Chapter 45

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Ella's POV . With so much excitement in my voice, I screamed Damien's name as I approached were he was laying. “Damien wake up," I screamed as I shook him profusely. “ What is it Ella, allow me sleep a little," Damien murmured in a sleepy voice. “ Nonsense... wake up, I have found some thing," I screamed as I shook him even more aggressively. “ Alright... Alright, I am awake," Damien let out as he opened his eyes , and seat up looking at me. “ So what is this thing you have found," he asked as he yawned wildly. “ come on... I have to show you, instead of tell you," I said pulling him up from where he seat. I pulled him forcely, as I ran towards the spot. “ Slow down Ella you are going to pull my hands off at the rate you dragging me along," Damien grumbled. “ Come on Damien and stop your whining," I let out giggling a bit. “ Wait you are happy, smiling even, what did you find," Damien asked with so curiosity in his voice. “ Stop asking me so much question, and just follow me," I said as I continued pulling him along “ Damien grumbled all the way there , but as soon as we got there, was confusion on his face. “ There is nothing here,Ella," he said and I laughed as I removed the old cloth and relieved the boat. Damien's eyes shone in surprise as he looked at boat then looked back at me. “ You found a boat," he said as looked at me. “ Yes look at it, we can finally go home," I said as I jumped in joy “ You found a boat," Damien said again as a smile grew wild on his face I nodded smiled, as I jumped in happiness. “ Oh my goodness, you found a boat... I can kiss you now, you know," Damien let out as the smile on his face grew even bigger. “ We can finally get out of this godforsaken island," I said smiling “ Yes we can..." Damien said but the smile slowly died down on his face and it got me worried. “ What is wrong," I asked as I moved closer to him. “We can't really use that boat," he murmured. “ But why... it is s boat, and a means to get out of here like i have always wanted," I let out. ”I know, but the boat broken, we can't use a broken boat Ella," he said as he pointed to the crack at the lower end of the boat. i was so excited about seeing a boat that I didn't know it had a crack on it. “But we can fix it right," I asked as I looked to him for answers. Damien looked at it for a while,then thankfully he nodded. “ Yes but it would take a couple of days," he said and nodded. “ That's fine, we can survive a couple of days," I smiled. “Okay then, I would get to work right away," He smiled and said . “ I would come with you, you would clearly need help," I said but he stopped me. “ No..." Damien let out. “ Why?" I asked with raised eyebrows. “ But this is a hard work, a man's work," he said and I laughed really hard at his words. ”A man's work," I laughed even more. ” What make you think I can't do this," I said and Damien smiled “ Because you are feeble and your hands are too soft," he smiled and I laughed. “ Alright it is a challenge, I'm going to show you that I can do this," I said with determination in my voice. “Alright I would not stop, be my guest and show me what you got," he smirked. And that was exactly what I did, I showed him that a woman could do a man's job as well. We successfully got to fixing the boat within days and before we knew it we were done with it. Finally the boat was ready. The joy on Damien and I faces was unimaginable, the happiness I felt was beyond words. it was finally time, time to leave this cursed island. ” We leave at first light," Damien said and I nodded happily. I slept so peaceful and happily, just knowing that I would be out of here by tomorrow, it felt like a dream, but it was coming to reality and I wished Alex and the rest girls were here to see this. Morning came so fast, as immediately as the sun hit my eyes, I drifted them open with a big smile on my face. “ Damien wake up... it's time," I screamed as I shook him profusely. Damien woke up with a smile on his face as well. “Are you happy, to finally leave this island." he asked and I chirped. “ Happy... No I'm more than happy, I'm excited," I let out and he smiled “Alright let's go, your freedom awaits," he said as we walked towards where the boat was kept. We were only a few meters from where the boat was kept, but that was when we heard it “ Gunshots sounding loudly in the air. I immediately froze in fear, I couldn't move, it felt like my leg was frozen to the floor , then suddenly I heard an all so familiar voice. It filled the atmosphere, with so much vigour, that it left a bitter taste in my mouth. The voice was filled with disdain, that I knew it had to belong to one person. Arthur Logan. “Where do you think you are going," Arthur asked as we both turned around to look at him. “ How did you find us, The WIC company doesn't have jurisdiction here," Damien asked with anger clearly written on his face but Arthur only laughed at his words “ Oh it's so funny how you still have the willpower and the humanly guts to talk to me the way you do, you are a fugitive of the WIC company and I am here to collect what I am duly owned," he laughed. “ Give it up Arthur, you have lost this battle ,You lost Ella here, because she wants to be with me and not you," Damien let out and the anger on Damien's face became so evident. “ How dare you," Arthur screamed in anger. “What it is not my fault, I could give her all that you didn't," Damien let out, it was clear he was trying to get on Arthur's nerves but I just didn't know why. “Hold your tongue Damien," Arthur screamed. “ Get ready to run to the boat..." Damien whispered before he said. “ The same tongue that pleasures her, and she keeps wanting more," Damien said and that was when Arthur lost it and rushed towards him tackling him to the floor. Arthur pushed him over and over again without stopping, Arthur was out for blood and he wouldn't stop unless he gets it. “Ella run... go to the boat, leave without me ," Damien screamed from the floor where he laid. I was confused, leave without Damien, that wasn't the plan, I couldn't leave Damien here to die. “But Damien, I can't leave you," I screamed. “No... go... you need to get out of here," Damien screamed as he was been punched in the face. I knew Damien could take on Arthur, he didn't do anything, he just laid there taking all the punches from Arthur. “ Please Damien don't do this,I can't leave you," I let out as tears rolled down my eyes. “Fuck... woman stop been so stubborn," he muffled out as a punch landed on his lips. “ Go you know I would always find you, I promise you," he said and I nodded. 30 minutes Damien, I would wait for 30 minutes," I sobbed out as I ran towards the boat. like I said I waited, for 30 minutes, but 30 minutes was soon long passed and still Damien was here. “Fuck... I screamed out in dismay “ I couldn't leave him, I couldn't let him sacrifice himself for me like this," I said to myself I had to find him, we planned to leave here together, and I'm not leaving without him," I nodded in conviction to myself as I got out of the boat Running back to the spot they were, Damien and Arthur was still in a fight “Damien..." I screamed his name and immediately he turned to look at me with surprise and confusion in his eyes. “What are you doing here," he mouthed out but all of a sudden it happened within a blink of an eye. Bang. A gunshot went off, and Damien fell to his knees, blood was everywhere. I couldn't breathe, it felt like all the air was been knocked out of my lungs “, Damien," I screamed and that was when Arthur's eyes shut up towards me. ”Now come with me, or you join him,"Arthur let out as he walked towards me slowly. But before he could lay his arms on me, I ran away so fast and didn't look back. Arthur screamed my name, as he chased me across the sand. “ Stop Ella we can talk about it," he said but of course I didn't listen to him. “He just killed Damien in cold blood, how does he want us to talk about anything now," I said to myself. Luckily for me , I got to the boat on time, I started the engine and soon I was on my way before Arthur could even get to me. I was currently having mix feelings, I was happy to finally be out of that island, but I was sad for all the people that I had lost along the way. The look in Damien's eyes as Arthur shot him, was all I could think about. I couldn't stills believe that Damien was gone, the mere thought of it brought tears to myself I couldn't believe that I didn't forgive him, I doubt him, but his intention was good, he kept his word of getting me out of the island, even if that promise took his life. I didn't know what would be become of me, or where to start from but right now I was happy to be alive. I spent weeks in that boat traveling by sea, take goodness that Damien packed supplies into the boat because that was what I lived on. Luckily for me, I found dry land and people who helped me get on a helicopter back to the nearest airport. And soon, I was home, immediately as I landed I went straight to the police station to file a report about this mysterious Island and how my friends died there but no one seemed to understand. They all felt I was delusional, and dismissed my case Immediately. “ Madam we have checked out database, the WIC company doesn't exist," the police attendant said . “ That's not possible, they control everything, they are in charge of the mysterious island that killed my friends," I said but the attendant only laughed . “lady go home, or see I doctor for your psychosis," she laughed dismissing me . Angrily I had no choice but to go back home, but I I couldn't stay home because of the memories attached to it, so I went to a hotel . hoping that soon I'll come to terms with the realisation, that that's my friends were all dead . I was a shadow of myself for days, relieving my horrors on the island over and over again . I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, the events of the island played a horrific picture in my mind . I tried putting a blade to my skin so many times, trying to end it all, because what is there to life, when your close friends are gone . I had no one, I had no friends, I had no family, I was all alone, so why was still here, why was I still breathing . but eventhough i wanted die, eventhough I didn't want to be here, I just couldn't bring myself to do it, I couldn't bring myself to end it all .
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