Chapter nineteen - Testing the limits

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Bailey's POV: The new year has started. I have to start school soon. I got mad at my mom. Then I spent the whole day outside. The good thing is that Jason was with me. I don't know if he liked it, but I did. He is a good company. I feel like we are getting closer. We are friends, which is something. Since the beginning of the year, we have spent more time than ever. I never thought this was possible. Let's say that I didn't want to have anything in common with this bad boy. Now, things have changed. I haven't seen him in a while. That way is better. He was only causing trouble. It's better if we don't meet soon. I have nothing against him, but he only tries on girls. I don't think he can love someone. The good boy is not like him. I like him more. Also, we have spent more time together. Maybe it's only me, but we understand each other better. The teaching helped us, too. I never thought he would do it. This boy didn't want to study at all. I have no idea what changed his mind. Well, his parents wanted him to have better grades. I did what I could. After all, I have never done this before. Besides that, nothing interesting has happened. I went with Chelsea one day. She kept asking me about Jason. Nothing is going on between us. That's why we are only friends. I don't think she will understand this. It's not like I have to explain myself to others. What I do is not their business. Jason told me he saw Vanessa with a boy and a girl. I thought he was jealous. I had asked him before if he liked her. The answer was no. Maybe he lied to me, but I don't care. I don't need to know everything about him. After all, we are not that close. Also, we are at the beginning of our friendship. I'm not ready to tell him everything. It's not like he doesn't know it. Sometimes, I feel more open around him. I hope that we'll be able to keep good relations. It's the first day of school after the winter break. I'm not happy about it. Honestly, I use it as an escape from my mom. She made me study for the whole vacation. I was out only at Christmas and New Year. During the other time, all my books were on the bed. I don't understand why she is doing this. No matter how much I read, I still can't remember everything. It's impossible. I wonder when the day I explode will come. I can't keep doing this. I wish she hadn't been so strict with me. I woke up and went to get ready. This time, I decided to dress differently. I wore jeans with a white shirt and took my black and white sneakers. I let my hair down. I prefer ponytails, but that won't be today. I want to change things a bit. When I was ready, I went downstairs for breakfast. Dad looked at me and smiled. Mom wasn't happy to see me like that at all. I ignored her and sat at the table. I took a pancake and put syrup on it. - Will you stop looking at me? - Go and change yourself. You won't go to school like that. - my mom said - I'm sorry, but no. I will go like that. There is nothing wrong with me. - If you focused on your studies more than your looks, you wouldn't make mistakes on your tests. - That has nothing to do with my appearance. Stop imagining things. - You see. Since you started teaching this boy, you have changed. He is distracting you too much. - That is not true. I want to do things for myself. Stop blaming others for that. - Eat and go to school. We'll talk later. I quickly finished eating and walked to school. I didn't want to be around my mom for long. When I arrived, I looked for Jason. He was nowhere around. Soon, I saw him talking with a girl. Why this made me sad? He is not obligated to speak only with me. I went to my locker to take my books for the first class. I was about to go when I bumped into someone. - Watch where you go, princess. - Oh, hey. I'm sorry about that. I didn't see you. - It's ok. You look different today. I like this style. - At least you did. - What do you mean? - Mom was mad. She wanted me to change, but I didn't do it. - She can't make you do that. How you dress is your choice. - You are distracting me. - What? - That's what she thinks. I can't say anything. - I think I need to talk with her. - No, don't do it. Things only will get worse. - I have wanted to do it for a long time. The only reason why I didn't do it was you. - Please, don't do anything. Please. - Ok, ok. Let's go to class now. - Thanks. On the lunch break, Jason and I went to eat together. Toby and Alice came up to us. I'm happy that they stopped hiding. It was about time for him to leave Dylan and his group. I would like it if Jason could do it, too. He is better than him. I don't know why he doesn't call it quits. This boy will realize what he is doing when his friends leave him. It might be too late, but I don't care. - Today the food is good. I can finally eat something. - Alice said - You always eat here. - Toby said - Yes, because my next meal will be at home. I won't survive that much. - Some girls starve themselves. - I won't be one of them. - Music for my ears. Anyway. How are you two? What did you do during the winter vacation? - I had to study. Please, don't ask. - I said - I already know the answer. What about you, my friend? - Nothing. Mostly, I was outside. - Alone or you have found someone. - Both. I was with someone for two days. - I want to ask who the person was, but you probably won't tell me. - You already know the answer. - What? Oh, I get it. When we finished eating, we walked for the rest of our classes. Soon, we'll have tests. These will be for the end of the first half of the year. Teachers usually do that. Sometimes, there is a parent meeting after they grade them. That was something necessary for everyone up to the eleventh graders. Nobody cares about seniors that much. I'm sure my mom will talk with every teacher personally. After school, Jason and I went to his house. Mom said she might be at home. I don't want to talk with her now. Lately, our relations are not good. I don't want them to get worse. As usual, we walked to his room. Today, I will test the limits. I want to see how long he can study. Let's say that I want to have fun. - Today, we have a lot of work to do. Are you ready for this? - I am more than ready. - Great. First, we'll start with the homework. That is the easiest part. Then, we'll continue with the lessons. - No problem. Let me go and take some snacks. That will be a long afternoon. - True. I'll wait for you here. - It's not like you have a choice. Otherwise, you have to go home. - No, thanks. I took all the books we'll need. Jason came back with two bags of chips and a pack of goldfish. That will be interesting. I think he might survive, but it will be hard for me. Now he will see what I have to do every day. We finished our homework for an hour. Half of the pack with goldfish was gone. Let's say that I like them. Here comes the funny part. - Ok, I want you to show me on the map every object we discussed today in class. - Are you crazy? I have no idea what we did today. - The problem is not mine. I am waiting. - Ok, everything is here. - he said and pointed to the middle of the map - I don't know why I agreed to help you. - Because you are a good girl. - Yes, I am. Let's continue. - Fine. Jason and I studied for three hours straight. I noticed he was getting tired, but I wanted to see when he would give up. I expected this to happen soon. It looks like he has nerves. His parents came home, but he didn't want to give up. I think it's time for me to let him take a rest. I didn't think he could study for so long. As a result of that, all the snacks were gone. We ate everything. - Knock, knock. Bailey, will you stay for dinner? - Jason's mom asked - Thanks, but I don't want to bother you. It's better if I go home. - Please, stay. We can continue after dinner. - Jason said - Ok, ok. Thank you. - I will call you when dinner is ready. - his mom said and left We kept studying until his mom called us for dinner. I have to say that I am impressed. I never thought he could do it for so long. Maybe there is hope for him. His grades are not perfect, but at least his parents are happy. I wish mine had been like that. Honestly, I don't have problems with my dad. When dinner was ready, we walked to the kitchen. I don't know what his mom has cooked, but it smells delicious. I need to stay here more often. - The dinner is delicious, miss Bell. - Thank you, Bailey. I'm glad that you like it. - It's perfect. Thanks for letting me stay here. - People who help my son are always welcome. - I'm trying my best. - I see some results. That is enough for me. - I wish my mom was like that. - I mumbled to myself - What? - Nothing. - She will change. Give her some time. - Jason said - How much? - I don't know. If you want, you can stay here. I will take you home later. - No, it's better if I go home. I stayed enough here. - That doesn't make me happy, but ok. - he said and faked a tear - I won't fall for that. - Are you sure? - he asked and made puppy eyes - I hate you. - I love myself, too. - I think both of them love each other. - miss Bell said - What? - Nothing. - Mom, you better stop talking. - Why? I told the truth. - Then you ask why she doesn't come here often. How is she supposed to come? - Ok, ok. I won't say anything. - Don't listen to him. You can say whatever you want. - I said - Thank you, Bailey. I wish you had come here earlier. - Everything happens for a reason. - That is true. - Can we talk about something else? I got bored. Also, my dad. - I never said I was bored. - mister Bell said - You don't have to say that. It's visible. - I enjoy the conversation. - You can keep talking with my parents. I will wait for you in my room. - Ok, I will come soon. - I said, and he left - I think you two should work on his manners. - I am only a teacher. - I'm sure you can help him. - Well, I can try. I talked with miss and mister Bell for a while. Later, I went to check on Jason. He was checking something on his laptop. I sat next to him, but he didn't look at me. You have to be kidding me. There is a way I can get what I want. I closed his laptop and made him look at me. That came with a smirk. I fell for the trap. Good job, my friend. Sadly, I am better. I didn't say anything and started putting my textbooks in my backpack. That was until he grabbed my hand and pulled me close. - What? - I didn't let you go. - So? I don't have to wait for your permission. - You will stay here with me. - Why? - Because I said so. - You can't tell me what to do. You don't own me. - Things quickly got complicated. - What do you want from me? It's getting late, and I have to go home. - To stop caring about her. Do what you like. She can't control you. - Can we not talk about this again? If you want, we can study. If not, I will go home. - That is not fair. Can't you watch a movie with me? - No, I can't. - She won't know what you are doing. - Ok, fine. It better be something short. I don't have much time. - It's good for me. I will take you home later. - You have to do it. There is no way I will walk alone in the dark. - I won't let you. Jason and I watched something for an hour. I snuggled to see his reaction. He didn't do anything. After some time, I received a kiss on the top of my head. He started doing this often. It's not like I mind. I like it. Later, he took me home. The walk was silent, but he was smiling. Lately, I can't understand him. He started being too nice to me. I'm afraid this might not be real. No, I can't think like that. I have to trust him. Soon, we arrived. Both of us talked for a while. Later, he walked home. I walked in and saw my dad in the living room. - Hey, what are you doing? - Nothing interesting. How was your day? You are in a good mood. - It was good. I tested his limits today. - Oh, no. What did you do to him? - Not much. I made him study to see how long he could do it. - Bailey, he is not like you. The boy is not used to that. - He did well. I'm surprised he didn't give up. - How can he do it? I can't imagine what you have done to him. - my dad said, chuckling - Very funny. I didn't do anything. He is fine. - I hope so. - Mom is sleeping. - Yes, she got tired. - At least I don't have to deal with her. - I won't tell her anything. - Thanks. I walked into my room, straight to bed. Jason texted me, but we didn't talk that much. This time, I want to go to bed earlier. After all, I have to go to school tomorrow. Honestly, I like talking with him. The thing is that I can't do it all the time. I have other work to do. At least he understands me. I know I can share everything with him. He is a good friend. Maybe this is one of the reasons why Vanessa stuck by him for so long. He is not that bad. His friends are. Mainly Dylan. This boy is no good for anyone. I think it's time for his friends to leave him. I hope that this will happen soon.
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