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Derry’s POV. “I think you might be the Alpha” Hawk says, his tone uneasy. I feel his pride in me, but it’s laced with humiliation. I turn to look at him. “Don’t be ridiculous, you said we are equals. And if you haven’t noticed already… I’m female,” I snort. “Oh, I noticed,” he smirks. “I don’t mean actually the Alpha, but you used a power that only Alpha’s possess. In most ways, we should be equals, but in opposite ways, you should be the Yin to my Yang. Today we were both… Yanging,” he shrugs. “I have an explanation for that!” Mickey calls through the closed door. “This is a private conversation. How can you hear us witch?” Hawk asks suspiciously. “Oh sorry, I have my ear on the door, my bad,” Mickey calls back. Hawk looks relieved and exasperated at the same time. “Get dressed,

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