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This is all made up; please don't hold anything against me.   Avery’s P.O.V I notice that Ryder’s demeanor changed almost instantly once she sees us. She went from smiling to looking down at her hands, and seeming really sad. As I get closer, I feel a wave of something coming off of her, and I don’t know why I’m suddenly feeling this stuff coming off of her then on to me. It’s completely new to me. What I’m feeling coming off of her almost feels like guilt. I don’t know why I’m suddenly feeling her emotions, but then all of sudden, I feel other emotions out of nowhere. Once we get close to all our seats, I decide to make a little stop to Ryder to see what is going on, and I’m not the only one that noticed the change in her. Grayson is the one sitting right in the desk that’s right next to her’s. He’s also holding her hands while giving her a concerned look. It’s surprising that he is actually in class. I hold my shock in for the time being, and focus on Ryder. Although my mind can’t help, but wonder of Grayson and Ryder are mates. That would be so cool!  And they would be a perfect match made in heaven in my opinion.   I know that Grayson was only dating all those girls for dating experience for when he actually found his mate. Not just anyone knows about it. They all just pretty much just think that his a player, but he is much more than what people think of him. He has never slept with any of the girls that he has dated; he has always been loyal to his mate even if he hadn’t even met. Now back at the task at hand, Ryder. When I get to their row in the middle aisle I sit on my legs on the side of her desk, put my arms criss-crossed my arms, and then put my head sideways on my arms. “Hey Ryder, What’s up girl? You seem down for some reason.” I say with a smile, and my eyes closed. “Nothing much is going on with me, and I don’t’ exactly know what you mean.” She said but her voice betrayed what she was saying, and I think she knows it. “Do you want to talk about it later? I know something is bothering you.” I say opening my eyes, and turning serious. “You know in private? If you want that is. If you want that is.” I say trying to respect her space. “I really don’t know what you are talking about, Avery.” She says in more of a stern voice. I try to stop myself from glaring at her, since this maybe her way of dealing with things that she doesn’t know what to do, but it’s hard and going to be hard to deal with this feeling pretty much hanging over me. I suddenly notice Grayson nod for some reason out of nowhere as if he were talking to someone. I give him a confused look to show him that I saw that, and was wondering who he would be talking to. All of a sudden, I hear Grayson’s voice in my head, and he says, “You’ll find out soon, I promise, but I just don’t know how soon it will be.” I don’t know if I’m satisfied with his answer; normally even tells me that he’s talking to his mom. Not what they are talking about, but that they are talking, at least. I exactly make him tell me though. I’m just wondering who it could be that is so important to him that he can’t tell one of his best friends, or he would have told me who he was talking to. Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by Ryder’s voice. “Yeah, actually it would be nice to talk about someone. Can we meet up at my house? Where there are no wondering ears around us.” She says sweetly, and unsure of herself. “Sure, that would be great, and no problem. I can do that.” I say happy that she is going to open up to me. “That’s great. Let’s say about 5 o’clock? And can you bring Quinn and Julian with you? There are some things that I need to tell you all.” She says really unsure of herself this time. “Sure, that is not a problem either.” I say a little confused. She nods twice then says, “Also, can you bring Noah?” I look at her really confused wondering how she knows about Noah. He wasn’t at school at all yesterday, so I don’t know how she would know anything about him. Also why did she look at Grayson before asking that last question? It’s almost like they’re talking to each other, but that’s not possible; she’s not a werewolf. Yes, she is a little stronger than a normal human, but she smells human. WAIT! She smells different than she did yesterday. That’s when I noticed that my wolf Tasha was trying to talk to me. “Finally, you noticed that I was talking to you, and finally you noticed that there was something different about your friend.” She said then sighed, and started talking again, “I think I know what is the difference with her from yesterday to today.” “Oh yeah, what would that be?” I say a little curious about what she has to say. “But first, go sit down in your seat. The last student just showed up.” She says then I look around to see that all the seats are full, so I go to my seat. “Okay, I’m sitting. What do you think is different with Ryder?” I say as soon as I feel my butt touch the seat. “It’s a long shot, but do you think that…” She stops all of a sudden in mid-sentence. “That what!?” I say starting to get impatient after waiting a minute for her to finish. She sighs then continues what she was saying, “If they already mated? But that would mean that she would smell more like him, so I’m not really sure of why she smells the way she does.” “Wow, that was So much help.” I say sarcastically. “Shush child. I don’t need your sass right now.” Tasha says a little annoyed. “Whatever you say, Tasha.” I say with a sigh then continue, “I just hope that one of the things being talked about tonight is why her scent changed in just one day.” The bell rings all of a sudden, cutting our conversation off all of a sudden. The bell let’s everyone know that class is over, and once our teacher dismisses us from class, we all get up from our new seats. When I get out of the class there is an overwhelming amount of emotions, and they are all jumbled up to the point that I run out of the school and shift into my wolf-form to my house. Away from all the crazy emotions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I spent the rest of the day in my room listening to my music, and wondering what is happening to me. Before I had run off from the school, I made sure to do a group mink-link with Quinn, Julian, and Noah to meet me in front of the pack house about 4:45. That way we could all go to Ryder’s house by taking my car, so we are in one car that way no one gets lost on the way there; also, the reason for taking one car is so we don’t take over the street at their house. It’s almost time to meet up with the rest of the group, so I decide to take a quick shower then get changed into cute, clean clothes. I do want to make a good impression on her family; I would be a good friend for her. Just wish she would open up a little more, but then again, we did just meet yesterday. I decide to stop thinking about it, and head to the others to go to meet Ryder’s house. When I get the pack house, I notice that I’m the first one here, but not for long. Because once I was out if my car, and was leaning up against it; someone came up to me from the front of the car. It’s Noah, great now I can talk to him about Ryder alone. “Hey Noah, how are you doing?” I say that I am a little happy to see him since I hardly see him lately. “Hi Avery, I’m doing good, how are you?” He says in a good mood as he smiles. “I’m doing good, but I actually have a question for you, if that’s alright.” I say a little of what he is going to say. “Okay, sure what’s the question?” He says a little more nervous than when I was asking the starting question. “Do you happen to know the person that we are going to go see?” I ask. He takes a deep breath of relief for some reason then says, “No, I don’t know them. Why do you ask?” “Well, the reason I’m asking is because she asked for you by name. So, I was wondering if you knew a Ryder Greenman at all.” I say in a curious voice. “The only Ryder that I’ve heard of is the one that flipped Thornton Brown yesterday. Was it more impressive than people say?” He asks really interested because no one has really beat Thornton except Grayson, and a handful of people; let alone a human. “Oh, it’s true I saw it with my own eyes, and it was awesome; get this, her brother said that she went easy one him.” When I said the last part Noah’s eyes almost popped out of his head. “Really! And I’m about to be meeting her? How did she even know my name in the first place? Do you think she will let me fight her? I want to see how strong she really is.” He starts to ask me questions that I don’t know the answers to. “Yes, you are really going to meet her, and I don’t know how she knows your name.” I say with my hands up in the air. “Hey guys, what are you talking about? I heard some loud voices coming from over here.” I hear a familiar guy voice come from behind me, so I turn around to see Julian as well as his twin sister right beside him. “Yeah, what are you guys talking about?” Quinn says in all her hyperness that we all know and love. “Oh, not much just that how Ryder asked for Noah to be at the meeting by name, and we think it’s weird that she hasn’t even met him yet.” I take a deep breath since I said that all in pretty much one breath. “Oh, that is weird, hmm. I wonder why that is.” Quinn says holding her chin in her right hand. “Anyways, should we start heading to Ryder’s house?” Noah asks maybe a little too impatient to see her, and see how she knows who he is. “Oh yeah, we should. We don’t want to be late; that would make a bad impression on them.” Quinn says all excited. We all get in my car, but suddenly we all get a wave of something that hits us. Then one by one seconds later all of us pass out either leaning on each other or on the window. I know it’s the same thing that hit all of us because I felt it through all of their emotions.   
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