Meet Alora

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The light rays of the sun shined in Alora and she instantly knew it was morning even without the sound if her alarm, she slowly opened her eyes and yawned loudly she sat up on her small bed and stretched and just then the orphanage's general alarm winded and Alora covered her ears, she watched as the other kids groaned on their beds, and she giggled. "Good thing I woke up before that ", she muttered. She made her bed and wore her shoes leaving the big female dorm . The orphanage dorm and bathroom is divided into two one for boy and the other for girls. Outside the female dorm was a big notice board, she went closer to it and checked for her name in the duty list, she found out she is one of the kids sweeping the dinning hall. " Wow such an easy task, I wasn't expecting it",she went to the store and took a broom and s dust oand and set to work. She got up early In order not to be late for school, she had to spend her evening at detention because she was late for class and she don't want such to repeat itself. On Getting to the dinning hall she met the shock of her life, the place was a disaster, food was every where the floor the walls tables chair, literary everywhere. "Maybe am not that lucky", she thought and began working. Soon the other on duty with her emerged and began working, some if them used their powers as they only sat and watched their broom's and dust pan work by themselves, she couldn't help but envy them Alora's POV. " Done and dusted", I muttered after taking out the trash. Without taking my bath I quickly dressed for school, I took my biiks from under my bed and stiffed them in my little bag and left for school I trekked to school as usual, I was trekking with other kids that can't afford a carriage, I am already used to trekking after all the journey from the orphanage to Enchanted elementary is just thirty minutes walk. Enchanted elementary is a. schiik where kids are taught how to control and make use of their powers, I don't have powers so I don't participated in some of the practicals. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** . Getting to school I realised I was twenty minutes early, I sighted in relief feeling happy at least am not Kate today and I also have enough time to finish my homework I went further into the school and entered an empty class, I tiij NY seat taking my book out of the bag and I began working on my assignment Some minutes later I began hearing footsteps, I waited patiently to see who it was,lo and behold it was Alicia the school bully and her minions "Well. ..well.. well ,if it isn't the empty freak", she muttered coming closer Alicia is one of the most adored students in this school probably because she was betrothed to the crowned prince of Rizzel and because her father is the kings private adviser . I have been avoiding her since this week began but she found me today me today. I was afraid of her cos she always bully me. " What do you want",I asked trying not to sound scared "The usual of course,to make you suffer", she muttered and I swallowed hard. Before I could say a word she kufted me up with her wand and I was now floating on the mid air. " Argh,put me down please, I beg you, some one help me ",I screamed be cause I was scared if heights. Aliyah twirled me on the air with her want while I kept screaming for heko but of course no one came to NY rescue. She eventually let me go and gravity took over making me fall heavily to the grounded. " Haha,did you enjoyed your ride anyways see you in magical chemistry class ",her tiny voice said followed by the sound of the bell. it took me about a minute to get my self and realizing that the bekk for first class rang, I packed my books into my small bag and was about leaving the class,.. I went over to the door pushing it is many times but it wouldn't open, " Argh, curse you Alicia ",I groaned after figuring that she locked the door from outside. I tried pushing the door harder but it wouldn't budge, I gave up and sat on the floor close to tears. I guess am in for detention again today ************* A boy and a girl could be seen in the school's large and empty hallway, it seems they were searching for something or someone rather The boy had long ears which means he is an elf, while the girl had a green hair and green eyes signifying that she is a Muna. " Come on Fiona, maybe she is already in class or maybe she is not yet in school ", the boy said. " No, she is in school and I have a feeling that she is not okay ",The girl whose name is Fiona replied " But we are late for class already, and we are gonna get detention if we don't get to class now "the boy said again " Come on Evan,she is our friend aren't we supposed to make sacrifices for each other ",Fiona said and Even nodded in agreement's. Just then a small blue Bird flew and landed on Fiona's finger. she began communicating with the bird while Evan tried to figure out what they were saying. "What did the bird say", Evan asked curiously. " She said she saw Alora being bullied by Alicia ",Fiona frowned. " That girl is the devils messenger, how more cruel could she be ",Evan complained as they both began searching each class, they got to a class and heard sobbing from inside. " That's Alora ",Even said and tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge " Alora, is that you",Fiona voiced out. Alora on the other side if the door heard Fiona's voices and smiled immediately, those were her friends they have never turned their backs in her and as usual they are here to save her. "Yes Fiona", Alora replied and whioed her tears ." Okay, just hang on okay",Evan said and he used his powers and inkocked the door, Alora smiled a little feeling happy she had friends like that. Soon the door was burst opened, Fiona and Even walked in. "How did you end up getting locked in here", Evan asked but Alora ignored him giving both her friends tightly, since the day they met they have never turned her backs on her,they love her so much forgetting that she was powerless. FLASHBACK They met four years ago when Aoora just clicked twelve and was happy to be going under the full moon for the first time,she was too excited and not realizing that she was about bumping into some people. She eventually realized where she was going but it was too late as she already bumped into little Evan and kittke Fiona who were also on their way to the square, and that is where it akk began END OF FLASH BACK. A tear rolled down her face as she still hugged them, she eventually disengaged from the hug after about three minutes. " How did you end up here ",Fiona asked. " Who else will lock me in here if not that daughter of the devil ", Akira voiced out wiping her tears " Guys we are late for Mrs Elgida's class, she is gonna kill us if we don't get there now",Evan voiced out. "And you know what her favourite word is right". " Detention ",They all chorused and laughed. " Let's go",Alora said picking her bag from the ground and they left immediately. ** ** ** ** ** "oh. oh, Mrs Elfida is already in class", Evan whispered using his powers to see through the wall. " What potion is she teaching is today ",Alora asked hopping its not the invincibility potion she has always wanted to learn that. " Sleeping potion ",Evan announced and both Alora and Fiona sighted in relief. " Let's try our luck ",Fiona said and the three walked to the door opening it gently. " Good morning ma'am",Fiona summoned courage and gained her attention. "You three are seven minutes late", Mrs Elfida barked. " Sorry ma'am but we were actually.......... ". " No amount of explanation can make you come into my class ",She barked ." Three hours detention with hard labour ". " What !!!",the three chorused . "Yes detention", Mrs Elfida repeated. Alora glanced around the class and found Alicia smirking wickedly. *I wish I could kill that little pig *,Akora thought clinging her fist. " Three of you exit my class now",Mrs Elfida barked and they exited immediately. "Gosh that woman is so cold, I wonder how her children cope",Alora said as they walked through the empty hallway. " What are we going to do now",Fiona cried. "Guys I heard the apples in the school garden are ripe", Evan coed " Really,I love apples ",Alora smiled. "But how do we go past the Gardner". "I can deal with that, I can send a a hive of bees to distract him",", Fiona smiled. " Cool, now let's go invade that garden ",Alora spoke and they ran off. PRINCE KADE COURTYARD Prince Kade was seen in his courtyard having tea with his little sister Princess Livia as they dismissed on random things. " So brother, I heard mother speaking about you being betrothed ,is that true ? ",little Livia asked sipping her tea maturely. "Yes mother said the truth, and she is also Sir Williams daughter, bit weirdly I've never seen her", He replied taking a bite out of his biscuits. "wow so it means am going to get betrothed to someone I don't know when I clock fifteen?, bit why do I have to?, she asked . " Yes, you have to,cos father said its a tradition the royals have to follow ",he replied as he filled his cup if tea once again and taking a sip. " So how does it feels to be betrothed to some one". "I guess feels awkward and sad", he replied and just then a maid appeared and bowed. 'Good day my prince, the Queen seeks your attention", she said and bowed again. " Okay little princess,Enjoy while an away",he told her and she giggled He stood up adjusting his green hair, before leaving with the maid. The Prince is a Mina, taking from his mother the Queen while the princess is an elf taking from her father the king. He trailed behind the maid till he got to the palace garden where he found his mother taking a stroll with her messenger bird. "Good day mother", He bowed as he caught up with her. " Good day son, I hope I didn't disturb you",She smiled at him. "Not really mother,I was just having tea with the princess at my courtyard, nothing more", he relied strolling with his hands behind his back. " Wow ,you didn't invite me",she smiled. "Sorry dear mother, but its for siblings only", he said and both laughed. " So I called for you to inform you that I sent gav (kade messenger bird)to give your betrothed an invitation, I invited her to come over so the both of you will get to know each other.",She voiced out and his hearth sinked "She will be arriving in the next three hours, and I want you to be nice to her, entertain her and make her feel at home okay". " Okay mother, I beg to take my leave now ". " You may",and he bowed before leaving. He went back to his courtyard and didn't see the princess there bit he saw a maid clearing the table. "Where is the princess", he asked the maid and she bowed. " Oh, her power trainer has arrived and she went with him for her lesson ",she replied. " Okay, I need you and two other maids to clean this courtyard, get my horse and carriage ready and also need you to bake some fresh pie and biscuits and some fresh tea, I am entertaining a guest,everything should be ready in the next three hours ",he ordered and the maid bowed and left. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** its the end of detention and the three friends could be seen exiting the school looking very stressed. " I am so sorry for involving you into all this,I feel bad for putting you guys in trouble ",Alora apologised. " No its okay, besides what are friends for",Fiona said looking very exhausted. "Yeah she is right, we can't just leave you to suffer alone right", Evan said " Anyway guys, I need to GI heko my aunt prepare dinner",Fiona announced "Me too, I need to help my father at his workshop". " Okay then, see you tomorrow ",She waved. She also began her long walk to the orphanage, she was so tired and couldn't wait to get to the orphanage and have some sleep. After some minutes of endless walking she saw a shop which sells dress biscuits, the scent of the biscuits hit her nose and her stomach rumbled reminding here that she haven't eaten anything since morning, she searched her pocket and was lucky to find two silver coins. She walked up to the biscuits shop with a smile. " Two wraps of biscuits please""Akira ordered. "Oh I am sorry my dear but one wrap if biscuits is now two bronze coins", the old Lady In the stores commented .. " oh, really, okay ",Alora replied sadly. " But you can still have them for free ",the lady smiled at Alora handing her three wraps of biscuits. " Really,thank you so much ma'am you really did me well",Alora smuked at the old Lady. "oh, it's okay my dear, so what is your name". " Am Alora ma'am",she smiled back "Okay Alora, hope to see you simeither time". " Okay ma'am,good bye",Alora waved and ran off. She eventually got to the orphanage gate after what seems like forever. She was about entering the gate bit something got her attention and she made a dramatic halt. It was a flier which had a bold writing if "Full Moon" written on it. *Tonight is a full moon,gosh why an I so forgetful*,She thought as she took off the flair stuffing it in her smakk bag before going. She was a little surprised at how quiet the orphanage is but then remembered that its nap period. She removed her shoes and tiptoed to the female dorm as soon as she got in she changed into a brown gown that looks almost worn out. The orphanage is a poor one and can only provide food for the kids, some if the kids had to do part-time Jobs in order to buy school books, clothes shoes and other personal stuff and Alora is not an exception... The sat on her bed and quietly unwrapped her biscuits and began eating... After eating she laid down to have some sleep.. ** ** ** ** ** ** **. The Prince and Alicia were spotted at the Prince courtyard having snacks and drinks while discussing, not really discussing though. "So Prince Kade, at what age did you learn how to ride a horse", Alicia asked trying to create a conversation " At age thirteen ",Kade who wasn't interested replied. " Wow,is it weird that I don't know how to ride a horse at sixteen ",she laughed awkwardly. " Yeah its really weird ", Kade replied tapping his fingers. " Do you mind teaching mW.... "Uhh, nope, but I can get you a trainer to teach you", He glanced at her " But i would like you to teach me that yourself ",she pouted. " But, I will be really busy and as you know I am preparing for my eighteenth birthday which is in the next two weeks ",he said trying hard to avoid eye contact. " But you can still teach me that after your birthday right ". *Oh,how annoying*he thought. " Okay then",he eventually agrees. He doesn't want to do this neither does he like her but he has no choice, he respects his mother a lot and can't disobey her. Alicia also noticed that he isn't interested in her but still tries her best to grab his attention. "So what is your favourite food", She asked tapping her wings " Chicken soup I guess..". "Okay me too, so shall we have chicken soup", she said. "Before he could say anything she tapped her wand on the table and two bowls of chicken soup appeared. " Hey I only said its my favourite bit it didn't mean that I fill like having it now ",he glanced at her and she bit her lips awkwardly. " Am sorry",she said making the bowl if soup disappear. *She wants to show off right well I aksi know how to show off *,he though. "Gav!!" he called stretching out his hand and his messenger bird appeared on his hand. Alicia flinched but immediately composed herself. He said some words which Alicia couldn't relate to and the bird flew away. "what did you guys talk about"", Alicia asked with a smile.. " Oh, he is my messenger bird and I just sent him a message ",she also smiled sheepishly. " What's the message" "Oh, its a surprise", he replied smiling stupidly. " Wow ,I love surprises ",she Winked. " Trust me you are gonna Love this one ",he grinned. A while later a bunch of gathered in Alicia, including gav who laded the way. Alicia stood up and ran out in freight. scattering her hair in the process. Kade laughed silently as he watched her race in fear. ** ** ** ** ** ** Alora is done eating dinner and just left for the town square with the other kids who just clocked twelve. It wasn't really dark but they had to go early in order to be there once the full moon rises. Alora was walking with her lighted lantern but someone hit her and she fell and the lantern went flying away. She managed to look and the persons face and was shocked when she did. " Alicia ",she scoffed at Alicia whose looked messy. To Be Continued
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