Chapter 2: The Crossroads

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Danielle and I enjoyed every moment of our lives without any recourse for anybody, anywhere, anything that could stop us from becoming lovers. We had done so many nights together, exploring our most precious gift from heaven. The remnants of our past didn't hinder an inch for which Danielle played her part so well. And, even my soul didn't bother to collide with my greedy ambition from wanting it. Both of us developed something beautiful within our hearts, according to the dictates of our minds. For each of us, there's some kind of understanding which we wouldn't have to be spoken, our actions were the prime movers of our future. We were together all the time and found ourselves at the rooftop bar of the hotel. She held my hands, squeezed them tightly on the table, and said, "Marc, I like this moment so much, with you, having dinner in the Skylight. Bar. It reminds me, when I first saw you, for the first time I felt very different from myself. I knew too well, deep in my heart that it's you." I looked at her face releasing my hands while solemnly sipping my liquor, then, put it slowly on the table. I pretend to be surprised by what she said; suddenly I held Danielle's soft hands at once and kissed, "I love you dear so much, you're so beautiful." And, I edged a little toward Danielle's seat and whisper, "Can I dance with you sweet?" Danielle's looked at me with love in her eyes. She loved the way I treated her as a woman, "Yes my love, yes I am yours." We clutched each other hands, kissed, and danced to the tune of the sweet-soft music. I held her tightly to my body without much ado, moved our bodies in unison with feelings of contentment. "Love, your parents know about this matter? I mean between the two of us?" I whispered in her ear, while I clasped her body to mine tightly. "Yes my love, they approved everything I wanted in my own life. Actually, they're very understanding; opened my own bank accounts provide my own condominium, and I mean everything, okay?" I nodded slowly and started to kiss her again, but now on her lips, for a few minutes, to which she's responding positively. She's happy all throughout the night with me. I was glad that my actions magnetized her heart and mind. So, I played along because she's my investment for sure! Around three in the morning, we left the Skylight Bar and proceeded to my new fully furnished apartment which Danielle gave to me last week. I was happy with my clandestine motives that resulted positively. I was doing more than what I could muster to make her love me totally. I knew my worth, and I will do it correctly this time. Unlike in the past, I totally damaged myself for my ambitions without applying a strategy; a continuous way of using my brain for the good of my goals in life. Now, I need another one, a luxury car! I said, "Good night my love," while kissing her. She left thinking that everything's true, not a scene in the movie. For me, it's just a drama of my life, also a scene, in my dream. I fingered my apartment keys in my bag; open the steel gate, the front door and put on the light. I spotted Ayah Isabel sleeping on a sofa. I hurriedly woke her up and kissed her. I noticed the wetness of her face and eyes, "What happened to you? Why are you crying? Something's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing's wrong Marc," Ayah said trying to hide her feelings. "Okay then, wipe your face and tell me why you are here," I pretended that I was not alarmed and sat beside her.....and hugged her. "I observed that your grade's totally going down because you're not attending classes these past few days. How's your, I mean Danielle?" she said while looking through my eyes that made me stand upright suddenly. "Ayah, we agreed not to talk about this matter. All you have to do is to trust me with this. I know what I am doing. Okay, starting tomorrow I'll attend my classes. Are you alright?" "Yes, love...I'm okay." she nodded without looking at me. "Around six in the morning, I will be back in my boarding house because my cousin visited me yesterday. My co-boarders were watching about my activities. I hated them for that... and I thought that this is the best time that I could spend a night with you. Marc, I love you as always, I want your dream to be fulfilled...without any problems on your side." What I heard from Ayah triggered my emotions to respond, to caress her, kissed her with passion. Still kissing I carried her in my arms going to the bathroom, opened the door, switched the faucet, and continue exploring her body. The water continued to cool our bodies. I undressed her completely lying on the bathroom floor. I stood up, took off my shirt and pants...everything. I closed the shower's faucet. She's looking at me while I was doing this and glanced at her. I loved the feeling so much when a woman's looking at me intently while I am naked. It turned me on. The night was washed away by my passion for exploring Ayah Isabel. The ecstasy that I felt when I'm aroused gives the feeling of heavenly excitement, and, I kissed her coming from my heart, "Happy love?" I asked her. She looked at me, nodded, and said while still holding my face, "Very...very much... Marco." After a few minutes, I told Ayah Isabel to get dressed. It's nearly six in the morning, time for her to go home. I asked her to go with her outside the apartment but she refused. "Keep the extra keys of my apartment and don't bother yourself, that we're separated right now. I am only doing what I think is right for me and you. I know your situation, but, as of now, do not divulge this to anybody, even Edward Ramirez. And please, don't give much attention to my relationship with Danielle," I said feeling guilty inside and out. I kissed her before she left and she said while holding my face, "Yes Marc, I know that I promised to you my love, you're the only one in my heart." Ayah left me; took a taxi cab going to her boarding house. As she was leaving, I looked at her walking outside. I walked towards my bed thinking, "Tomorrow's another day." XXX In the University hallway, lots of students were clamoring about the tuition fee increased by the school administration. Almost everyone I saw got disgusted with what was happening to this private school. I heard them giving their own version and ways on how to make a move against the management. Our school was a private one, run by Catholic Missionaries. The teaching's superb and with quality, as some alumni told the newcomers. It didn't bother me at all because of the fact, that I had no right to ask and know what it was like, to be the brightest student in our department. I hated Chemistry, but since I started taking up Chemistry, it was fine for me, that's it. For extracurricular activities, I extended my extra effort to be with my colleagues. My academic grades suffered a lot and I had to be with the school's system for the development of my studies. Ayah Isabel helped me with my assignments, projects, and other school requirements. She knew my situation with Danielle Gustilo and was really bothered about it. I couldn't manage my time as a student, got bored easily, and tired. Even though how much I tried to concentrate on my studies, I've got hooked on my school activities and my relationships. Daniele Gustilo gave me everything that I want and my life seemed so great. One day, Ayah sent a note to me that we had to meet at the canteen for some important matter. I readily went to her at the canteen, but I wondered what will be this meeting all about. When I arrived, I saw her sitting alone. I grabbed a chair and looked at her with a serious face. "Marc, how are you?" Ayah started to talk first studying my face. "I'm fine, thank you. What is this important thing we have to discuss?" I asked her in a whisper tone. "Marc, last night, I think it over a hundred times about our situation; you, Danielle, and me. I'm afraid that it gives you some bad karma in the future. You know, instead of aiming for something good and big, it'll turn out bad as what you expected?" I hesitated for a while and said with an angry tone raising my hand, "Don't bother about it, okay? Trust me, don't bother with this matter!" Even she knew about my agitation, she's determined to tell me something, "Marc, last night, Edward called me about your rendezvous with Danielle. He said that it's not proper to lie about your situation with me. And, he's not approved of what you're doing with Danielle and me. Please, Marc, it's only friendly advice." "Okay, it's okay. What more...what he said to you?" I asked her in a higher tone. "He said to try to visit him at the Riviera Café & Restaurant." I lowered my voice, "Okay Ayah, thank you. How's your life in the boarding house? How's your family?" "In my boarding house... it's quite problematic but I can manage. And my family...they're fine." "Take care always Ayah." I started to leave when I remembered something inside my pocket, "By the way, take these drugs and read the prescription first before taking the pill, I think you knew this...." Ayah looked at me squarely, smile, and said, "Okay love, bye!" The next day I visited Edward Ramirez at the restaurant where he's working. He excused himself from his duty asking his Manager to have a day off instead. We got a taxi cab going to One Springfield Complex, a beautiful night spot outside the city. We played bowling for about an hour, seated ourselves in a restaurant in an open place. I ordered a case of beer, sliced cucumber, and a bowl of "kinilaw," – an Ilonggo appetizer; marinated raw fish with vinegar, and lots of spices. I consumed a bottle of beer, get another, and started the conversation with Edward. "Ayah told me about you, about what you said to her..." I stopped suddenly. "Marc, we've known each other for a long time now. I knew that you're a good and kindhearted man. I can understand your situation from the very start we met. I wanted you to open your mind to these two women. You're switching them like your polo shirts! Be reasonable for their feelings as women, how can you handle both of them in the future?" "Edward, you know, I have to keep living, and these two women helped me more than I could imagine. Moreover, I am sure you knew already why I am keeping them. Read my lips buddy, I-need-their-help-to-finish-my-college-education! Got it, buddy?" I answered back angrily. "But, you know Marco, it's a sin to do all that stuff! Eventually, bad karma will plague you. Remember that." "Buddy, shut up, okay! Who told you that?" And I stood up angrily. "Just some people....," he answered in a low voice. "Forget them! They're nothing! They're only watching other people's back! I left Edward and went home alone. I resumed my daily survival as if I was acting at a stage, where I was the protagonist, who managed to subdue the antagonist, anytime, anywhere, and sometimes even outside the script, I'll do it for the sake of my baleful whims. I acted differently when I was with Danielle it gave me high esteem more than when I was with Ayah Isabel. More than what I wanted to change my lifestyle, I wanted to be generous with other people in need. I kept my secret to Danielle for a year which gave me financial freedom on my part. The last wish that I asked for her, a sports car. Great isn't it? I used my new status and influence to finish my course. I had the money to buy what I wanted to buy, and the earthly things that I needed most. My bank accounts doubled every week through the courtesy of Danielle. She was a year to go before her graduation from Bachelor of Science in Commerce, majoring in Management. Ayah lived remotely from my view and didn't bother to visit me in my apartment. Even in school, she hid from my view. Edward, on the other hand, continued to work in a restaurant without bothering me at all. With my new status, alone, I managed to follow them secretly, including Danielle. I hired an investigator for the three of them. To know them secretly, and to easily identify what my recourse when the problem arises. One thing I discovered about Danielle; she had a big house in Bacolod City, her parents got vast wealth and estate from their forefathers. They're public figures in their hometown that made Danielle the sole and legal heiress of their wealth. But fate's so unkind for me, Danielle found out about Ayah Isabel and the war began between the three of us. I tried my best to control the situation, but Danielle was very aggressive to confront things in her own way. A possessive woman with nothing can stop whatever she liked. One day, Danielle came inside our school and met me. She wanted to talk with Ayah Isabel about the love triangle. "Danielle, please listen, don't make a scene. This is a Catholic school and this thing's against their code of ethics. Please be cool, okay," I pleaded with her. "I don't' care! I want to talk to Ayah Isabel, right now!" She answered while walking down the hallway. "Everybody is watching you...." I said to her while pulling her right hand. She halted, faced me, and asked angrily. "Who is everybody?" "Danielle, cool, please listen to me," I asked her in a low voice. "Okay, I'll listen, go on Marco?" "Okay, how about, tomorrow, lunchtime, in Golden Dragon Restaurant? Ayah will come along with me. I promise. It's okay for you?" "Good Marco Fernando, great, see you there tomorrow, lunchtime." Danielle left me in the school hallway with a heavy heart, and my hope's falling apart. The darkness falls and seemed lonely when I met Ayah at the Riviera Café & Restaurant. When I entered the place, I saw her sitting at the table alone, while Edward's busy serving another customer. The restaurant ambiance is really awesome compared to other food establishments along Lacson Street in Bacolod City. It catered to nearby hospitals, schools, banks, and other business institutions. A place to unwind after a hard day's work, some people believed. But for me; it's a place where my best friend toiled, a place where I started to know the rigors of city life and a place where I found Ayah Isabel Gonzales. I seated myself beside Ayah and greeted her, but quite aloof, "How are you? Sorry, quite a heavy know...." She looked at me with soulful eyes and nodded slightly. I looked around for Edward, my eyes met his questioning gesture which meant asking me if there's a problem while approaching me at the table. I mimicked him for a cup of Americano coffee, got my order, and left. I began the conversation seriously with Ayah Isabel about the situation and convinced her to come with me to our meeting tomorrow. Ayah Isabel did not argue with me at all. She understood my well-being, that even she was hurt, still, she preferred to keep quiet. I instructed Ayah Isabel not to give up what she feels right if confronted by Danielle tomorrow. I held her hands tightly, and said, "I know that you're hurt with all my caprices to survive. You fully knew that I am doing this because of my ambition in life. I am not rich enough to support my college education at first. You know that, do you? This is all about surviving from my standard of living. We're graduating in a few months and my only hope is to land a good job, with a good salary. Because I have an affinity with Danielle, doesn't mean that I don't love you? Ayah, I love you from the start, and even until now. My heart belongs to you alone, not for Danielle." "Marc, you're the only one I love, you're my first love, and I don't want to lose you. Our hearts connect each other until death. Truly, I love you so much that I'll sacrifice my whole life to you only. Please respect my love for you. The only thing is you've got a relationship that you can't elude instantly. We could live a life on our own, isn't it Marco?" "Okay, then, tomorrow, open up your feelings to Danielle and we can completely decide this matter." "Yes Marco, I'm with you always." We approached Edward together, and bid goodbye, "Edward, we're going ahead. Can we talk this coming week? Sorry, last time my friend, I was quite agitated." "Okay best friend, no problem for me, I'm here always for you...bye!" XXX
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