1079 Words

HARPER'S POV “You did what!” Roman's grip tightened around his phone, I feared the metallic object would snap any moment from now. I ruffled my hair. “For crying out loud, she's our mate. That—” Roman groaned, cutting me off. Out of all three of us, it was clear as a sunny day that he wasn't having the whole mate bond episode. “We don't have a claim to her.” “Yet.” I countered him. My eyes narrowed. “Come off it Roman. I'm certain you felt the surge of energy slice deep into your core,” My jaw clenched. “Don't try to make this any more difficult than it already is.” His head jerked up and his gaze met mine. “What makes you think I’d stoop low and settle for a mere werewolf?” He rasped, his tone seething with defiance. Silence rented the air. Since I didn't have the right respon

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