Bonus 2

1490 Words
This is all made up; please don’t hold anything against me. Zander’s P.O.V After the whole flipping situation and meeting my sister’s new friends which is not new; she has always been able to make friends easily. I’m the same way, but not as good as her. I mean she made friends with the popular group during the first class on the first day of school. I just made three to four friends, but I may have lost them when the instant with Liam the bully came around. I slowly walked up to her like it was not a problem then I said, “Geez sis, you went easy on him, but you could have gone a little easier on him.” shaking my head, but this time without a smile. I thought for sure he would be a goner after what he said to her. “I know little bro, but it’s not like I meant to do this on our first day, and he kind of deserved it by calling me a ‘little thing’.” when she said that with a little bit of a pout trying to justify herself, I couldn’t help but kick myself since she is so cute in a sister way; when I say that to myself, I hear a small giggle in my head. I now realize that everyone is staring at us really confused, and a little scared like we’re some mutant humans. That’s when her friends come into the lunchroom and the girl named Quinn wouldn’t stop talking. Most likely because she saw what Ryder did, and then overheard what we said to each other. By the looks of what we are seeing right in front of us they’re not scared of us like the other humans and werewolves. When Quinn is finally done talking, it is the others’ turn to introduce themselves, and when they’re done introducing themselves, we all shake hands. When my aunt, sister, and I shake hands with people we mainly pay attention to our charms because we trained ourselves like that, so we know who or what we are dealing with. I notice that Ryder is paying attention to my charm as well, so she must have not gotten a chance to touch them at all in first period, and not at a surprise to either of us they are all supernaturals. After we are done shaking hands, we all head to their table when we are done getting our food. Ryder and I look and each other’s trays and laugh. The whole group looks at us confused, when we stop laughing, we both look at them smiling when I say, “When never get the same food. We always get different kinds of food for lunch and dinner ever since we were kids. We drove our aunt nuts with that.” Then it dawns on them and they start to laugh as well, and that’s when the whole room gasps then looks our way. Me and my sister look around the room while they are still laughing; I’m wondering what’s going on, and that’s when Ryder pulls me a bit to whisper in my ear. She says, “They said earlier that it was pretty hard to get them all to laugh at the same time, but I didn’t think it would be this big of a deal.” That’s when I stood up from the table which made them stop laughing. I look around the room, then at Ryder. She knew what I was wanting to do and nodded. I took a deep breath and then started to speak, “What the hell is your guys problem, huh? You’re all lucky that they were so busy laughing that they didn’t notice you staring are them.” That’s when I see them blushing out of the corner of my eye. “They are Normal people just like you and me. So, give them some space; they deserve respect.” Everyone looks down at their trays, and then I sit back down in front of my tray then it started to get cold, but I don’t really care if it’s warm or cold. As long as I get food in my stomach, so I can get through my day without passing out, and so I can exercise later for my tryout for the football team that is in two days. Goddess I love football so much. I have exercised everyday even when we were packing. I packed all my weights lasted, and then I would carry at least two boxes and do squats out the door to the truck then the other way around when we got to the house. When we were packing the house, I was told to focus on packing my room, and don’t worry about the rest of the house. They will take care of it since they can pack more stuff into boxes than I can; with I found a little mean, but when I saw them packing, I was amazed at how much they could fit in one box. Then I noticed how I was packing which was not cool. I was pretty much just throwing stuff in boxes and squishing them down just to make it all fit. After watching them I decided to change how I was packing, so I unpacked everything and repacked to make it work. After lunch Me and my sister went our separate ways, but not before telling me her plans for this evening to hangout with her new friends after she drops me off at the house and gets ready for tonight. I’m on my way to my next class, which is math, my most favorite class because it’s so easy for me to get. Same thing with my sister maybe it’s because being witches we have to add and all of that to get the right potion. When I get to class, I get told to sit in the corner desk that’s in the front by the door. A minute later a dude walks up to me and I wonder what his problem is. Then out of nowhere he smiles at me and says, “DUDE! I heard what you did in lunch A, and that was so cool standing up to Everyone like that.” “Ummm…. Thanks, I guess. Hi, I’m-” I start to say then I get cut off by him. “Dude I know who you are.” I give him a confused look, and then he continues, “You’re the new kid Zander Greenman. Your sister is already known as the new school badass for flipping Liam over her shoulder like it was nothing, and then you were walking up to her as if it’s normal for that to happen. Is it, by the way?” “Well her being a badass is a no and flipping people over her shoulder is kind of rare, to be honest. We usually keep our fighting skills to ourselves, but now that it’s out; we spare pretty much every weekend when I’m not getting ready for a game or have a game.” I say like it was nothing. He was left speechless for a little bit, and then something hit him. “What kind of game are you talking about?” “Oh, um I’m trying out for the football team, and I don’t think I caught your name.” “Oh, sorry man. My name is Ricky Skylar. Nice to meet you.” he says as he puts his hand out to shake my hand. I shake his hand, and like usual I don’t pay any attention to the person, but to my bracelet which turns yellow. That means he is a supernatural like me, but he’s most likely a werewolf. “Well I guess that makes us acquaintances, or are you going to be my new friend?” I say in a joking manner. His face lights up; like really lights up for some reason. “Dude best friends. Want to do something after school together?” he says smiling ear to ear. “Wish I could but I have to get back on my exercising schedule…” I say, and I start to see his smile start to fade. “Unless you want to be my workout buddy? If you can keep up with me” I say with a sly smile. His face looks like it’s about to explode from excitement and happiness, and then basically yells making everyone in the whole class jump, “Dude, that would be SO awesome. My First Real Friend invited me over to his house!” I look at him confused but he doesn’t notice it since he is so excited about tonight. After school I’m walking to my sister’s 2010 Ford Mustang Convertible. I see her standing there waiting for me; she usually waits for me before she gets into the car. While we were driving home, we just talked about how our day went like a usual school, and before I knew it, we were already at the house. It still surprises me how beautiful this house is. We got out of the car and headed to the house, and went to our rooms to get ready for both our evenings.   
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