
Bored Billionaire Love Story #StaryWritingAcademyIII


Mike escorted me from my room going to the huge veranda overlooking the gigantic receiving area for our guests. The scene was so panoramic, grandeur, and elegant. Even I couldn't decipher my true feeling about my status as a billionaire.

I looked down at the guests who stared and applause when I raised my right hand to them waving. I am not an actor in the movie; especially in the opera house, but I had the charisma to tumble them down through my antics. I used this before and it's needed now.

Two beautifully sculptured stair railings are built for this purpose which made my entrance a dramatic one.

Cameras and videos of different brands started to blind my vision. It hurts. I knew it. I continued my everlasting smile to them descending from the stairs together with Mike and the guards. I don't like it this way, it's like I'm a prisoner!

I remembered those times when Ayah Isabel and I were walking from West Avenue, Quezon City up to Luneta Park to discover something beautiful about Manila. Those were the days...those struggling moments of our lives...those stairways to my life...alone.

I couldn't believe that Danielle contributed so much to my life ever since I was a struggling student; a nobody from the province of Negros Occidental, a trying hard person with lots of dreams, a dreamer, but now, I wanted Danielle to kill the dreamer....to erase those dreams as a payout.

I slowly went up the stage escorted by Mike Luna and the guards. I sat on the chair while Mike delivered his speech at the opening ceremony. While sitting, I observed my guests sitting at their respective tables; buzzing and talking which made the area like an astrodome. Media people were moving from one place to the other to get close-up footage of me and the activities.

At a table near the stage, I noticed Danielle and Roger were having their time chatting with each other or discussing their strategy for the job. I don't know, but all I knew was Danielle wanted the job so much, to pin me down. I saw it in her eyes when I focused my sight on her.

I liked what I saw in her eyes; her motivation to play this game.

At last, I stood behind the rostrum where I received a standing ovation for my guests. I waved my right hand, they stopped buzzing and I spoke my first words.

"Good morning people....thank you for coming and I am really glad your presence here today," I suddenly shouted, "Game FX!!" Everybody stood up and shouted; "Game FX" too, clapping their hands to the highest level. I raised my right hand again to silence them. It added to my ego to know that I can command them this way.

"Today, it's the starting point of the Game FX, truthfully, a large sum of money at stake and the danger that comes with it. But this is my decision... it's final. The agreement was approved by the two hitmen. Truly, I think you know them too. Enjoy your food and drinks...All the guests will receive an envelope courtesy of my kindness to mankind. Mike will be in charge of this gift."

"Right now, I'm ready to answer your queries," I said with conviction in my voice, the power of being a Billionaire and a spy.

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"Welcome my lady Danielle and Mr. Ferrer...Welcome!" Danielle Gustilo and Roger Ferrer sat in their respective places saying nothing with my greeting. The waiter approached us to take our orders. I sensed their aloofness to me that I changed my strategy, for them to catch my bait. I kept my silence looking at them squarely. They noticed the situation that Roger started to talk about. "Marco Fernando, we're glad to see you again!" "Me too, but it seems that your wife's...," my word's trailing deep inside my throat and my face turned red looking at Danielle. "Forgive her Marco, she's happy too...but...," Roger stopped and looked at his wife. "I hated you so much Marco....that I want this meeting very badly," Danielle Gustilo blurted out suddenly into my face. "Ohhh I see....then it's the best time to talk to you, Danielle. Can I ask you why you hated me so much?" I acted the famous stance of “James Bond” while showing the dog smile that I could muster and teasing her. "You knew it, bastard!" "Me a bastard? It's you my Lady Danielle...looks at you now? It's the year of the Billionaire now...and you......a poor-struggling lady of the beautiful city of Dubai?" I shouted out. Danielle stopped abruptly when she sensed my anger. She turned her head sideways to the left where she can view Mike Luna and three of my men sitting at another table. "You know Danielle...Roger...I know all about the two of you....everything...that I heard...you want to talk to me? Am I right?" "Yes Marco, that's right," Roger answered. "Sorry for my wife's behavior." "Then...tell her to behave in front of me...you need me more than I need the two of you!" I shouted at them, faking my way to get them, to intimidate them to the fullest. "Sorry, Marco...I'm very sorry..." Roger Ferrer said while Danielle keeps her silence looking at me fiercely like a she-devil. "Then, how can I help you?" "We need a large sum of money now...have to pay for our debts." "How much?" "Five million pesos." "Five million? How can you pay for that amount Roger?" "I'll try my very best to pay you....," then Roger looked at his wife. "What's my assurance for this agreement?" Suddenly, Mike Luna signaled to me, where I excused myself and stood up. He reported the additional subjects about the couple which gave me another idea in gaining the situation. I came back to the table and spoke. "Forget it, Roger...I have an offer for you and your wife. I will double that amount if you agree with me." I make a sign to Mike about the suitcase and he handed over one folder to me. "Roger...Danielle...read it...I'll give you thirty minutes to read and decide...you can leave and be back here after 30 minutes, okay?" "Okay, Marco." They left at once heading to their hotel room without knowing that I instructed my men to monitor them at the CCTV. After five minutes, one of my men reported to me that the two are fighting for their decisions. Danielle wanted so much about the money and to take her revenge on me. While Roger has the inkling of her decision, keep his stand but wanted the money very badly. "Okay, continue monitoring them until they'll coming back here...go..go.." "Yes sir...yes." Mike Luna and I waited for my men to report again, but I viewed them all coming to us on the table. "Mike hurry...talk to them...and report to me even they're here...go!" When the couple appeared, I used my acting ability to persuade them even though I'm not saying a word. That's the way I've learned when dealing with bastard people like Danielle, like Roger. I observed that it works well in the past, and I opened up my acting strategy. I posed Italian-style, shrugged my shoulders, and looked at them directly into their eyes. "So, what can I expect from both of you now?" "Yes, Marco...I agree with your terms and conditions....all the way," Roger said confidently. "Okay, then Roger....could you please step back...I'd like to talk to Danielle alone?" "Yes, sure Marco, sure." Roger stood up, sat beside Mike at another table nearby. I started to release what I want to say to Danielle. "Now that you approved with my terms, I give you this chance, remember..." I said to Danielle opening my hands to her. "Yes, Marco.... because I want you dead!" "I'm sure you will...because you're nothing now...and I'm ahead of you a billion times...see Danielle...that's why I dare you to catch me...once and for all...or you still love me?" "You fool Marco...I hated you so much...I'll kill you this time to avenge for my children!" "So, you brainstormed them for your baleful motives? Oh, what a wonderful mother you are Danielle! They're my children too! You took them away from me...You knew that I loved them, that's why you kept them away from me!" I shouted with rage that Mike comes nearer to me, pull me out behind the wall. He injected through my arm secretly that I calmed down instantly. I went back for the couple at the table, "I expect both of you....don't be late." I said to them before leaving the place. Mike and my attorney prepared the documents to be signed by them, explained fully the agreement, and answered their questions on the spot. The couple had no knowledge that I was inside my tinted car observing them. Danielle Gustilo and Roger Ferrer left the hotel after signing the documents and my men were ever ready to monitor them all the way. XXX

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