
2083 Words
Kenya's pov  Mika and I were in his room at the pack getting for the party, yes at his pack, he still lived with his parents in stead of living at the pack house like most teens did but I wasn't complaining, although I had his alpha's permission and his family's protection, I was still a bit scared so being here with just his family that I'd met before made me feel safe. I'd been so nervous the whole drive here, that I couldn't even take in the beauty of the nature that we were passing through, the tall thick trees providing the freshest of air that I don't doubt would seem like a scene from a horror movie at night seemed to fly by as we drove into the pack. It was two hours away from town, far enough so no human would just wonder into their territory and find them out, and the narrow dirt road was hard to find, let alone drive through it, you'd have to be a regular to easily go through it. "Braid or straight?" Mika asked as he set the hot straighter down next to me after doing his sister's hair, although she wasn't old enough to go to the party, she still wanted to get glossed up with us and we didn't mind at all, Mika was always happy to have someone he could doll up. "Yeah no, you're not burning my hair off with that thing, a braid will do" I said eyeing the hot piece of metal, I never understood why people had to straighten their hair like that.  After putting my hair in two French braids, I put on the outfit he helped me pick out at his mom's store and boy would I be turning heads tonight. It was a white spaghetti strap crop top, black high waisted pleated skirt paired with white Vans, honestly, it went amazing with my caramel skin tone, light make up and nude lip stick. "Damn mama, you trynna get mated to a wolf or something" Mika said when he came out of his walk in closet, wearing black skinny jeans, black turtle neck and a black converse, he came to stand behind and looked at our reflections in the mirror. "Boy look how good we look together, you just had to be gay" I said leaning in a bit closer when he took out his phone to take a picture. "I know I'm hot you don't have to lust over me" he said making me chuckle and playfully hit his chest. After a few more pictures, we left his room to bid his family goodbye and headed for the pact house, we took his car because they lived a little farther from the pact house, this place was huge, even bigger than Hoodville.  Music could be heard from a distance blasting from the pack house, the party was already in full swing, it was about nine pm so I wasn't surprised, we were fashionably late. The strong smell of alcohol and sweat hit me in the face, werewolves didn't get drunk easily so they drank the heavy stuff to at least get a good buzz, so you can just imagine how strong the stench of alcohol was. A lot of eyes turned as soon as we walked into the pack house, shock flashed through their eyes first followed by hunger and lust. I know we looked hot but all this attention was a bit overwhelming. Mika pulled me until we reached what looked to be kitchen, to say it was massive would be an understatement. He poured some shots for us and down the hatch they went, I started feeling tipsy after four shots but Mika kept downing some more. After about a mountain of shots, he took my hand and lead me to the dance floor, we danced for quite a while, grinding on him, moving my hips to the music. I don't know how long we'd been dancing or how many songs we'd danced to but my legs were starting to ache a bit. I turned to face Mika to tell him I needed a break when a someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around coming face to face with a hot guy giving me a toothy grin showing a small dimple on his left cheek, "hi, I'm Max and I'd really like to dance with you" he said holding his hand out. I turned to look at Mika and he nodded indicating it was alright to go with him, I took his hand and soon I was grinding on his well defined body and in my drunken haze, there was nothing on this earth that could beat this feeling. A growl boomed over the music and it sent delightful chills down my spine, the guy that was holding me let go and the music stopped as everyone stilled. I felt something stir within me, my heart beat picked up and I felt like I was losing my breath, what the hell is going on with me. Another growl sounded from behind me, it vibrated through me making my legs feel like jelly. I turned around coming face to face with a Greek God, yes I said a Greek God, this guy was definitely the hottest person I'd ever laid my eyes on, I mean who even looked this sexy. He looked like he had just walked out of a magazine cover, damn it I was drooling and I couldn't even stop myself, I must've been looking like an i***t, dreamy eyes, mouth hung open and spit just dripping out of it, and I wasn't even sober enough to pull myself together, I was making a fool out of myself infront of the sexiest guy I'd ever seen, awesome. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me against him, my hands flew up on instinct and landed on his rock hard chest, my eyes lifted to look into his and the world faded as soon as my brown orbs met his bright blue, it was just me and him. "MINE" he growled the words, not only letting me know but everyone else in the room, my body shivered from how possessive he was, what the hell, this guy was claiming me and I liked it.  Blake's pov  I was sitting in my office looking over some papers, my wolf has been a little calm since Mika came to visit, strange as it was, I was glad I could get some well over due sleep. He would still growl and make his displeasure known everytime I was with Tiana but I knew not to push my luck so I didn't sleep with her, just spent some time with her at random times of the day but whenever I wanted to have s*x with her, the threats would start. The party had started about three hours ago and music was blasting throughout the house, though it wasn't as loud on my floor but I still got a good dose of noise and it was distracting me, "maybe I should go down for a drink before I sleep" I thought as I started packing up my desk, putting everything in the drawers. Tiana chose that very second to walk in, she was wearing a red short dress with black heels, she smelled like alcohol and I knew that she had been drinking. She walked over to me, adding a bit more sway to her hips instantly making me hard for her, "don't even think about it" my growled in annoyance before disappearing in the depths of my mind, I cursed as she straddled my lap and started grinding on my hard d**k, "it's been a while since you've f****d me Alpha, I'm needy and ready" she whispered making my already hard d**k throb beneath her. "And I know you want me too" she continued when she felt my d**k pulse against her p***y, goddess, what I'd do to be buried inside her.  "How about we go get a drink before heading to the bedroom" I said pushing her off and headed for the door, I stood there with the door open waiting for her to go out first, she stood there looking like I had just poured cold water on her, damn it, I felt like a d**k, I wanted so bad to just carry her to bed and f**k her brains out but I couldn't risk it. She reluctantly walked towards me and stopped in front of me, "are you ok?" She asked her eyes laced with worry, "yeah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be? I just need a drink that's all" I said with a nervous laugh. "Ok I guess" she said walking out with me right on her tail, we walked in an extremely uncomfortable silence that I didn't know how to break. My wolf started pacing in my head and telling me to go faster, "what the hell is wrong with you" I asked as he was starting to annoy me, "just go" he yelled making me all the more curious at how anxious he sounded. The smell of alcohol and sweat hit me when I reached the lower level of the house, where the party was held, drunk teenagers dancing and having fun without a single worry, what I'd give to be stress free right now.  My nose caught a whiff of something sweet just as I was about to go into the kitchen, my nose was stuck in the air trying sniff out whatever scent it was that my nose had caught. Peaches and mangoes, my favourite fruits, the scent overpowered the smell of alcohol, it was the only thing I could smell, my wolf howled at the sweet scent and I knew that I needed more of it. I sniffed some more trying to locate it and it was getting stronger in the direction of the dance floor, I froze at the sight in front of me, the most gorgeous girl I had ever laid my eyes on with glowing caramel skin was dancing and swaying her full hips to the music, my mouth watered at the sight. "Mate, mate, mate" my wolf chanted in my head, "go to mate now" he said and I didn't need to be told twice, taking a few steps towards her, I froze as rage, red hot burning rage took over my sense, Max, one of my warriors was dancing with her, his hands on her hips, making her grind against him. A deep growl resonated from my chest and vibrated through out the entire house with my Alpha aura rippling out of me in waves, dark and dangerous, a promise of death.  Everyone stilled and the music stopped, Max removed his filthy hands off my mate as soon as he saw the death glare I was sending, "rip his head off for touching what's ours" my wolf growled and I couldn't agree more but I just couldn't kill a pack member, he didn't know she was mine and for that reason alone, he would live. Holding on to the last strand of my control, I walked towards my mate and stood behind her, a growl left my lips as I was now basking in that sweet scent of hers, I saw her shiver before she turned around to face me and her expression was priceless, her eyes were wide and dreamy while her mouth was slightly hung open, she looked more beautiful in that moment that I could have ever imagined. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer, I couldn't help it, the small distance between us felt like miles that needed to be removed. Her hands flew to my chest and her head raised so her eyes could meet mine, everything faded the moment her brown eyes met mine, I knew then that I was lost for good and no one could save me, I was hers for eternity. "MINE" my wolf and I growled staking our claim, she shivered and melted in my arms and I couldn't contain myself anymore, I needed her more than I needed to breathe.  I placed my other hand underneath her skirt feeling her silky soft skin before lifting her, she wrapped her legs around my waist and her hands went around my neck as I quickly climbed the stairs heading for my room, I was claiming her tonight. 
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