Chapter 1

1102 Words
"Sweater or cardigan?" I questioned Peter, my twelve year old brother. He scratched his chin as if he was trying to figure out what x+y equals. "Mmm, maybe you should go with the...Cardigan!" He exclaimed thrusting his finger in the air as if he had come up with a solution for world hunger. "Thanks, Pete, your the best," I squealed ruffling his hair before ushering him out of the room.  I put on my white tank top and red skinny jeans with my cream coloured cardigan and my cream wedges. My hair was well... shoulder length and I normally just brushe it and left it loose. I was a very simple girl but yet some people found me too complicated. I grabbed my glasses and walked out of my room and quickly locked it before heading diwnstairs to breakfast.  Why I lock my door well let's just say I'm a teenage girl and I have four brothers, three of which are hormonal teenagers and one who is just a...boy. "Morning!" I sang as I entered the sacred kitchen filled with the whole Williams' family.  "Hey, sis!" Carter, the oldest greeted. "Sup!" Kale, the third oldest called from behind the marble counter.  "Cindy! How's you!" Last but not least Jackson piped. Jackson was the second oldest and the most decent brother of them all.  "Carter, Kale, Jackson, Mom, Dad and Princess!" I called hugging each of them. Princess was my baby, my cat and I find it very ironic that I have a princess' name and my cat's name is Princess. "So tell us sister how is the song coming on?" Jackson asked. I sighed thinking of the song that was painful to finish. "It's not, you know I think I should just well you know give up," I sighed. Everyone's heads snapped to my direction. "Are you crazy! Cinder you're amazing you shouldn't give up I know I wouldn't if I actually had talent!" Kale dramatically stated whirling his arms all around the room. "You really think so?" I asked them. Everyone nodded. "Okay enough you're gonna be late!" Dad scolded giving me a quick peck on the forehead.  I waved goodbye to my parents and all four of us pilled into Carter's red range rover. I pushed my earphones into my ears and hummed along to Wings by Birdy. The journey to school always felt too short, shorter than any other journey in actual fact. When we arrived I exited the car noticing for the first time that Peter had already been dropped off at school. We walked to the building that held all the secrets no student would dare to tell their parents about for one reason or another. Even I had a secret here. I guess the school was the guardian of all teenage secrets. I was too busy taking in the old building to notice myself walking into someone. Caleb Valley. I bent down to pick up my phone and earphones along with my book but I was yanked up only to become face to face with Caleb. "Watch where you're going," he seethed through his perfect teeth. I nodded, for some reason and grabbed my belongings before scurrying off into the school. I rushed to my locker and took my first periods books. I closed the locker only to come face to face with Jackson.  "Jackson, you startled me!" He laughed and put his hand over my shoulder gesturing for us to walk. "Who the hell still uses the word startled?" He laughed making me glare at him. "Anyways so what was all that about? You and well Caleb?"  "Nothing I just accidentally bumped into him," I said shrugging his arm off of me. Ever since Carter finished school Jackson has been the protective one but Kale on the other hand well he was kept back another year so he couldn't care less apparently his 'reputation' was more important.  "Oh well you know I'm here for you Cindy," he smiled. I rolled my eyes at him and began to walk the other way. "Don't call me that!" I called back and then I disappeared into the sea of teenagers. Carter finished school last year and was going to start heading off to college soon. Kale was held back a year due to his football tour last year and because Kale being Kale he decided it was best to not do the work emailed to him by the school. Jackson was in 12th grade with Kale and he was the more responsible one, after me of course and he was the only one with a stable relationship. Peter was in his last year of Middle School and well he was still decent. Me,Cinderella Williams well I was the musical one in the family and well abnormal. After my first few boring classes Lunch finally approached and as always I got my food and went to my usual table, the table next to the bin. I sat there alone normally writing music or reading or even doinh homework sometimes some people came up to mean and said hello and asked about homework but other than that I never socialised with anyone. I was writing a new song when the cafeteria went quiet, I looked up and saw Caleb Valley aka Mr Sunshine. Him and his crew were now walking in and took a seat by the 'popular' table and after that everyone got back to their conversations. I looked at this man suddenly intrigued by him he was like an open book but yet so closed and sealed.  After lunch I proceeded to my classes and when last period came I couldn't be happier.  I watched the wall clock as it ticked and tocked taking its time not really in a rush and that irritated me why should I wait for it, why? And as if the heavens heard me Miss Duncan said... "Cinder could you please take this to Mr. Turnberry?" Life was finally starting to agree with me! "Sure!" I chimed grabbing my bag. "Make sure he gets it in his hands don't leave without giving it to him," She demanded. I nodded and took the paper from her hands. I strolled all the way to Mr Turnberry's class wasting as much time as I could. After a long walk to his classroom I finally reached it. I knocked once and no answer. Twice and no answer so I just opened the door to find a empty classroom.  "You should've seen the guys face!" Someone laughed as they entered the class and guess who it was Caleb!
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