Chapter 41: Dog on a leash

1533 Words

Zac's pov: I sat up with a start, just as my alarm went off. I was breathing hard. My pillows and sheets were soaked with sweat, the nightmare replaying like a broken record in my head. It has been the same nightmare, or a variation of it since Saturday. Me with Lily, her begging me to feed off of her, me draining her of all her blood and her rising awake as Callista. And while this was bad, it was a welcome relief from the nightmares I've had every time I go to sleep since I was fourteen. My insomnia wouldn't allow me to sleep much, preferring to listen to Azrael's mad rambling in my head than give in to the lull of sleep. I knew what would happen the moment I fell asleep. And when I did fall asleep, I always had nightmares. Always dreamed of the torture I faced at the hands of o

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