Chapter twenty - Tests and pressure

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Jason's POV: Bailey and I have been studying a lot. After a week, the tests for the end of the first half of the school year will begin. I'm not worried much because I know I will get better grades. It might not be a big difference, but it's still something. The one who is freaking out is my teacher. She has to get perfect scores everywhere. I think she worries too much, but I can't say anything. I can't go against her mom. Otherwise, we'll end up arguing. That is not something I want to happen. Mostly, it's because of Bailey. She already had problems with her. I don't need to put more oil in the fire. At least her dad is calmer. He is happy with whatever his daughter does. She should focus on that. I guess she wants to please her mom. That's why I don't listen to what my parents tell me. They will start using me if they see I do everything they say. That's what Bailey's mom is doing. It's wrong, but no one can stop her. An unwritten rule is that you can't go against your parents and win. They always think they are right. I'm happy that I don't have such problems with my parents. Well, we had others. I won't talk about this now. Around four months have left me to complete the bet. I still doubt this. I don't know if I want to do it. I thought it would be easy, but it's not. She is too good to me. I can't do this to her. At the same time, I can't hurt Vanessa. Mom said I have to deal with this alone. She is not wrong, but I wish she could help me. All I can do is talk with both of them. It can't be now. Bailey is stressed about the upcoming tests. I will choose another day. If I keep doing this, I will never tell them. It's not like this is that bad. No, it's terrible. I have to think of a way I won't hurt them. That sounds like mission impossible. I hope that in the end, things won't get worse. I don't want this to happen. Today starts the week of tests. I'm not nervous at all. I have studied a bit, so this has to be enough. I'm worried about Bailey. She has been doing it like crazy. Sometimes I think that you will forget some things from so much work. That's why she needs a rest. I have told her that many times. She didn't want to listen. In that case, I can't do anything about it. That was her choice. I hope that she won't regret it. You can always study. The thing is that you can't go back in time to spend your teenage years differently. I woke up and went to get ready for school. I forgot to pack my backpack last night, so I did it now. That was like a five-minute work. When I was ready, I went into the kitchen for breakfast. This time, my dad was making it. Mom is probably sleeping. I won't wake her up. She needs rest as well. I sat down and waited for that. He made pancakes. I don't remember eating anything from him, so this will be my first try. I'm sure he can cook well. - Breakfast is served. - Thanks. I haven't tried anything from you. - Because you were never at home. - Is mom ok? She doesn't sleep that much. - I don't know. I left her to sleep because she was tired yesterday. - Ok, I understand. - Good morning. - Mom, are you ok? You look pale. - I think I might be sick. - What? How? - I don't know. Maybe it's from work or outside. I can't tell. - Why don't you stay at home today? I mean, you can't go to work like that. - I might do it. I don't think I can stay on my feet for long. - It's ok. Take a rest. After school, I'll come home. - Thank you. - Do you want me to buy something on the way home? - No, I think we have everything. I talked with my parents for a while. Later, I went to school. I saw Vanessa talking with Toby and Alice. That's a sign for me that I have to join them. I walked up to them and gave Vanessa a back hug. - What? - Nothing. - No, there is something. You never mind when I do that. - So? How is your day? Tests are coming. - I'm good. - You seem confident. - Toby said - Because I am. - Do you think you can have an A? - No, but I will do better than the last time. That is enough for me. - Here comes Bailey. Why is her head down? She seems upset. - Alice said - One word. Mom. - I understand. - She probably talked with her about the tests. For the past few days, Bailey has been freaking out. This girl has been studying like crazy. I tried to make her take a break, but she didn't listen. I don't know what to do with her. - I think her mom puts too much pressure on her. - Toby said - The whole school knows that. - Vanessa said - I don't think so. They know she is the top student who studies a lot. No one knows why she does it. That is not her choice. - I said - Well, she can't keep doing this. - If you think that she likes it, you are wrong. - Who would like it? It's t*****e. - I will agree here. My friends and I talked until the bell started ringing. Then all of us went to our classes. I noticed that Bailey wasn't in the mood at all. Is she studying for the test? Ok, she is completely insane. It's my third class, which means test time. The teacher gave us five minutes. They were to look at the paper and ask questions. I was surprised at how much I knew. That won't be enough for an A, but I don't care. My parents will still be happy. I started with the easy questions. Of course, I will write something about all of them. I'm sure there will be mistakes. After all, I'm not as clever as Bailey. Well, I never wanted to be. She can be the top student. That is too much work for me. I finished the test on time. I gave it to the teacher and waited for Bailey. Soon, she came, and both of us walked out. She didn't say anything and walked to her locker. That is not a good sign. I believe something has happened. - Hey, are you ok? What is going on? I mean, apart from the stress. - Nothing. - What did she say? - Nothing. Please, leave me alone. - I want to help you. - I don't need your help. Just leave me alone! - Ok, then. I tried to be nice to you. Since you don't want me here, I will leave. - I said and left - Man, are you ok? What happened to her? - Toby asked - I have no idea. She doesn't want to tell me. - I'm sorry. How is the bet going on? - Terrible. I haven't done anything. - Why? Did she suspect something? - No, Bailey has no idea. The thing is that she has problems. Also, she is nice to me. I can't hurt her. That won't be good. - You know what will happen if you don't do it. - I do. You don't have to remind me. - How are my friends? I hope you didn't forget about our little bet. - Dylan said - No, I didn't. I'm close to doing it. - We'll see. TikTac. You have four months. - he said and left - I hate him. - It's not only you. That's why I left the group. Unlike him, Alice is worth it. I can't lose her. - You made the right decision. - Thanks. Said from you means a lot. On the lunch break, I went to search for Bailey. She was nowhere around. Later, I went to eat. Vanessa was alone with Dylan. That is never a good sign. I wonder where Tasha is. This girl is always with him. I quickly took something to eat and went to their table. I heard a sigh of relief. That means I was here on time. - Can I sit here? - You are always here. If you don't mind, I want to have lunch only with her. - Thanks, but I don't. You can stay with us. - Vanessa said - Sweet. Dylan didn't like it, but he couldn't do anything. I guess Bailey won't eat. After school, I waited for her. She passed by without even looking at me. I ran after her. She can't play with me like that. I know she has problems, but I have nothing to do with them. She can't put her mood on me. If I do it, she won't like it. - Hey. You can't do that. - I have to go home. - Ok, and? Why are you mad at me? I didn't do anything. - I'm not mad at you. Please, not now. I don't have time for this. - Why do you put your mood on me? What did I do? - Nothing. We can't study today. I'll call you later. - she said and left - But Bailey! - Bye! - Are you ok? - No. - Do you want us to go home? - Yes. - Let's go. Vanessa and I walked to her house. I haven't been here in a while. Let's say that I was busy with Bailey. This girl took all my attention. I don't know why I care about her. She is only a bet. Well, that was in the beginning. Now, it's more than that. She is my friend. Even if I don't admit it, I care about her. - Ok, my friend. What is going on? Did you fall for her? - Vanessa asked - No, we are only friends. - Since when? You didn't tell me. - She keeps putting her mood on me as if everything is my fault. - Isn't it? - No! Her mom is tiring her, not me. - You can talk with her. I'm sure she will understand how you feel. - I can't do it when she doesn't want to talk with me. - Can I know why you care? - What? - She was only a bet. Remember? - She is not only a bet! - I think you are falling for her. That means I was right. - F you. - Calm down. She is a good girl. - I made a mistake messing with her. - No, you did the right thing. You can help her. - I don't think so. - You have to believe it. - If you say so. - I think she is changing you. - Maybe. I know she did something to me. - She made you care. That's what she did. Bailey makes you be the version you always have been. Jason, you are a good boy. You can't escape from that. I don't know why you try to be someone you are not. Bailey doesn't like it. Neither do I. - You always say this. - Because I want you to understand it. - You are not helping me. - I thought you only wanted us to talk. You never said you needed my help. - Ok, fine. I'll deal with this on my own. - Even if I talk with Bailey, that won't change anything. You are the one who has to fix this. - I know. You don't have to remind me. - She will appreciate it if she hears it from you. - I don't know how to tell her. - With honesty. Vanessa and I talked for an hour. I would love to spend more time with her, but she is busy. The people I saw in the park that day were a couple she had met. I thought she had found new friends. Maybe that will happen as well. One day, she will be happy. She deserves it more than anyone else. I went out of her house and walked around. After some time, I walked home. I went to check on my mom. She was doing something on her laptop. I'm glad that she feels better. - I see that you are better. - Oh, hey, honey. Yes, I feel better. How are you? - I have been worse. - Did something happen? - No, I'm fine. - You might say that, but your face tells me other things. You can tell me. - Bailey is stressed about the tests and puts her mood on me. Vanessa told me to deal with my mess alone. - Ok, I see. Give Bailey some time. I'm sure she doesn't do it on purpose. So, about Vanessa. She is not wrong. You have to face the consequences of your actions. - Your job as my mom is to help me. - No, I am here to give you some advice. I can't solve your problems. - But I can't deal with this alone. - Because you haven't tried. I know it's not easy, but you can't give up. Also, ignoring the problem will only make it worse - Thank you for the useless help. I appreciate it. - I'm glad to help. - You are in a good mood. - Not really, but it's better than in the morning. Come here, big boy. - I'm not eight. I'll go to my room. - Ok. Call me if you need something. - I will. The rest of the afternoon I spent in my room. I feel terrible. I don't know what to do. Bailey will get mad at me for sure. At the same time, I can't do this to her. She doesn't deserve that. It's enough that her mom is tiring her. I can't do the same. Also, I don't want to do it. There must be a way I won't hurt her. The thing is that I don't know what it is. Later, I went for dinner. - Kid, are you ok? What's that mood from you? - my dad asked - He messed up. - my mom said - I see. It won't be his first time. - Yes, but now he cares. - I see the backlash. Well, he has to deal with this alone. It was about time for him to realize what he was doing. - Agreed. Sometimes, you have to learn the lessons the hard way. Life is not easy. - No one said it was. Otherwise, it will be boring. - That's true, too. I'm sure he will be fine. - Can't you stop talking? I'm right here! It's enough that I feel miserable. You don't have to make it worse! - I said and left The rest of the night I spent in my room. I texted Vanessa, but there was no answer. I guess she is outside. Well, she doesn't need to be with me all the time. That was before. I'm glad that she found new things to entertain herself. I still wish she had been here. My parents look at things from an adult view. She looked at it from my side. I want to forget about this bet, but I can't. Dylan can't win. I won't let him. Losing Vanessa means losing everything. This can't happen. She is the only one who understands me completely. Now, I regret doing all of this. It's too late. I hope that things won't get worse.
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