Chapter 49 : The Romance of Sea Life

2072 Words

*Daphne* I met the man right on the border of our grounds, my eyes moving back and forth with heavy paranoia. It wasn't unlike me to go out for a walk around the grounds. While these days, my parents preferred I didn't wander unaccompanied, I could normally slip out undetected as long as I left just a couple of hours before dawn. A dark figure stepped out of the shadows. We both met at the gate and I wordlessly slipped some money through one of the gaps. He nodded politely to me, reached into the pouch on his belt, and produced a small, folded-up piece of paper. I took it eagerly, thanking the man, who nodded again before disappearing back into the early morning shadows. I pocketed the note and rushed back across the grounds and into the palace, taking the stairs two at a time back up

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