0.6| Left Behind.

2293 Words
[15 minutes ago] Nyra was silently counting seconds in the ceremonial dress. She kept her head low and her frown deepened with every minute that passed. That flame of hope was diminishing slowly. Aunt Emily was gone for five minutes, saying the ceremony would take place in twenty minutes. Only fifteen minutes remained. Nothing could be done now. Nyra watched her reflection in the mirror for a few seconds before looking away in dejection. The weather was pleasant and the window was left open. A soft breeze poured in, spilling the light curtains into the room. They fluttered around, concealing the swift shadow that slid in along with them. When Nyra wasn't paying attention, that shadow slid inside and stood behind her, crawling closer and closer until it stood behind her chair. Nyra had tears in her eyes so she looked up to wipe them off before they stained the dress. She had only raised her eyes a little when she caught sight of the figure behind her. Nyra never failed to express her happiness whenever Naeva came home from work and today was no different. She hugged Naeva and let a few tears slip from her eyes. Not caring if the stains ruin her makeup or the gown. "How did you get here? Why are you so late?!" Nyra choked into Naeva's shoulder. She held onto her sister as if it was the last breath that could keep her alive. "I am here, aren't I? Not too late. We don't have much time. Quickly change into this and come with me." Naeva gave her a plastic bag with Nyra's clothes in it. Nyra had brought some clothes with her when they came to the Wingreen pack but no one cared about that at the moment. Nyra quickly changed out of the gown and jewellery and put on her pants and t-shirt. She took off her gloves and heels, wore her shoes and got ready to flee. "I heard the ceremony was going to happen in fifteen minutes. We don't have time. Get on my back, I'll take us out of the window." Naeva repeatedly mentioned how tight on time they were. Nyra didn't ask much and simply got on Naeva's back. That was how she was. Never ask questions when she had complete faith in a person or was too fearful of them. She always listened to the people who loved her and those who scared her. It made sense as long as she was living just fine. And if one was to look at the list, it only had Naeva's name on it. Nyra didn't trust herself as much as she trusted Naeva. Naeva was a strong individual. Since Nyra didn't have a werewolf, she worked harder to become powerful as a person to care for her sister. She may not look like it, but a person of Nyra's weight was easily carried on her back. With a swift leap, Naeva caught the window sill and swept down. The venue was full of guests who were attending the ceremony. Kevin and his six-month-old son were the centre of attention at the time and no one paid attention to the locked-up girl who was being taken away. Nyra held Naeva's shoulder tightly as they descended from the fourth floor window all the way down to the ground. Suddenly, Nyra was hit with a strange feeling. Her heart beat went off track and her arm tightened around Naeva's shoulder. Her breath came out short and laboured. Nyra was confused about the unease in her heart. Was she finally feeling the thrill of escaping? She couldn't think of any other reason to explain it. Although it didn't seem like it, she could only purse her lips tightly and hold it all in. She couldn't let Naeva know that she was having a hard time dealing with her emotions. Something in her wanted to let go of her hold on Naeva and run towards a certain direction. It was weird because Nyra herself didn't know where she wanted to go. In the end, she held her fingers together and endured. Naeva's feet hit the ground soundlessly. Nyra got off her back and stumbled a little due to the feeling. Was she too stressed recently? Was this an aftermath of worrying too much? "I can't shift now. We have to run some distance. Let's go. Be quiet." Naeva grasped Nyra's hand and pulled her to the backside of the building. Nyra blindly followed her sister out of the building. It was careless of Kevin to not have any security around the building. Money can't buy brains. But then again, who could have thought that Nyra would run away? Nyra was successfully taken away from the villa. Whatever happened, there was none of her concern anymore. Naeva had to stop and look around every few minutes to take the routes. Nyra noticed that Naeva flinched every now and then. But whenever Naeva looked at her, her eyes were clear and there was a relieved smile on her face. Nyra thought it was just her imagination. •~• "We are almost at the border. I'll shift and carry you on my back. We'll go full speed so that the border patrol won't be able to stop us. Wingreen is known for its lacking security, so we don't have to worry about that. Once we get out of here, we'll be free. I'll take you home." Nyra smiled bitterly as she asked, "We have a home?" Naeva paused and looked up seriously, "We do. My home is where you are. We don't need anything else. I've arranged everything. Don't worry. We'll be fine." Nyra nodded despite her doubts. She rubbed her chest a little. The unease from before was gone. An empty feeling replaced it instead. Nyra watched as Naeva took off her outer garments, tied them around her legs and shifted. She'd seen it so many times, but even now, it felt like a fragment of her imagination. How could a person grow in size, have fur, canines and have such a vicious look on them? Naeva went from a normal living human with a gentle look to a predator in a matter of seconds. On her fours, Naeva circled around Nyra and nudged her thigh with her ear. Nyra looked down at the piercing amber eyes and smiled. She got on Naeva's back, held onto her neck. Instantly, the wind tore onto her skin as Naeva rushed into the border and out of the pack. Wingreen pack was in the outskirts, covered with forests all around it. As they zoomed along the path, Nyra couldn't help but think about their future, which didn't seem to be so bright after all. Nyra flexed her fingers to grab the soft fur on Naeva's neck. It's fine. She didn't need anyone else. If her sister were here, she'd be able to live just fine. They were outside of the border before Nyra even knew it. She rested on Naeva's back while the latter zoomed between trees and crushed the soil under her paws. Naeva's wet wood scent was the only thing that kept her from thinking it was all a dream. After a while, they stopped by a large tree to take a break. They had covered a long distance due to Naeva's speed, which significantly reduced the chances of being found. Although Nyra knew very little about the Wingreen pack, seeing her sister being relaxed, she knew there was nothing to worry about. Nyra had just managed to relax a little when Naeva shifted back and started falling to the ground. It gave Nyra a huge scare. She caught Naeva before she hit the ground, only to see her b****y leg. The deep red-black blood stained her leg from the calf all the way down to the ankle. Injuries were inevitable when one was a werewolf. It was not a big deal because those injuries healed within a few hours thanks to the fast healing they were born with. Nyra had seen Naeva get injured multiple times and often tended to those wounds. By now, Nyra should be used to seeing them and not panic. Yet, Nyra nearly had a mental breakdown when she saw the deep wound. It looked at least a few hours old and didn't show any signs of healing. But why wasn't it healing?! Blood loss was still a big deal even if it happened to a werewolf! "Naeva, how did this happen?! Oh my! What do I do?! There is no one around for help!" Nyra panicked hard. Helplessness often had such an effect on her. She had nothing to stop the bleeding! She quickly covered Naeva's body with the clothes she had taken off. Then she tore off a piece of her own tshirt to wrap the wound. However, it wasn't enough. Blood soaked the cloth soon and became useless. Nyra couldn't stop herself from crying. She was so happy, so happy that they were finally free. But that happiness did not last long! "Don't cry," Naeva's voice was hoarse due to the pain. She leaned against the tree trunk and took deep breaths. "Why not? How did you injure yourself so badly? And why didn't you tell me?!" Nyra got up and paced around, trying to think of a way to save Naeva. "If I told you, would you let me take you away?" Naeva said with a smile. She wasn't worried at all. Almost as if the fatal wound did not matter at all. Taking Nyra away from that place was more important than her leg. "I wouldn't! I would have asked for help and sent you to their hospital as soon as possible! Even if I had to go through that ceremony, I wouldn't regret it. You are more important," Nyra started sobbing loudly as she spoke. "See? That's why I didn't say anything. And this wound is nothing. It's just, the guards were equipped with pretty good stuff, so it caught me off guard. Healing is a bit slow, that's all. I'll be fine after a little rest." "That's why we didn't encounter any guards at the border? Because you fought them?" "How else would I get in? I observed them all day yesterday and found their shift pattern. I took them out ten minutes after the shift was changed and if everything went right then they wouldn't be found until another half an hour." Nyra had nothing to say. She always knew her sister was smart, but why couldn't she keep herself away from harm? "I am going to find some help. You stay here." Nyra wasn't satisfied with Naeva's explanation. Was there anything better than staying together? Being healthy and being able to see each other was fine. She felt extremely upset. Her being upset did not mean she was going to argue with Naeva over it. She'd rather look for solutions than waste time. "No! Don't go anywhere without me! You don't know this place. What if you get lost or encounter something dangerous? Just wait for a while. I will be fine .." Naeva tried to stop her from going too far. It wasn't safe for Nyra to leave just like that. She was a human after all! Nyra also knew her worries. She hesitated and then went back to stand besides Naeva with a helpless drop of her shoulders, "But the wound isn't healing like it used to!" "It's healing.... You just can't see it. It was way worse than that. It's almost healed now haha," Naeva's blatant lie was not funny at all. Nyra crouched down and sobbed next to Naeva. Her sister went through so much to get her out of there, but in the end Nyra was still the weaker one. She couldn't do anything for Naeva. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr A low growl made Naeva freeze. Naeva raised her eyes sharply to look straight ahead. She sucked in a deep breath and tried to stand up with the help of the tree trunk behind her. Her eyebrows creased together in pain, but her voice was resolute. "Nyra, run in that direction. Don't look back, just run as far as possible." Nyra looked up from her crouching position only to see Naeva back on her feet and looking ahead. Nyra stood up as well and tried to see what Naeva was seeing. Although her senses were good, they were not as good as an actual werewolf's. "What's wrong?" Nyra asked. She forgot to breathe for a second. Her palms started to sweat. Seeing Naeva so serious, she felt fear creep into her bones. Naeva did not explain anything, only took something out of her pocket and sprayed it all over Nyra's body, then shoved her away. "Just go! Don't come in the way!" Naeva's strength was too much for Nyra to handle. Caught off guard, Nyra fell a few metres away from her original spot. She saw Naeva waving at her to run. Nyra's mind went blank, she didn't want to run. She wanted to stay and help her sister deal with whatever had her tensed. But what could she do? Then, she saw the cause of their problems. It was a wolf. A wolf that was slowly creeping towards Naeva with the intention of killing her. Naeva sneered and shifted into her wolf. The two started circling each other. Naeva's wolf made eye contact with Nyra one last time - RUN!! Nyra's body moved on its own. She turned around and fled. She ran as she had never done before. Her tears were the only thing left after her as she left Naeva behind to fight the rogue in her injured state.
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