Chapter #23: "It Makes You Weak."

1893 Words

GABRIEL P.O.V. Consuming a soul is one of the most delicious things you can eat. It's the sweetest thing you can ever imagine that fills you with such powers. I prefer females. To me they seem much more infused with the divine. "Are you finished now Gabriel?" My annoying baby brother Uriel asks as he waits impatiently. I roll my eyes, growling out a sigh. "Dude, do you have to be so annoying? We have plenty of time." "You know I hate going to Earth." He snaps back at me. "Then why the f**k are you going then crab ass?" He balls up his fist, glaring at me. "You know why." He leaves my room, slamming the door shut. My poor sweet pathetic bother. He hasn't been to Earth in almost 3,000 years now. Last time he was there it was a huge disaster. MEMORY FLASHBACK - URIEL P.O.V.

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