The Walking Dead.

1588 Words

Derry’s POV. Something feels wrong today. I’d slept most of yesterday and spent the night switching between hunger and vomiting. One minute I’d been starving like I’d not eaten for days, the next I’d be throwing up everything I’d eaten, only to be starving again a few minutes later. The whole thing seemed pointless. Why was my body demanding food, only to reject it minutes later and then demand it again? Was this a normal pregnancy thing or was I actually sick? I'll need to find a doctor today and get myself checked out. My body screams at me once again for food, but I just don’t have the energy to get out of bed. Besides, I've already missed breakfast by now. A soft knock at my door pulls me from my little pity party. It’s probably Mr Alden checking why I didn’t come for breakfast. I wra

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