White lies.

1364 Words

Derry POV “Good morning Little Red,” Mickey greets as he enters the dining room. Sounding far too cheery at this time in the morning. “Little Red?” I raise an eyebrow at him. “Little Red Riding Hood,” he mimics my raised eyebrow. “Damn girl, you look like s**t today,” “Thanks Mickey, you made me feel so much better,” I roll my eyes and take another swig of my much needed cup of tea. “Rough night?” “Yep, spent most of it cozying up to the toilet,” I huff. “Hmm, I’ve spent many evenings hugging mine, for very different reasons of course. I rate it a zero out of ten. I do not recommend it,” he says with a shudder. “Agreed. Your tea has helped though, thanks for that.” “Not a problem, let me know when you need more. Now hurry up and finish that cup so we can go get you some baby st

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