
1337 Words
This is all made up; please don't hold anything against me.       Ryder’s P.O.V The rest of the day there was at least one seat empty, and when the teachers were doing attendance there’s pretty much the same name that popped up. I didn’t pay much attention to it because if they weren’t here then that means that they don’t really care for they’re education. At least that is one reason. Another one could be that they have a part-time job to help they’re family get by, and they need the hours. There are multiple different reasons for something; you just have to find out what it is, that what I’ve learned from my aunt. I couldn’t wait for lunch to come around. I eat with my new friends, and maybe my brother if he wants to. I just can’t wait to get to know my new friends too and figure out what we’re going to do after school. I’ll definitely have to drop my brother off at the house, so he can start his training for his tryout that is in two days. He has a lot of work cut-out for him. That means waking up to loud music early in the morning, earlier than normal for us; which is about 6:30 in the morning. He will be training before school, and after school just to get into more of the shape that he wants to be in. He is already better than most of the football team by the looks of it, but I don’t judge a book by its cover. After the bell rang to let the students know that class was over, although I don’t think they needed a reminder by this time since they pretty much know the bell schedule down pack. They head out of their classrooms and into the halls, talking to their friends that they haven’t talked to all class period as they walk along, and I head toward one of the lunchrooms that my new friends had set upon meeting at with a skip in my step excited. My new school has two lunchrooms since my school is so big to hold all of the students that are surprisingly in this small town. Well the werewolves might have their own kind of housing place on the outside of town, so they can roam around freely as wolves without attracting attention from the humans. I’m pretty smart of my grade, but I try to hide it from everyone that I take advanced classes; I don’t want them to feel dumb or anything. Don’t get me wrong humans are great. They are just so innocent, naïve, and unaware of what is really out in the world. Like the witches, werewolves, vampires, hunters, mermaids, fairies, and many of the other stuff out there. They do make great friends though but keeping the secret that I’m a witch is sometimes killer. Oh, I never got a chance to know if my new friends are supernatural, hunter, or human. It wouldn’t matter what they are as long as they mean no harm to me and my family if or when they find out what we are. Principle Scott didn’t say whether or not witches were okay in their territory. I guess that would have been a good idea to ask, but I guess it doesn’t completely matter at this point. Since my aunt is now mated to one of their pack, and from what I got from him; they don’t exactly seem like the kind of pack to throw out their members just by who they are mated to. Also, I hope they are okay with it cause from what I’ve seen of the town that we’ve moved to; I would love to explore more of it. As I get to the lunchroom, I get stopped by a couple of guys that I definitely know are werewolves. I can just smell it off of them, I don’t have to even touch them. I take a step back and put my hand up a little bit to show that I’m okay for now because my little brother could sense what was going on with me. Then looked my way about to run to my rescue. The boys were a little confused by my hand action since I was still paying attention to them. “What do you want, hm?” I ask as I put my left hand on my hip. The brown haired one that was in the middle which seemed to be the leader of the group. He stepped up just a little bit and said, “What I want is to know your pretty little name, little thing.” He was about 5 inches taller than me from what I could tell. I just look at him with a stone face, and then reply to him with a sweet but menacing smile, “My name is none of your business.” After I say that his face goes just a little white, but he stands his ground; then starts to try to grab me. I grab his hand before he has a chance to, and then flip him over my shoulder like he was nothing. I didn’t even have to use my powers to help me and thank the goddesses for that because I don’t want that karma coming back to bite in the ass later on. I also thank my aunt for the training that she put me through to make sure I knew how to protect myself if a time ever came. When I look around, I notice my brother shaking his head with a smile on his face, and then walks up to me. “Geez sis, you went easy on him, but you could have gone a little easier on him.” he said, still shaking his head, but this time without a smile. “I know little bro, but it’s not like I meant to do this on our first day, and he kind of deserved it by calling me a ‘little thing’.” I say with a little bit of a pout trying to justify myself; while the dude is still on the ground. Now everyone is staring at us really confused, and a little scared like we’re some mutant humans. That’s when my new friends walk up behind us. “Wow, that was so cool, Ryder! You must workout a lot! And this must be the brother that you talked about earlier in class; the one you asked to sit with us! You said little brother, but he looks taller than you. Oh, I am so sorry I haven’t introduced myself, I’m Quinn.” Quinn finally stops talking and has time to breath. We all giggle except for Zander who is completely confused on who these people are. This time it is Avery’s turn to speak, “Hi, I’m Avery, as you know this is Quinn, and this Noah. We are also known as the popular group of the school.” She says the last part with a bored tone as if she doesn’t like being called that. Noah talks next, “We don’t have our complete group here today because some of them have some family matters to do.” Avery, Quinn, and Noah all put their hands out to shake my brother’s hand. When Zander shook all of theirs hands, we both paid attention to his bracelet to see if it changes colors. Which it did, so they are most likely werewolves.
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