How They Meet: Ryder Part 2

1352 Words
This is all made up; please don't hold anything against me.     Ryder’s P.O.V After I flipped Grayson, and established what we both are; I realize that I broke two of the most important rules that we have in my family. One: Don’t give away what we are to anyone just in case they have us leave their territory because they can never be sure if we are black magic users. Two: Never expose someone else’s supernatural background unless you absolutely need to. I start to panic just a little bit, and Grayson seems to notice, and he puts his arms around me then pulls me closer to him and says, “Shhhh, it’s okay. Whatever it is will be alright. I am here for you now, no matter what.” I feel comfort in his words, and I know that they are true, but then I came back to reality again. I push him away and got up then say, “Oh yeah, that coming from a playboy, fuckboy, and whatever else you are, huh.” I can’t help it, but for some reason tears go down my face. That really caught him off guard seeing me cry. Looks like he hasn’t seen anyone girl cry before; I scuff, turn around to walk out of my barrier that I made so no one could hear us talk, but there is no talking. That gave my hopes up a lot. I was hoping to hear from his lips that I was his mate deep down inside me for some reason. I was one step away from being outside, and I could feel my phone vibrate. As I’m reaching to get it out of my back-pocket on the left side; I feel big strong arms wrap around my shoulders, and pulls me back a little bit from the edge. I look at him, and he looks so sad. His wolf must be talking to him, telling him that I’m rejecting him. I turn around to face him, sit on my legs, and look him in the eyes. “What do you want, hm? I’m not rejecting you even if I am your mate. Which you haven’t even told me I am. I put up a barrier, so no one can hear so; we also can’t talk to people outside of this circle.” “So that’s why when I was trying to contact Avery or Quinn about you crying, I couldn’t.” I don’t seem surprised that he was trying to get help with a crying girl. “I guess you’re not surprised that they’re wolves either?” I shake my head no, and his sigh is like one of those ones that says, ‘why am I not surprised.’ It’s time for me to speak now about how I knew why I was what he was. Just as I was about to speak, I just got my brother's voice in my head saying to come home like now. “I have to go; I will explain everything later, about everything.” Just before I stepped out of the barrier again, I felt a hand on my wrist pulling me the other way that I was going. I turn my head to see a dishearten werewolf holding on to me almost desperately, but not too hard to the point it hurts. I sigh, turn my body to him, and take a deep breath. I’m wanting to know this answer, but not at the same time; I feel like once I hear it everything will change for me in multiple different ways. I look him in the eyes, and ask him the most important question that could very well make or break my heart. “Am I your Mate?” His eyes opened wide as if I did something wrong. I took a step back shaking my head with probably a horrified look on my face. Shook my hand out of his, and ran away as a mutter, a sorry with tears in my eyes that he must likely heard being a werewolf and all. The barrier went down as soon as I stepped out. I don’t dare look back to see if he is either chasing me which I doubt or still standing there. Before I knew it, I was where my car was parked, so I hurriedly got it started then drove away from the shopping center; that’s when I heard his voice coming from behind me. I step on the gas trying to lose him, but I forgot for a second that werewolves have speed in and out of their wolf-form. I’m almost home, just a little longer. Please don’t catch me before I get into my driveway. I contact my brother, kind of let him know about the situation by telling him what I want him and my aunt to do before I get there. I can see them outside on the grass holding hands looking out for me; that means that they're ready. My aunt probably doesn’t like this idea, but this is just a temporary thing. I get into the driveway, and almost expect that he runs through the werewolf protective barrier that they put around the house. At the speed he was going I wouldn’t be surprised, and he has alpha blood in him, so he is a little stronger than the other wolves. When he hits the barrier, he bounces just a little bit off of it. Just about two feet, but is still on his feet. I run to hide behind my little brother that is just a little taller than me, but that makes Grayson growl in anger. I see my aunt pick up the vase, put a barrier around it, and wonder why the hell is that even out here. “Ryder come here. Please” He says almost pleading still glaring at my brother for some reason. My brother puts an arm in front of me to protect me, and says, “What do you want with my sister, hmm? Why do you want her so bad?” After my brother said the word sister then sighed, Grayson softened up a little bit. “You’re her brother? My name is Grayson Skylar. I’m the soon-to-be-alpha of this territory. Ryder, please let me answer your question from earlier.” I look at me so lovingly that I think I already know the answer. I look at my aunt and brother and nod letting them know that they can let the barrier down. When that is down Grayson makes his way to me slowly never breaking eye contact with me. When he gets close to me, I get out from behind my brother, and meet him in the middle. He takes my hands in his while he continues to look me in the eye still never breaking contact. It’s me that breaks eye contact because I’m embarrassed, and I’m wondering if I have something on my face, so I begin to blush. I begin to take my left hand away from him, but he tightens his grip just a little bit so I can’t let go of him. I look at him still blushing, and I notice him blushing just a little bit as well in the moonlight. Then I look away again. “Ryder look at me please.” he takes one of his hands away from my hands, and makes me look at him. I blush even more than I was just a minute ago. “Ryder Greenman, you are my ma….” Just as he was saying the words that I wanted to hear from are coming from him. I hear my aunt do a chant that has something to do with the vase. I turned to look at her, but as I did so suddenly the vase broke in the barrier. I see Zander fall down like he was hit on the back of the head, and then I suddenly feel all lightheaded. I feel big strong arms wrap around me catching me before I hit the ground, and then hear Grayson semi-yelling at my aunt saying, “What did you do to my mate? And what about her brother, hmmm?” I got my answer. I’m so happy, but it’s not the way that I wanted to know that I got my soulmate. I can feel myself smile, but then everything went dark and faded.
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