Chapter 7 Her Mask Got Torn

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(Doris' POV) "Let them be!" Gilbert stood facing me with a scowl on his face. "Let Liddell and Sofia go or you wouldn't like what will happen here." "And what will happen if I don't? Because clearly I won't," I sneered at him. Clearly, I could sense his intention of killing me. His fists transformed into fangs. As I looked at Liddell, who was filled with hope, a new idea sparked within me. My gaze returned to Gilbert's face. "If I may ask..." I raised an eyebrow and stared at him, "do you want to be the Alpha?" Gilbert's abilities far surpassed Liddell's, but he had never become an Alpha himself. There had to be a significant reason behind it! His face darkened immediately. I glanced at Liddell on the bed and back to him who was also looking at Liddell. He had also seen what I noticed. Liddell's expression had changed. Liddell had heard me clearly and now looked at Gilbert with distrust in his eyes. Gilbert suddenly grew even angrier, swiftly extending his claws towards me, but I dodged him right away! Immediately, I grabbed hold of his throat, forcing his wolf to retreat! I could sense the fear in his wolf, yet he still couldn't believe that I possessed such immense power. He groaned loudly, trying to get back to his feet, but was stopped with my punch attack. I rained on him several heavy punches that I was sure he couldn't escape from. I didn't know it would be this easy to defeat him as he slumped back to the ground. Mark who had been there watching threw a wolfsbane injection at my side. I bent down casually and picked it up. I went over to Gilbert, bent down and injected the content into his body. The wolfsbane spread rapidly leaving Gilbert with no power to resist. I stood up and stepped back. "You should leave now!" Gilbert stared at me, still not believing that I would spare him. I added, "I don't need you or anyone else to be involved in this. This is just about Liddell and Sofia. So you should leave now, and I mean as soon as possible." "Do you realize where you are?" Gilbert shot his eyes at me. "Are you aware that you are in the territory of the Red Moon Wolf Pack?" He warned with a sharp look in his eyes. I watched and waited till he finished. "You should think twice before doing anything to Liddell and Sofia. You don't know what will come for you if you try anything stupid." Just immediately, the other members that were outside the ward shot inside the ward and began to attack. Mark and Erbort sprung into action and fought back. They seemed tough and were a bit many which left me no option to throw hard punches and kicks easing the stress for Mark and Erbort. I paused immediately in shock and anger when I saw one of the werewolves pulling Philly out of his rest up the bed. "You would stop now and give up or else?" He choked Philly with his right arm and glared at me. I looked in anger welling up in my blood as I wondered what to do. My eyes caught a small surgery knife at the edge of the table two steps beside me. I grabbed it swiftly and aimed at the wolf's head who was much taller than Philly, making it an easy target. He fell to the ground in instant death. I ran quickly to Philly and pulled him into a comforting hug. "Are you okay?" He looked frightening as he was disturbed from his sleep. "I'm here okay? Sister is here by your side." I rubbed his arms to calm him down. I looked up immediately with a threatening smile on my face, "If any one of you try to hurt him again, I promise you, it will be your last day on Earth." "Who the hell are you?! This is... impossible! I'm the strongest of the Blood Wolf rank! What... what's your real name? What is your rank?!" Gilbert asked in fear and astonishment as he witnessed my swift actions. Yet another person curious about me. It seems like I have surprised too many people today. However, none of them are qualified to know the answer. "What rank do you think can defeat the Blood Wolf rank?" Mark asked with a smirk. "What?! Could it be that Doris belongs to..." Gilbert's eyes widened, and after a moment, he uttered the words "Moon Wolf." He shook his head, clearly unable to believe it. "This... this is impossible! I have never seen a wolf of this level before! It belongs only to the 5% of werewolves! And you're so young! How is this possible! You must be deceiving us!" Gilbert couldn't accept reality and immediately ordered the werewolf warriors outside, "Kill this woman quickly! She must be deceiving us!" I snorted. It seems they don't want to live to see the sun tomorrow! I looked at the approaching werewolf warriors, and every cell in my body exuded excitement. My wolf and I became very eager to fight since it has been almost a year of total forbearance. Shana winced in eagerly, ready for action. I tilted my head backwards and spread out my arms in excitement feeling the surge of power and energy gushing through my blood and veins, overwhelmingly possessing all parts of my body, from my legs up to my head taking absolute control and ready to escape in any moment. This was the feeling and control I had longed and waited for, the Alpha force aura. And then it was released. It came with an overpowering pressure that suppressed all the werewolves to the ground. This was what superior power felt like, the one to be unmatched, the one that pulls all other werewolves to the ground. This was my power. I am the Goddess of War! "The most powerful wolf! She is the most powerful! The Goddess of War is among us!" A werewolf cried out on the floor in shock. I was too overwhelmed with power, that I failed to panic considering the weight and force it pulled. I was rather excited. Gilbert's face turned pale as he watched all his senior warriors fall before him. He had no choice but to face the reality. He closed his eyes and pleaded with me, "You are really powerful! Not even just you alone, but this two men with you." He said pointing out to Mark and Erbort. "I give up! Okay?" He sighed in defeat. "So where are you heading with these words?" I inquired knowing he still had something to say. "Peace?" Gilbert shot out his right hand in expectation for a negotiation. "We can settle for peace and negotiate. How about that?" His hand still out for approval. I looked down at his hand and let out a chuckle. "The time for this has passed." I raised my head following a sharp smile that faded almost immediately. "I gave you the opportunity moments ago for this but you were too stubborn to see the future. I'm sorry but that option is cancelled out." A confused frown seized his face immediately at my refusal, but he was unable to speak. "So, are you planning to kill us all now?" "Don't you deserve to die?" I looked at my brother as he lay dying, and angrily scanned the three of them. They disregard life! They only dare to bully the weak! But in the face of the strong, they would become obedient dogs! "No! You wouldn't dare! Have you forgotten about the Werewolf Council? You have no right to dispose of an Alpha of a pack and his senior members!" Gilbert struggled. Yes, I knew about the Werewolf Council, but they certainly didn't know that the council had been inviting me to join them. However, I had no interest in the tedious affairs, no matter how high the compensation offered. "Do you think I'm afraid of the Werewolf Council?" As a Moon Wolf, my command could surpass the council! "Do you dare to defy werewolf laws? I think you must be tired of living!" A chilling voice came from outside as I uttered the last word. I frowned. It seemed that everyone today was intent on dancing on my patience! I looked at the man at the door. He was a strong man with handsome features. As his gaze met mine, I couldn't help but frown. At that moment, I noticed Gilbert's eyes light up with hope.
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