
2270 Words

Hawk’s POV. Derry sleeps peacefully on my chest, I’m too happy to sleep. Just enjoying having my mate in my arms and my son sleeping soundly by our side. Everything has happened so fast tonight. Just hours ago, I was about to officially mate Autumn, fully believing I was insane. Now I have my true mate and a son. How could I not be happy? I know nothing about our relationship is going to be easy. I have my pack to deal with, the elders, maybe even the wolf council, and then there’s Autumn, who, no doubt, is going to cause a lot of problems. But we’ve already got over the first few hurdles. Derry has met my wolf, she has accepted me, or at least is willing to try. My parents have met her and Oakley and have accepted them both as mine. I will fight to save my pack and position as Alpha. Whe

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