The Royal Prince

1084 Words
The cool breeze of the early morning blew and Alora carefully opened her eyes feeling the cold. "Goodness its morning already", she muttered already shivering, she was wearing a jacket but it seems to be useless to her. She looked around her and found herself on a bench in the middle if the town's square. " Did I really spend the night here",she thought. "No body must know that I slept here,its still early,I can make it into the orphanage", she said to herself and stood up walking away before anyone could spot her. She got to the orphanage within minutes and tiptoed into the orphanage in order not to get heard She successfully entered the females dorm without making noise She went over to her bed and sat on it , she glanced at the small wall clock in the room and figured out that the general alarm will soon be sounded so she didn't bother going back to sleep She made her bed and walked out of the dorm with a metal bucket, she got outside and went over to the tap and fetched water to take her. She was in the bathroom when the alarm sounded and she giggled imagining how the kids would feel She was done taking here bath and still wore the same clothes. She went out of the bathroom with the bucket and found kids already outside doing their chores. She went back into the dorm and went to her bed, she drew out a box from under the bed which contained akk her dresses. She began searching for what to wear . " My clothes are all dirty and smelly, I need to wash them, I am taking a off from school today so I could get NY things in order",she muttered . She eventually got something to wear which was a blue gown and a brown jacket. She wore her shoes and sat on her bed bringing out her note book an began reading what she was taught the previous day. Soon enough the bell for breakfast rang and Alora dropped her book and began running to the dining hall She was running for two reasons vl,the first reason was that she was starving and the second reason was that she needed to grab a seat before everywhere gets filled. She got to the dining in no time and half of the kids were already in side/ "Goodness how on earth did they get here so quick", she thought ad she also grabbed a seat. In some seconds the hall was filled and the food was being shared *What's for breakfast*,she thought holding tightly to her plate... The chef finally got to her side and ginger tea was poured in her cup and two bread fell on her plate. *Am impressed at least the food is better today*,she thought and began eating She ate one of the bread and spared the second one for later, when she was done she wrapped the bread in a foil paper and went to the dorm where she found some of the girls preparing for school already, she went to her bed and hid the second bread in her box and laid back on the bed and continued reading. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Alora finished her laundry at about 10am, she went back into the dorm and only three people were in including her making four,some were sleeping while some were reading. Alora sat on her bed thinking if what to do next *I already ran out of money, I need more money to take care of some things,I need to go and find out if Mrs Lily have any chores I could do*,she thought, she quickly wore her shoes and left the dorm, the orphanage was pretty empty as most of the students are in school. She walked through the streets if athe very busy Rizzel, After about twenty minutes of walking she appeared in front if a blue gate and knocked on it And a young beautiful fairy who was in her early 30's opened the gate "Good day Miss Lily", Alora greeted. " Good day my dear, why aren't you in school ",she asked with a smile. " Well, I took a off from school to take care of some of my stuff, and also I ran out of cash, so ma'am is there anything I could do for you ? ",Alora asked. " oh yes I do, I have some dirty dishes and I also need you to help me feed the cows ". " oh is that all",Alora asked. " yeah that's all". Alora walked into the house wore an apron and sat for work. ** ** ** ** ** ** It's an hour already and Alora is not yet to finish the chores. Miss lily would have done the chores using her powers but she is down with a disease which also effects her powers and prevent them from working and that's why Alora always come to take care of her chores and Miss Poly would reward her with some coins PRINCE KADE. Jade got into his carriage along with Alicia they were going out to a festival in the neighboring town, Alicia was well dressed in a red ball gown gold jewelries and plenty make-up, her hair was left to fall freely as a little ribbon was attached to it. The prince was also dressed in blue and white ,he had to wear his crown because he was going into the public,the crown fitted so wekk with his green hair making him look more like a Greek god. The ride to the festival began and Alicia kept smiling nonstop,she felt really lucky to be betrothed to the Prince and the prince in return doesn't like the idea of getting married to someone he doesn't like, bit what choice does he have. He wasn't interested in going to the festival with Alicia but he hadti because after the prank he pulled on Alicia the previous day the Queen forced him to make it up to her, and he had to take her aong with him as a sign of apology Alora was outside the gate with a bowl of dirty stinking water which she used in washing Miss Lily's dishes, she poured the water absent mindedly not realizing that the dirty water had spilled directly on Alicia and the Prince who were just passing by in their carriage.. To Be Continued

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