10 - Fun Things to do at a Bookstore

1963 Words
The next morning Rayne was the first up. She showered, wrapped up in her oversized fuzzy robe, slipped on a pair of black panties and made coffee. The smell of the coffee was pleasing and nauseating all in one sniff. Rayne hadn’t drunk like that in a very long time but was thankful for the heavy, uninterrupted sleep it gave her. Looking at the clock on the stove, 9:02 a.m. Hump day. She loved Wednesdays. They were in the middle and even if the week before sucked it was more than halfway from being a distant memory. Looking into the living room she saw Marcos start to stir from his pallet on the floor. He smiled and got up joining her in the kitchen. Camera in hand they flipped through the shots together. “Geezus Marcos, you made me look so enticing and beautiful.” “No ma’am, I just took a picture and it shows what has always been there. You are beautiful Rayne and the world is finally going to witness what I have seen all along. Did you see the painting?” he motioned to the canvas. Peering into the living room it was awe inspiring. It was a gorgeous curvy woman laying sideways on a golden chaise. You could only see her neck to her upper thigh but it was breathtaking. “Is that me?” Rayne asked. “Yes my lovely that is you. I love it and don’t think I will ever sell it. If you are ok with it, I would like to keep it.” She nodded still looking in awe. Did she really look like that? Was it possible it was that pleasing? Billee and Brayden woke up not long after and they all had breakfast together while cleaning up the ‘studio’.  Billee had a shift starting at two o’clock, Brayden had a meeting with Darius and Marcos was on duty at the pizza shop for the night. “Brayden, please don’t say anything to the guys ok?” Marcos laughed and recanted the phone conversation verbatim and watched as Rayne’s face contorted in anguish. She shook her head and wished it weren’t true but it was and she would deal with that teasing at another time. “Well, hopefully you all will keep your mouth’s shut about it around Dimitri. Darius is right, I don’t think he would like this very much and I have already put him in his place once this year, don’t likely think he wants to go for twice.” Rayne said matter of factly as they all laughed. ~~ The clock turned to three p.m. and Rayne was alone in the empty apartment. She wanted interaction, noise maybe some…Stop thinking about them! She told herself rudely. In truth all she had done for the last hour was think about how much she would rather be laying by the pool listening to them talking about business or world affairs or even the phone book would do. Rayne really didn’t care as long as they were with her. “This is stupid!” She said out loud and walked into the bathroom. Brushing her hair and checking the minimal makeup recently applied, Rayne was satisfied to go out in public. Slipping into navy shorts and a t-shirt that was light purple with navy letters spelling out, “Coffee Needed”, Rayne decided to go to the Mall and find a book or something new. She wasn’t rich by any means and really only had a few extra hundred that month but she really just wanted a good book to curl up with and take her mind off of the hotness brothers. The drive to her favorite mall was about fifteen minutes. Parking was open everywhere and she took a cool spot on the ground floor in the shade. Weekends was the only time she normally went and it was packed. So, this quiet, park anywhere you want scenario was appealing.  Novel Ideas was the largest book chain in the state and she loved the variety of not only genre of books but price point as well. Her love of fantasy, paranormal and romance novels did well in this repository. She almost never left empty handed. Today she was looking for a book on cooking or history or something out of the ordinary. Maybe a novel about crime or a mystery thriller would suffice. Anything to clear her mind and make it think of things other than… Rounding the corner in the history section she nearly ran someone over. Looking up she started to apologize. “s**t! I am so sorry, I …” her words trailed off. “Darius? What the hell are you doing here?” He smiled and put his hand on her arm as if to help steady her from the collision. “Well, being in a bookstore, I thought I might find a book.” “Great, smart ass mode.” She laughed a little. “Seriously though this is pretty random since you don’t live very close to this mall.” “Well Rayne you have caught me. I was stalking you.” She looked at him in query and grinned. “You were huh? Well now that you have found me, whatever shall we do.” Darius had craved to know Rayne more than he already did. In all fact he actually was stalking Rayne and had followed her that morning. His original plan was to knock on her apartment door and suggest they resume what was started in his kitchen only days ago. Unfortunately up arriving, Rayne was backing out of a parking spot to leave. Darius thought following her to be the best, next course of action. “Well we could resume what we started in the kitchen at my home the other day.” Rayne was slightly taken aback. Darius was much more reserved and as of yet had not indicated he could be so bold.  Nonetheless she wanted to continue it more than Darius realized and she was feeling quite liberated from the Naked Artsfest. “I don’t think that is something that we could do here but I would love to.” She leaned up and kissed his cheek fully. His eyes showed something Rayne had yet seen so clearly. Lust. He wanted her and a store full of people were about to take witness whether they were ready or not. Leaning down he kissed her lips and slid his arm about the small of her back. Pulling with some force they were close together in less than a second. The kissing was resonant and profound. His other hand dropped the book held within it and wrapped around her as well. They were impassioned with one another’s embraces and kisses so much that it took a store employee clearing his throat twice to release them from the revelry. “Come with me,” was all Darius could say through his gritted teeth as he tugged Rayne in the direction of the bathrooms. They were in the bathroom and locking the door so quickly Rayne didn’t even remember walking. She was put on the counter and her legs spread while he stood in between them kissing her enthusiastically. Reaching around to her backside she was sliding out of her shorts and heard them hit the floor. She undid his belt and jeans while their lips never stopped caressing one another. The friction of their tongues coupled with the heavy panting made his manhood stand so hard at attention it was painful. They couldn’t seem to get to one another fast enough. “I want you so badly Rayne. Slide forward. “He panted in her ear while kissing her neck. She moaned and tipped her head back at the same time she slid her ass forward. Wrapping both legs about his waist he slid inside her unforgivingly. There was no sweet or kindness about this consummation. He was pounding inside the tight inner walls like he was going off to war the next morning. She moaned and moved her hips in time with his thrusts and watched his determined face full of lust and need. “I wanted this to be different our first time together but I cannot control how much I need to be inside you, Rayne.” She smiled and kissed his lips. “Make love to me later Darius, just c*m inside me hard and fast.” This was all the encouragement Darius needed. Grabbing her hips he walked her over to a wall and continued to work her s*x with unbreakable plunges. He needed to feel her milk him and quiver in his arms. Rayne’s back started to arch and Darius leaned in to suckle a n****e in his mouth. She was moving on his c**k more than he was thrusting into her. She needed to feel him release his entirety inside her soon. Her bated breath deepened and her moans heightened. Darius took in the sight of her on him and slowed his pace. He held her hips in his hands and pulled her off slowly and sat her back down slowly. This motion of working his c**k and causing the hostility to lessen caused a look of utter satisfaction on Rayne’s face. She began to breath with pause and he could feel he walls closing in and out in Rhythm. “Oh Darius, you… please…Mmmmm.” Was about all she could manage to get out as the wave of orgasm hit. Halfway through thrusting as deeply as possible she had pulsated around him enough that his own orgasm shot forth. He pumped and moved her on him until the orgasm started to dwindle. She was panting and her forehead rest on his. “Now that is exactly what I needed my love.” Darius said kissing her cheeks. Walking her back to the counter he sat her down and pulled up his pants. Leaning down he took her panties off the floor and started to slip them on her legs. Slipping off the counter she slid them up and continued to put on her shorts. He watched intently, smiling. Rayne was unsure what to say if anything but knew she just wanted to go home with him in that moment. She waited to see what he would say while she checked her hair and face in the mirror. Turning back around he stood there watching intently. “I am not going to apologize for our first time together being like this but I will promise you more next time.” She blushed slightly and just looked at him. “So there is going to be a next time?” “I certainly plan on it. If you are concerned Dimitri and I will figure this out between us but the one thing we do agree on is we both don’t want to have many more days without you.” “And if I am just a novelty? How does that end for me?” “You are far more than a novelty Rayne. You are… ours.” He kissed her forehead and led her out of the bathroom. Walking to where they had left the books on the floor; they were still there. Darius picked them up and walked them to the check out counter. He paid for the books and walked Rayne to her car. “So we have two choices here, you can come home to us or I can follow you to the apartment and finish what we started in the bookstore.” “Well the third option is you go home and I go home and we see one another tomorrow at the meeting.” Darius shook his head in negative response. “No. The choices are you come home or I will follow you to the apartment.” She took in the seriousness of his gaze and smiled. She knew that if she went to their home not only would Darius need to “finish what he started” but that also meant Dimitri could “start something.”  Feeling a tad leery about them both at once still and how she ethically felt about this relationship in her soul, the option of him to the apartment seemed better. “Follow me.” Was all she said closing the door and starting her car. 
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