes before I felt my eyes droop, sleep taking over. It has been an emotional day. As long as Max is here with me I know it will be okay.
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