
1086 Words
{Sophia’s POV} The kick to the stomach knocked the air out of me, I fell to the ground with a thud and held in a whimper. “Dimitri.. why are you doing this? You know that we’re mates, why are you?” I began, he punched me across the face and knelt down. “I found my mate, a better mate, one that is beautiful, and strong. She will give me anything I want, and I want her more than I could ever want a pathetic thing like you!” He whispered lowly in my face. “Dimitri..” I cried out softly. “Please, don’t do this..” I begged. I had never felt so low as I did now. “I’ll give you a choice Sophia.. I can reject you? And cast you out as a rogue. Or, I can send you back to your brother. Either way you’ll die, and be out of my hair for good. Which one will it be?” He sneered. He truly hated me, he wants me dead.. I stifled a whimper and held my head high. “Reject me!” I spat in his face. “I don’t want to be mated to a monster like you!” He grinned widely, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He wasn’t happy with this response, he would have rather seen me tortured by my brother and his Beta, but I knew that if he sent me back, I really wouldn’t survive. “Fine, I gave you the choice, so I have to live with it. I Alpha Dimitri of Dark Moon Pack, hereby take back my mark, and now reject you. You are stripped of your title as Luna, and no longer will be a member of Dark Moon Pack. I name you a rogue, and banish you from this pack forever!” He claimed. A sharp pain jabbed into my heart as I once again fell against the cold ground and cried out. I slowed my breathing and between gasps for breaths I said. “I Sophia, previous Luna of Dark Moon Pack, accept your rejection and now accept my title as rogue!” I howled in pain, I looked up, expecting to see him hurt, but instead he was laughing at my pain. He yelled for his Beta, “Take her to the middle of the woods, and leave her there. She’ll die out there without any protection.” He sneered before turning and leaving the room. His Beta lifted me, and packed me out to a car. He threw me into the back seat, and drove me away from the pack. The pack that once was mine, but now was a place I could never go again. Hours passed before the car stopped, the Beta grabbed me, slinging me out of the car and onto the hard forest ground, before getting back in his car and driving away. That was that, I was alone, weak, and in pain. I finally let myself cry, as the pain overwhelmed me. My heart felt as though it was completely broken, and my so called mate felt nothing. He laughed in my face as he threw me out, he truly was a monster. I laid broken on the ground, before the pain became too much, and I lost consciousness. I woke up in a small bed, there was a fire going in a fireplace that was next to the bed. I was clothed in a new coat, and wrapped up in blankets. I sat up, looking around to see if anyone was around me. “I’m in here, if you’re looking for the one who brought you in.” A voice sounded from another room. “You’re finally awake, so that’s good news, I was beginning to worry you wouldn’t wake at all!” An old woman hobbled in from around a corner, she carried a large plate of food and a bottle of water. “Eat up, you need your strength youngin’!” She said cheerfully. She sat the food in my lap and I eyed it hungrily. My stomach even let out a growl of approval, I ate it, slowly, and tried to eat as much as possible. I was honestly afraid of making myself sick, so I made sure to take my time and eat slowly. “Thank you..” I said, pulling a piece of bacon to my lips. “How long..” I began, but I was interrupted by her bringing me a cup of coffee. She sat the coffee down beside me, along with cream and sugar. “You’ve been unconscious for a couple of weeks now. I believe we’re going on three weeks, tomorrow. I found you out there in the woods, and I brought you in. You didn’t even have any shoes, I would give you some, but I’m afraid we aren’t the same size. I go to town about once a month to get supplies, and I had just gone before I found you. Give it another week and we’ll get you some more shoes. As for clothes, you’re about my size, so help yourself to anything in the closet.” She said smiling. “I can tell a broken heart, seems your mate rejected you, even after marking you..” she whispered, almost as though it were a sin to think such things. I nodded, my heart sank, thinking back to the final moments I had with Dimitri. “He never loved me, and I never loved him. I had hoped that life with him, was better than what I had before. I was mistaken, and that was my poor judgement.” I said looking down at the plate, my appetite beginning to diminish as I spoke of him. “Hmm, very regal in your response, along with being well mannered, and articulate. Something tells me you were a Luna.” She said, making her way slowly back to the kitchen. “Only in name.. my title was worthless in that pack.” I spoke softly, I knew that even in her old age, she could hear me with her wolf hearing. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself. I picked up the coffee and drank it black. I know she had given me cream and sugar, but at this point, mixing it didn’t seem worth it. I just needed caffeine in my system to make me feel whole again, or at least some resemblance to it.
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