
1850 Words
Blake's pov  I sigh rubbing my eyes for tenth time or is it eleven? I don't know but what I do know is that I have been reading the same paragraph for the past thirty minutes. I haven't had a good sleep in about a week now, my wolf has been a lot more aggressive than usual, always threatening to take control of my body whenever I'm with Tiana. I'm afraid that he will take advantage of me when I'm sleeping, I tried sleeping by myself but I couldn't, I tossed and turned all night long, I needed to feel Tiana in my arms and know she was right beside me. My brain just wouldn't relax enough to shut down and when it did, my dreams were plaqued with nightmares of my wolf ripping into Tiana's neck while I was watching helplessly. I was beyond tired and if the bags under my eyes weren't a dead give away, I don't know what could possibly be a good indication. Well, except for the fact that I was snappy and always moody, besides that, I was perfectly fine... Note the sarcasm.  My parents were worried about me and the pact had started avoiding me, fearing that I was going feral and to be honest, I couldn't blame them, I could feel myself slipping at times, losing control to my wolf. At this rate, I don't think I'll be able to lead the pack, hell I can't even get through a stupid paragraph, I'm far behind on paperwork, if it wasn't for my beta, this pact would have been in ashes right now, I owe him big time. A knock on the door interrupts my train of thought, "come in" I called out wincing slightly, my voice sounded a lot gruffer than I thought. "Uhm good evening Alpha" says Mika, the gamma's oldest son hesitantly walks into my office, one of my best warriors, even though he is gay, he is supposed to take over from his father after he graduates high school. He keeps a good distance from me, I sigh briefly looking at my desk in shame, my own pack is afraid of me, the people I'm supposed to lead and protect fear me.  "What can I do for you Mika" I say trying to sound calm despite my exhaustion and short fuse slowly burning out and if he doesn't say his peace and leave, I fear I'll be snapping at the wrong person. As if noticing, he quickly clears his throat to speak, "the pack is hosting a party on Saturday to celebrate everyone that's graduating on Friday and I wanted to ask for permission to bring a friend over" he said quickly. I looked at him and he seemed a little hesitant, "anything else?" I asked realising there was more, "well, Uhm my friend is Uhm human" he whispered the last part but being a werewolf, I didn't miss it. I was stunned for a moment, a human? That was unheard of, humans didn't know about us, except for those mated to a wolf but the others had no clue of our existence, which made me wonder if this particular human knew of us. "Grant him permission" my wolf linke, sounding normal for the first time in days.  "What? Why?" I linked back but he was ignoring me again, I was puzzled for a second that I forgot I wasn't alone, I looked up when Mika started shifting on his feet, "you have permission to bring your friend but you will be responsible for them, you how wolves get when they're intoxicated" I said so he could leave, he have me a bright smile, "thank you Alpha" he said bowing and leaving. "Care to explain yourself" I linked my wolf but he was quiet but I didn't miss how calm he was all of a sudden, what's up with him? "I know you can hear me you asshole, I asked you question!" I said losing my none existent patience, at this point I'd snap at anything and it won't even be my wolf's temper but my own.  Kenya's pov  "Am I the best or am I the best" Mika said walking up to me as I waited for him at the entrance of the school, I gave him his coffee and made a thinking face with a finger on my chin, "maybe the bestest?" I said with a sweet baby voice, "yes definitely the bestest" he said with a wide grin making me chuckle. "You, my dear best friend is going to be my date tomorrow" he said with a smug smile, I stopped in my tracks to stare at him wide eyed, "you mean I'm coming to the party at your pack house?" I asked still unable to believe my ears. "Yes ma'am" he said with a little cowboy accent, "how did you even manage to do that? I thought it was some kind of taboo" I said still frozen on my spot, "what Alpha can resist all this gorgeousness" he said looking into the distance and pouting making me laugh at him and drag him to our lockers before we got late for class. I don't know how he did it but I was mad happy he got permission to take me to his pack house, I've wanted to see it ever since I got over my fear of being eaten by wolves.  Today was the last day of school and I couldn't hold in my excitement at all, I was literally bouncing in my chair all day that when the final bell rang, I jumped and yelled "freedom" and instead of the usual laughter I get from the class, this time I received hoots and cheers from the other students and a chuckle from the teacher. I walked out of the school with Mika discussing tomorrow's party and what to wear and to be honest, I was feeling a little hesitant to go now, remembering the flashy clothes that they are always wearing, I wasn't sure I had anything I would deem good enough to wear to a rich folk party. Sure Mika wasn't a snob like most of them but I knew he was rich too, I didn't want to be an outcast. "How about we go to the mall to get you something to wear not that I care what you wear, you'd put those bitches in stiches even with a potato sack on" he said putting his hand around my shoulders. "I would but I don't think I can afford anything that would fit in with you guys and I'm not blowing my savings for a party" I said as we descended the stars leading out of the entrance.  "Relax lady, my mom owns a store at the mall, she'd be more than happy to let us get whatever we needed, she really likes you and if I go there saying you need something to wear, she'd let me pick a few outfits for myself as well so we're definitely going, I'm not losing out on free clothes because of you b***h" he said with a no nonsense tone leaving me no room to argue. "You would use your best friend as a ticket to get free clothes, I feel so cheap, used" I said with a hand on my chest faking hurt, "oh shut up, like you don't use me" he fired back. "I never use you" I said hands on my hips, "oh so you don't mind me paying your parents a visit and letting them know that all those sleep overs and study dates were just an excuse to go party?" He said with a smirk. "Low, that's really low" I said shaking my head at him, this traitor. "Then it's settled, we'll go shopping after the ceremony" he said kissing my cheek and walking to his car leaving me to follow him. Unbelievable. Just as I was about to get in his car, I heard someone calling out my name, I turned around and saw it was my mom, she was parked outside the gate waving at me. This was unexpected. "Mom? What's going on, are you ok? Is everyone ok?" I asked getting a little worried, it was the first time seeing my mother outside the school waiting for me. She chuckled gesturing me closer, "relax Kenya, nothing is wrong, I just wanted to take you out to celebrate you finishing high school and to get you a dress for tomorrow" she said giving me a hug. Warmth is all I felt spreading through me as I hugged her back, "you don't have to buy me a new dress mom, I'll make do with what I have, you do so much for me and my siblings already, don't trouble yourself plus I have a shift at the cafe to cover for tomorrow's absence" I said once I pulled out of the hug. "Don't be silly, it's no trouble at all, and I got your sisters to cover your shift so I could have you today, now get in the car and let's go" she said leaving me frozen, what was with the surprises today.  Remind me to never go shopping with this woman ever again, we went from one store to the next, trying to find the 'perfect dress', I tried on more clothes than I've ever worn in my entire life, ok exaggeration but that's how it felt. If I had known how much of a shopaholic my mother was, I would have ditched her. Now we're sitting at a pizza hut having dinner, my feet aching so bad I don't think I'll be able to get up. As tired as I am, I'm happy to have this moment with her, we hardly have any time together, the only time I get to have her to myself is when I'm helping her cook and that too is mostly short lived, in a house full of people. "Thank you" I said taking her hand, "even though I complained half the time, I had a lot of fun, I wish we'd had a lot more moments where it was just you and me, I love you mom" I said feeling myself tear up.  "I too wish we had done more girly things together, I haven't had this much fun in forever" she said squeezing my hand with a bright smile, I swear I'd never seen my mother's eyes twinkle like that, "we do have a couple of weeks before you go to college, I'm sure we could squeeze in a few dates, what do you say" she added and I nodded, "I'd love that" I said giving her a wide smile. The drive back home was spent in a comfortable silence, the radio softly playing, I don't think I've ever been this happy, I don't think I'd ever realised just how lucky and loved I was. Sliding my hand over hers, I enjoyed the rest of the ride home, silently praying for this day to go a little slower. 
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