Chapter 48 : Beyond the Kingdom’s Borders

2237 Words

*Rion* Smog pierced the air as I made my way down a sketchy alleyway that was littered with garbage. I kept my dark hood up, feeling the eyes of the tough-looking occupants of the alley. It had taken me weeks to finally track down Eva. I returned to the lair that Daphne and I had escaped from, but it had been completely cleared out. I searched the surrounding forest, hoping to find some clue as to where she had gone, or perhaps another hideout nearby, but had no such luck. I had no other choice but to go to different taverns and ask around in the hopes that someone had information on my lost sister. I felt my desperation grow stronger with each passing day. I was worried about Eva, knowing that she was extremely damaged and that she needed help. Even more so than that, however, I fe

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