0.5| Restless Lycan

2031 Words
Alpha Darcy always believed himself to be decent at driving, but for some reason no one else in his house completely trusted him when they were on the road. He turned his head sideways only to see Louis holding the grab handle above his head and simultaneously checking the reliability of the seatbelt. In comparison, his grandmother seemed to be unbothered by who was actually driving her as long as she got to her destination in one piece. "Hey, I just remembered that Kevin Lokman had his mating ceremony a year ago? What happened to his mate?" Louis asked suddenly. They already knew it was his second ceremony but it was a bit weird that it was taking place just a year after his first one. Grandmother at the back smelled gossip and leaned to the front to tell them what she heard from others. "Others say that his mate died during childbirth. The baby is now six months old and Kevin took care of him for so long, but now he needs to work. No one else in the family has time to take care of the baby, so he agreed to have a mateship." "But that's not how it is, is it?" Alpha Darcy scoffed. He wasn't a fan of gossip, he could care less about what people did, but that man was someone he knew. Kevin was a good staff member at the Lycan organization, but that's where his good qualities ended. Alpha Darcy visited the headquarters and branches very little and that did not mean he didn't know about the people within the organization. Alpha Darcy did not have anything good to say about Kevin. In short, he could only feel bad for the girl who was going to be stuck with him. Wingreen pack liked to show off a lot and most of their money went into doing that. Although their economic conditions were depleting, they kept up the show of being a prestigious pack they were three decades ago. Alpha Darcy parked in the visitors parking and accompanied his grandmother to the venue. The invitation was checked at the border and Alpha Darcy did not mention his identity. Being one of the heads of a Lycan organization meant he was known by many important people in the werewolf world and ordinary people rarely ever recognised him. That allowed him to move around freely. It wasn't until they reached the venue and joined the small crowd of guests, that Mr Lokman spotted Alpha Darcy and rushed over to greet him and his grandmother. Of course, Louis hadn't forgotten either. His identity as Alpha Darcy's beta and also his brother-in-law made him special. No one dared to underestimate him. "Mrs Forder, Alpha Darcy, Mr Louis. It's such an honour to have you all on this special day." "Congratulations to your son," grandmother Forder handed over a gift she had brought. Mr Lokman accepted it with pleasure. "The ceremony will start in twenty minutes, please have your seats and refreshments while you wait," Mr Lokman was all smiles as he led them to the designated seat. At first, he only reserved a seat for Mrs Forder, but unexpectedly she brought Alpha Darcy and Mr Louis as well. He promptly shifted the other name plates from the table and had then to sit in the most respectful place. "I wasn't aware that Alpha Darcy and Beta Louis would be attending or else I would have done a better job at preparation. Please don't mind if something is not to your liking." Indeed, Alpha Darcy was rather unimpressed with the preparations. The decorations could have been much better, the drinks weren't cold enough and the carpet under the feet was uneven. He was kind of sensitive towards these types of things. Still, he didn't say it to his face. "It's alright. We won't stay long anyway," Louis said, which was what Darcy meant to say. Darcy nodded and went still. He really didn't like it there. It was a boring and half-hearted ceremony. He could hear people talking about it all around him. Mr Lokman smiled and left then to entertain the other guests. "Grandmother, we won't stay for long. I have a meeting to attend later...." Alpha Darcy said slowly. "It's alright. Leave Louis behind. He can drive me back." "I'm not leaving right away. I'll have something to eat first," Alpha Darcy scoffed. He got them some appetizers from a passing waiter. Alpha Darcy had it planned in his mind that staying for another half an hour wouldn't do any harm. The actual mating ceremony only lasted for dozens of minutes and the main event was usually the party after that. Darcy would congratulate Kevin and his second mate, then leave. However, as he waited for the ceremony to start, a faint floral scent enveloped him and started to make him restless. The scent wasn't even that strong. Just a faint scent that one might get when someone passes by. Werewolves were born with heightened senses and Lycan, like him, was naturally better than ordinary werewolves. Still, the scent was so faint that he couldn't tell where it was coming from. The floral decoration did not help! Moreover, his Lycan was getting increasingly restless. It has to be mentioned that Alpha Darcy's Lycan wasn't the most enthusiastic when it came to reacting to situations. Usually, Alpha Darcy had to force the Lycan out in dire situations and, even then, it was very hard to fully control the beast. That was one of the reasons why very few people had seen Alpha Darcy's Lycan form and every time it managed to go out of control. Darcy and his Lycan were completely out of sync most of the time. Alpha Darcy's face was coated in mild surprise when his Lycan reacted to the scent on it's own accord. The lycan, who didn't give a s**t about anything, actually began to feel restless when it came to the scent. But even his Lycan couldn't pin point what was causing this reaction. It was troubling so many degrees. "I am going out to get some fresh air -" Alpha Darcy had just stood up from his chair when someone came in through the door of the venue. It was Kevin who came in wearing the traditional suit with his six-month-old son. The little boy was being held by a maid behind Kevin. "Ah, Mr Kevin, you look good." "Congratulations on your mating." "Your son is so cute! He looks a lot like you!" Compliments showered on him as soon as he entered the venue. Kevin himself looked very happy to be the center of attention. He stood in one place as everyone came up to him to talk. Mr Lokman, Kevin's father, went up and said something to him. Immediately, Kevin broke through the group of well-wishers and approached Alpha Darcy's table. "Alpha Darcy, I did not expect you and Beta Louis to come here. I am a pleasant surprise. Thank you for gracing it with your presence. This day has become more special thanks to you!" Alpha Darcy wasn't in a good mood anymore. He could tell that the floral scent didn't belong to anyone inside the venue. He wanted to go out and search for that scent but was interrupted by Kevin. If he wasn't the one having a ceremony today, Darcy wouldn't have hesitated to push past him and leave. "Congratulations," Alpha Darcy only said a word and sat down again. Louis and grandmother Forder congratulated him. Kevin felt that Alpha Darcy's attitude towards him was cold, so he didn't pester him again. The ceremony would start in five minutes, so he excused himself and went to the platform where the ceremony would take place. His son was seated next to him. The little boy could sit on his own and was very playful with the maid. Darcy saw his chance and got up again, "I'll be back in a minute -" As he was leaving the chair, a young girl dashed past him to get to the platform. On a normal day, Alpha Darcy wouldn't have faced such a situation. He was always on alert and acted as if he had eyes on the back of his head. But today he was distracted. Half of his mind was bothered by the scent that was slowly fading away. The young girl looked panicked and embarrassed. She found Mr Lokman and rushed to whisper something in his ear. Her actions weren't subtle and the expression on her face made it easy to guess what was happening. "What?" Mr Lokman and Kevin were shocked. They didn't even try to hide it. "What do you mean she's not in her room? Did you ask her family?" Kevin asked the girl. The girl nodded frantically. "They are looking for her as well. They told me not to inform you, but how could I...?" They did not have the mind to keep the voice low, so all the guests heard it. The girl ran away. A hurricane of whispers roared up in the small venue. Alpha Darcy's head buzzed, he didn't have the heart to pay attention to someone else's misery. "What a tragedy! The girl who was supposedly going to be mated with Kevin, ran away!" It was surely an entertaining day for all the guests. No one really felt bad, just shocked and a little amused. Darcy, on the other hand, left the venue in a hurry. Those who saw him running out amidst the chaos, thought he was taking the initiative to go find the girl. Most of those people didn't know who he was, so it was natural to assume things. Kevin had an ugly face. He could feel the eyes on him, mocking and shaming him. He saw Alpha Darcy leaving and thought he should also make a show of looking for her or at least demand an explanation from Nyra's family. "Let's go fine them!" Kevin, followed by a few more people, left the venue as well. Louis and grandmother Forder watched everything happen while sipping on their juice. "Grandmother, it wasn't a waste of time to come here. It's pretty entertaining!" Louis gulped another mouthful of juice and commented softly. "That girl is pretty daring. She really managed to run away!" Grandmother Forder laughed heartily. She didn't feel bad for Kevin at all. The only person she felt bad about was her six-month-old son who was left behind without care. "Let's go back, grandmother. You need to rest. I don't think this ceremony will take place anymore. Alpha Darcy also went out for some reason...." "Alright. He has to go for a meeting. Anyway. We'll go home. Come on," grandmother Forder did not put in resistance and promptly got up to leave. Louis left the venue with her and got into the car. He tried to connect with Alpha Darcy via mind link but didn't get through. Alpha Darcy was in a sullen mood and this time he did not even hide it from others. He had rushed over as soon as possible, only to find that the source of that scent had already disappeared. It was too faint to begin with and now it was completely gone. His Lycan went silent as well. He was so upset that he punched a hole in the wall. Shortly after he punched the wall, Kevin and the others also arrived. He frowned unpleasantly at the sudden interruption. "What -" "You! Where is your niece?!" Kevin walked over with heavy steps and went past Alpha Darcy. He grabbed a man by his collar and started spitting questions at him. Alpha Darcy guessed that the man and the woman next to him were the runaway girl's family. Kevin was questioning them about her disappearance. Well, it had nothing to do with him. Since the scent was gone, he might as well just go back early and attend the meeting. Right now, Kevin and his family were embarrassed due to them. No one paid attention to the punched wall or Alpha Darcy. Alpha Darcy left the Wingreen pack in a bad mood.
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