Chapter 24

1147 Words
Ella's POV Run! I screamed and ran as fast as my legs could carry me without even thinking twice about it. I didn't even look back to see if the girls were behind. I just ran. The noise became louder, and the atmosphere became filled with fog. The fog was so thick that I could barely see anything through it. I couldn't even see where I was running to any more. I couldn't see anyone again. It felt like I was alone here in this fog. Fear gripped me, as my heart was racing a thousand miles per second. I asked myself what I was going to do next, but of course my mind and body were filled with so much fear to even think ''Alex... Olivia... Mandy,'' I screamed out their names, hoping that they were still alive to answer me. But there was no response and my heart sunk deeply in my chest as so many negative thoughts ran through my head. Alex... Olivia... Mandy, are you all there,'' I screamed out again and that was when Alex answered me. Ella... I am here,'' I heard her voice, but I still couldn't see her. ''Thank goodness, you are alright," I said back to her. Olivia... Mandy," I called out again, hoping that they would answer me as well. And thankfully, Olivia answered, then Mandy answered as well. My heart was finally at peace , knowing that they were all alive , but I still couldn't see them, the fog. They are still so strong. ''Ella! What is happening? I can't see anything,'' I heard Olivia's voice say. She sounded so loud. ''Olivia calmed down... there is no need to get so worked up,"' I said back to her, trying to calm her down. ''Something is clearly going on , and you want us to calm down,'' I heard Mandy's questioning voice say. ''that's exactly why we need to calm down and figure a way out of here,'' I screamed back. Soon the mysterious sound became even louder and it felt like the earth shaking profusely bent me, the fog got even thicker. ''What is happening now ,'' I heard Mandy's voice scream again amidst the fog. Shush... remain calm, something is coming,'' I whispered breathlessly, just hoping that she would be able to hear me and shut the hell up. Closing my eyes , I took in a deep breath , as I tried to keep my racing emotions in check , but goodness, it was next to impossible when you know you have an unknown creature in your life. I have prayed to the universe for even a tiny bit of hope right now, in order for us to escape this dreadful situation we have found ourselves having So, with my heart beating even fast and sweat falling down from my forehead , I could hear the mysterious sound drift even closer. Then I heard a voice. It sounded so uncanny and dreadful , that, even without realizing it, it made my legs feeble where I stood. ''You are all mine... every last bit of you I would devour '' The voice said with a whooshing sound , and just like magic the fog cleared, and I could see my friends again. ''What was that...'' Alex asked. '' I don't know, but we need to keep moving,'' I said, shaking my head. The voice still sent chills down my body just thinking about it , and whatever it was , I wanted to be far away from it. ''I hate this... I hate this, I just want to go home, I just want to sleep in the comfort of my own bed , not be chased by something we can't even see," Mandy screamed loudly as she threw her bag aggressively against a tree. I knew Mandy was not taking this whole situation so well and I didn't blame her at all, none of them bargained to be stuck here on this island being chased and killed by something we couldn't even see. So, knowing her pain, I pulled her to myself, hugging her tightly. ''It's okay'... we will find a way out of here, and one day it will all be but a story we will tell our children,'' I said, and, for the first time since this whole incident, Mandy smiled and there was even a little bit of hope in her eyes ''Thank you ,'' she said, smiling as she nodded her head. ''Okay is enough with the pity party , we need to keep moving,'' Alex said. Yeah ...'' I nodded my head as I turned around about to walk away. When I heard Mandy scream, I quickly turned around and there she was restrained to a tree by its branches. ''How...'' I stuttered, but before I could even think of a reasonable explanation , Mandy screamed. ''Help me...'' her voice was hoarse and staggered as the tree branches were solely holding on to her throat, as they squeezed the life out of her. We quickly rushed towards her, trying to get the branches of her, but no matter how hard we were tired, it just wouldn't let go of her , it felt like a mighty pull and the more we tired the more the thing squeezed the life away from her. ''Hold on Mandy...'' I let out , but looking at her the light was already dimming from her eyes. Get something to cut through the branches,'' I screamed at Olivia and she hurriedly ran to her bag, took out a pen knife. ''This was all I could find,'' she whispered as she handed the knife over to me with shaking hands. I tried cutting through the branches, but it didn't even make as much as a dent in it, it was only squeezing her more. But I didn't give up. I wasn't going to allow another of my friends to die just like that. As much as I could see even a glimpse of life in her, I wasn't going to stop. Then it happened. A mighty force propelled us forcefully away from the tree, hitting us hard to the floor. Before we could regain our composure, or even get ourselves off the floor , the tree consumed her into itself and that was it. There was no trace of Mandy anywhere. No...'' I screamed with so much anger within me as I ran towards the tree , hoping I could still find any trace of her left, but Mandy was gone. ''Not again.. Not again," I said incessantly as I fell to my knees beneath the tree, crying my eyes out. This wasn't supposed to happen,'' I screamed out loudly, in a desperate attempt to rid my lungs of all the air it had left because, right now , I had lost another friend.
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