
2217 Words

Derry’s POV The pained howl of Hawk's wolf breaks my heart. What have I done? I was too harsh on him, too quick to react in the heat of the moment rather than giving myself time to process what he was saying. Oakley screams, as if he felt the pain of his father. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” I tell them both as I rock Oakley in my arms and stare out of the window in the direction Hawk's wolf had disappeared. More wolves had joined him, watching them howl together before darting off would have been a beautiful sight if it hadn’t been a song of mourning, mourning caused by me. I’d felt how vulnerable he was yesterday, felt how scared he was of rejection and look at what I’d just done. A small knock at the bedroom door gives me hope, I can fix this. I rush to it, already planning my apology.

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