Chapter 22

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Ella's POV What? are you crazy,'' Mandy let out angrily. Do you have a better idea,'' I asked as I ran my fingers through my hair. Yes... I do, and it is staying in this house, where we know that we are safe,'' Mandy said and Alex laughed. Safe!'' Alex huffed Do you think that we are safe here in this house?'' Alex laughed. Girl, if you think so, then you must be a bigger fool than I thought. Mandy, look around you, two of our friends are dead under mysterious circumstances and we still don't know what is doing this and you still want to stay here,'' Alex screamed a bit this time. Girls, we are not sure what is out there for us, what is out there might be worse than what is in here,'' Mandy yelled as frustration was evident in her voice. ''Mandy, I get that you are worried about the uncertainty that lays beyond this wall, but we have to stick to what we know and what we know right now is that this house is not safe for any of us... So leaving is our best option right now,'' I said, and Mandy huffed. '' But where are we supposed to go? We don't know this island so well,'' Olivia asked. and that was a question I knew I didn't have the answers to answer. I thought deeply but still, even more, unanswered questions hovered endlessly in my mind. Olivia was right... where are we supposed to go? This island was large and we didn't know any of So, before I could even say anything, or second doubt my decision, Alex let out immediately. ''Girls, we will just have to find out what exactly this island holds there, because Ella is right. We can't stay here in this house and maybe we could just find a boat that could take us out of her,'' Alex said. ''So when do we leave ?'' Olivia asked. Now... if that is possible, we will just have to bury Sasha just like we did Ava, then we will go,'' I said and Olivia and Alex nodded their heads. ''I am still not in support of this,'' Mandy grumbled as she stormed out of the room again. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... We buried Sasha at sea just like we did Ava, paying our last respect and when we were done, we packed only the essentials and made our way out of the house, walking towards the thick forest at the other side of the island. I know you must be wondering why we left certainty to venture into the unknown, with no idea of where we were supposed to go. All you have to know is that certainty took away two of our friends, and we were not going to sit back and let it take another ''Fight or Flight'' is how that saying goes right. Well, in this situation, flight was our best option. We had to run even when we did not know where we were running. Hoping that we could escape the demon that lay in that house, but no one told us that we had just left the deep blue sea and were venturing into the heart of the devil. .............................................................................................................................................................................. (Several days later) We have been walking aimlessly for days. I didn't even know how long we had been walking for, because right now, the essence of time has slowly become a mystery to us all. We didn't know what time it was or what day we were on, we always just stopped and made a fire whenever the sun fell from the sky and darkness took over the land. It was our usual norm and today was no different. We stopped and made a fire as always. ''I hate this, I told you all that this was a bad idea and sat looking at us roaming around the forest with no sense of direction,'' Mandy huffed as she sat on the floor, grumbling ''You should be thankful that you are alive and not complain at every turn,'' Alex rolled her eyes. Wait if you think that we are actually living,'' Mandy laughed. New flash girls ...this is not a life, roaming about an island that on it looks as if we are the only ones on it. For what it's worth, we would all end up like Ava and Sasha, because if we are not killed by whatever mysterious creature that is roaming this island, then we will definitely die of hunger, because we see we are definitely out of food. So it's best we just accept defeat and just go back to that house,'' Mandy let out and I could feel Alex radiating with anger. 'I can stand you anymore Mandy,'' Alex said as she angrily stood up to her feet. If you want so desperately to go back, then you can do just that and no one here would stop you rather than irritating us with all your complaints,'' Alex yelled a bit this time as she began walking towards the irritated. ''Alex, where are you going,'' I asked, worried, and she turned to me with a frustrated look on her face. ''I just want to be alone, I can't stand any of this right now,'' she answered and I shook my head. ''No Alex you can't go out all by yourself,'' I said, shaking my head as the fear settled in within me. “I won't be long and I will be fine. I just need some fresh air, I need to breathe away from all of you," she said, and I nodded my head. I knew I couldn't stop her, so I had to let her go. He and the other girls sat in silence as we allowed the fire to keep us warm from the cold wind of the night. My mind at that moment was not my own, as it wandered away endlessly without permission. I thought about a lot of things, how we all got here and how everything just changed for us within a twinkle of an eye. I wondered if Arthur knew about the mysteries that lay on this island before he sent us here. Wondering to myself if he knew that all this would happen to us when we got here. No, that can't be possible," I said to myself as I shook the negative thoughts away from my head. Arthur loves me, and I knew that for a fact and he wouldn't be willing to bring me here if he knew I would be in danger, " I said to myself. I tried thinking of the good times, hoping that would outweigh the bad, but that was when we heard some rustling in the bushes. “Alex... " I called out her name softly, hoping she was the one making the weird sounds. But there was no answer. We could only hear the bushes rustling. “Ella... what is going on,” Mandy and Olivia asked at the same time with fear evident in their voices as they both rushed over to my side. “Alex... is that... you," I stumbled over my words as my body shivered like a leaf in the wind. But still no answer Against my better judgement, I decided to move closer to the sound of the bushes and that was when Alex crawled out screaming and looking all agitated with several claw marks dripping with blood from her face and body, it looked like she had just escaped a dreadful beast. I quickly helped her up, and she was shaking as if she had just seen a ghost. I had never seen Alex this way before. “Hey what happened... what is going on," I asked, but it looked like Alex was speaking, she was silenced by fear. “Alex speak to me, tell me what is happening," I asked as my heart thumped so heavily in my chest. It's... coming... and it's going to kill us all." she said and immediately she fell unconscious to the floor.
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