Chapter 3

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Tobias gave Amber a look as she rushed into the bar, clumsily taking her jacket off. “Sorry I’m late Tobias…”, she said, trying to catch her breath. “It’s fine Amber. You are a valuable member of our staff. Pretty sure you saved more than one of our asses the other day”. Tobias returned to pulling chairs off tables to set up for the night. Amber dropped her back and kicked it under the counter, “I’m going to find out how she knew, we can’t have f*****g hunters here”. Tobias didn’t bother looking up at her, “I trust you to do your job”. From anyone else it would’ve sounded menacing, especially if they’d seen him snap that woman’s neck and pick up her body like it was nothing. But to Amber, Tobias was safe. He radiated warmth and protection, though the warmth was probably due to being half werewolf. Amber had one goal tonight, she wanted to speak with Thorn and his band members about who that woman was and how she knew Thorn was an actual vampire. She waited until her break, gave Tobias a nod, and strode backstage where the band were lounging after their set. Unsurprisingly none of them had chosen to go back to the dancefloor, too nervous about hunters around. Amber was surprised they’d even showed up to perform so soon after the attack. Amber sat in one of the vacant armchairs, trying not to look at Thorn for too long as he unbuttoned his shirt, replacing it with a baggy black t-shirt. “Hey, thanks for saving Thorn’s ass the other day”, a slender woman with sleek black hair addressed Amber. “He told us what happened, we almost didn’t come back, I’m Lilith by the way”. Lilith was the band's drummer, easy to tell with her thick, toned arms. Amber nodded, “anyone who comes here deserves to be safe, I just wanna know how the hell she figured out what Thorn is, and where he was”. Thorn slid down into the chair beside Amber, “I think all of us are wondering that. I’ve been trying to figure out who the f**k knows outside the band and the folks who work here.” “Have you fed from anyone recently who has a big mouth?” Amber tilted her head. “Most of them don’t even realise I’m actually drinking their blood, even though I explicitly say it. They just think it’s some kinky game”, Thorn frowned and looked at the floor. “I mean, unless I accidentally fed on a hunter and they told more hunters? But why would a hunter let me feed on them without killing me?”. Amber pondered what Thorn had said, he was right, most people didn’t put two and two together and figure out vampires were real. But thanks to Stephanie Meyer and True Blood, loads of people had vampire fetishes now and would willingly ‘roleplay’ with them. “Unless they wanted to let you get away so they could follow you somewhere?”, a huge blonde man piped up from the corner. Killian played lead guitar, Amber had a suspicion he was part werewolf like Tobias. “What, so someone is just going out getting people to roleplay being a vampire until they find the real thing?” Lilith shook her head. “That would take f*****g ages, you’d have to hook up with so many wannabes before finding an actual vamp”. “I mean it’s not like this club isn’t known for being for freaks, everyone knows it as the ‘vampire’ bar”, Killian said. “Yeah but they’re not supposed to know that there are really supernatural folk here”, Amber stared at the ceiling, thinking. “Well s**t”, Thorn sighed. “Tobias and I are on it guys, don’t worry. But I would only feed from trusted sources for now, don’t find anyone at the club…” There was a collective moan of displeasure as Amber gave her advice. “What’s wrong with feeding off the same people for a little while?” Amber asked, genuinely curious. “You don’t get the same buzz from a previous feed, unless you’re legit addicted to them”, Killian said. “Yeah and you only get addicted if you’re like, mad in love, having astonishing s*x etc.” Lilith rolled her eyes. “Ah sounds horrible”, Amber stood, “you’ll survive I’m sure”. She made to leave and Thorn gently grabbed her arm. “Thanks again Amber”, he said, looking up at her. She nodded and left the dressing room. Two things occurred to her, one was that Killian was clearly part vamp part werewolf, werewolves didn’t need to feed on humans so for him to know about the addiction thing he had to be part vamp. Secondly, she had been hoping Thorn would feed on her again, considering how god damn good the first time was. But if he didn’t like feeding on the same person twice, she had no chance. Not that she cared. It’s not like she was actually interested in him, she just enjoyed how his teeth had felt on her skin. She felt a bolt of pleasure shoot through her centre as she thought about it. f**k, now wasn’t the time.
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