I Swear.

2161 Words

Mickey’s POV. I wake to the sound of drilling. Who the hell is drilling near my shop at this ungodly hour? As I become more coherent, I realise it’s not drilling but snoring coming from the bare chest I have my head on. I squeeze my eyes shut again, either I’m dreaming or I got ridiculously drunk last night and fell into bed with someone. Crap! Why do I do such stupid stuff when I’m drunk? Although in alcohol's defence, I’ve done some pretty dumb stuff when sober too. I inhale and feel slightly relieved when I recognise Stone’s distinct scent. At least it’s not a stranger, but holy shitballs is this going to cause problems. I try to think about what happened last night but it’s hazy. I remember Derry being here, and Stone. They were doing something to me that I didn’t like. My hand. I rem

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