Emily Rose.

2288 Words

Mickey’s POV. “Well, duck! Now what?” I ask Rose after we checked the B&B and my place. “I think a cup of your tea is just what we need right now. Then we can brainstorm where else she could have gone,” “I like you,” I tell her. A cup of tea is the answer to everything. No matter the issue, it’s always easier to deal with if you have tea. I brew a pot of honey lavender tea to help relieve our stress, maybe I should send some back with Rose to give to Hawk. Or better yet just send a bucket load of it to throw on him. That man has some serious stress right now. However, it’s mostly his own ducking fault. I’m not ashamed to admit I’d have pooped in my pants if he’d have looked at me the way he’d looked at Derry. I thought that one of them wasn’t going to make it out of there alive at one

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