Chapter 40: Lucid dreams

1526 Words

Zac's pov: I knew I was dreaming the moment my eyes slid open to find her sitting in bed across from me. She came to me at night, as soon as I fell asleep. Tonight, she was wearing nothing but a pink silk night dress that stopped around her elegant thighs. Her arms were clasped behind her head and her legs were crossed at her ankles. She was barefoot. Long black hair spilled over her face and shoulders, softer than velvet and gossamer. A smile that seemed a little too sweet. A little too honest. "W- what are you doing here?" I asked. "You're not supposed to be here." In my dreams, this is what I'm usually reduced to. A weak, scared, stuttering i***t in front of the girl behind my nightmares. "Hello!" She chirped, big green eyes smiling up at me. Just one word and my heart was alre

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