The Mating Ceremony.

1538 Words

Hawk’s POV. I position myself with the book open in front of me. If anyone looks in on me they’ll see I’m calmly reading… I flip over the book to see what I’m pretending to read. Great... They’ll see I’m calming reading Human Biology. Exciting stuff. I must remember to thank whoever picked this choice out for me. I reach out to Derry with my mind. I can feel her but the connection is different to how I usually would feel her. I can only describe it as trying to see through fog. You can see there is something there in the distance but you can’t make out any details. Maybe it’s the sedatives still messing with me? I focus on her presence and push the words at her. “Come to me. Come to the clinic,” I feel a bead of sweat roll down my face. That was much harder than it should have been. Somet

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